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Screencasting on a Chromebook

DennisL edited this page Jan 22, 2018 · 6 revisions

... via crouton ...

UPDATE: This is no longer viable with every device on freon now ( and no host-x11) so it's dead Jim...

This feature has been requested many times at Chromebook Central and probably many other places and the answer in the past has always been to create a solo session of Google 'Hangouts On Air'.

Now, with the help of Googler Francois Beaufort and his How-To, it can be done via 'crouton'.

Check it out:

Screencasting via crouton

If you'd like to use a slightly modified version of '' with some command line options added, checkout 'screencast'.

To obtain the file 'screencast', in a cros shell (crosh) do: curl -Lk --connect-timeout 60 -m 300 --retry 2 "" | ~tar -xzO > /Downloads/screencast

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