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Deploying application on Chrome Webstore with drone CI to an existing function

Build or Download a binary

The pre-compiled binaries can be downloaded from release page. Support the following OS type.

  • Windows amd64/386
  • Linux amd64/386
  • Darwin amd64/386

With Go installed

$ go get -u -v

or build the binary with the following command:

$ make build


Build the docker image with the following commands:

$ make docker

Please note incorrectly building the image for the correct x64 linux and with CGO disabled will result in an error when running the Docker image:

docker: Error response from daemon: Container command
'/drone-chromewebstore' not found or does not exist..

How to get required parameters

In order to use Chrome Webstore API you should create an account that is autorized, the process is a bit tricky, let see step by step what we need to do.

  1. Create a new application on Chorme Webstore
    • Go to (webstore developer dashboard]( (need you're registered as developer in order to publish application to all users)
    • Create a new application (button Add new item) and fill form with required information, the first time shoul should upload the first version of your application.
    • Save an copy the application ID (you can see it on URL, eg: on URL the hcolchlidglfiofiefppcdnkpbgphkgb part is the Application ID
  2. Create a new authorization, you should follow steps reported in Using the Chrome Web Store Publish API guide, o summarize:
    • Visit
    • Create a new project
    • Enable Chrome Webstore API for this project
    • Create auhentication credentials
    • Save your Client ID and Client Secret
    • Generate your Refresh Token and save it


Options available

  • flag --env-file: .env file to load (useful for debugging)
  • env variable $PLUGIN_APPLICATION or flag --application: the application ID
  • env variable $PLUGIN_CLIENT_ID or flag --client-id: Client ID
  • env variable $PLUGIN_CLIENT_SECRET or flag --client-secret: Client secret
  • env variable $PLUGIN_REFRESH_TOKEN or flag --refresh-token: Refresh token
  • env variable $PLUGIN_SOURCE or flag --source: Application source folder
  • env variable $PLUGIN_UPLOAD or flag --upload: indicate if we should upload application to webstore (true by default)
  • env variable $PLUGIN_PUBLISH or flag --publish: indicate if we should publish application in webstore (true by default)
  • env variable $PLUGIN_PUBLISH_TARGET or flag --publish-target: Publish target, should be default or trustedTesters (default by default)

Configure drone

Configure your drone instance to automatically upload / deploy your application. The configuration need some env variables that tipically are set in secrets section.

Your configuration should looks like:

  # Previous steps

    image: mavimo/drone-chromewebstore
    secrets: [plugin_application, plugin_client_id, plugin_client_secret, plugin_refresh_token]
    source: ./src
    upload: true
    publish: false
      event: [push]
      branch: [master]

    image: mavimo/drone-chromewebstore
    secrets: [plugin_application, plugin_client_id, plugin_client_secret, plugin_refresh_token]
    upload: false
    publish: true
    publish_target: trustedTesters
      event: deployment
      environment: staging

    image: mavimo/drone-chromewebstore
    secrets: [plugin_application, plugin_client_id, plugin_client_secret, plugin_refresh_token]
    upload: false
    publish: true
    publish_target: default
      event: deployment
      environment: production

  # Next steps

Where the upload-extension step publish the application using the information configured on drone secrets:

  • plugin_application: contains the application ID
  • plugin_client_id: contains the client ID
  • plugin_client_secret: contains the client secret
  • plugin_refresh_token: contains the refresh token generated before

The source parameter indicate the root folder of your application (should contains the manifest.json file)

The upload parameter indicate that we are going to zip and upload a new application version. NB: manifest.json should contains a version number bigger than already published version.

The publish parameter indicate that we are going to publish uploaded application. By default it publish to default group, but you should publish also to trustedTesters, for example when deploy on staging env.


Since is not possible publish the same version on webstore we should increase it each time, we should use the drone build ID. Edit manifest.json file

    // ...
    "version": "1.0.3.BUILD_NUMBER",
    // ...

and add to .drone.yml as step before upload (tune manifest path and when conditions):

    image: alpine
      - sed -i "s/BUILD_NUMBER/$DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER/g" src/manifest.json
      event: push

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