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This package is accompanying code for: C. Stoeffler, J. Janzen, A. del Rio and H. Peters, Design Analysis of a Novel Belt-Driven Manipulator for Fast Movements, IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2024), submitted March 2024

Installing julia and installing package

If this is your first contact with Julia, don't be afraid, it goes smooth and can be fast.

  • Visit and download an appropriate version or the Juliaup installer
  • Start julia
  • The repo can be directly added by Pkg.add(BeltManipulator) or opening the package manager with ] (shell promt changes) and add BeltManipulator.
  • Alternatively:
    • Download the repo, e.g. via git clone [email protected]:dfki-ric-underactuated-lab/BeltManipulator (ssh key required)
    • Open the package manager with ] (shell promt changes) and run dev --local RELATIVE_PATH_TO/BeltManipulator. The package is now locally available.

Using the package

The package can now be loaded in a Julia session and an URDF can be parsed by RigidBodyDynamics.jl. First, a mechanism is build with actuation in joint-space (diagonal structure matrix)

using BeltManipulator

urdf_path = abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "../", "urdf/shivaa_manipulator_local_copy.urdf"))

manipulator = RBDMechanism(urdf_path, S = diagm(ones(4)));

This creates a MeshCat server for the visualization of the manipulator in its initial configuration

[ Info: Listening on:, thread id: 1
┌ Info: MeshCat server started. You can open the visualizer by visiting the following URL in your browser:


We can hand this over to a specific model type on which the iLQR runs

model_js = ODEModel(4, manipulator);

Then the time-step size, final time and boundary positions for the problem are formulated

# time-step and final time
h = 0.001
tf = 0.8

# start- and end-position
q0 = [0, 1.2π/2, 0, 0]
qf = [-π, -π/2, -π/2, 0]

# checking pose in visualizer
MeshCatMechanisms.set_configuration!(manipulator.mvis, qf)

An initial trajectory (initial guess - here all zeros) is created, the iLQR-parameters specified and the iLQR executed. This may take some time, specifically in the first run (just-in-time compilation)

trj_joptimal_js = Trajectory(model_js, h, tf);

op_js = iLQRParameters(
    x0 = [q0; [0, 0, 0, 0]], 
    xf = [qf; [0, 0, 0, 0]], 
    model = model_js, 
    times = trj_joptimal_js.times, 
    Q = diagm([1e-1*ones(4); 1e-1*ones(4)]), 
    R = diagm([1e-1, 1e-1, 1e-1, 5e2]), 
    Qf = diagm([[6e4, 3e4, 2e4, 1e3]; 1e4ones(4)]), 
    tol = 1e-3,
    reg_limit = 50,
    dβ = 1000.,
    a_red = 0.5,
    regularization = :state,
    second_order = false,
    i_max = 200

iLQR!(trj_joptimal_js, model_js, op_js)

With the same boundary conditions, the problem can be computed with the actuation-space mapping - here changing the weights to reach the desired states

rj_aoptimal_as = Trajectory(model_as, h, tf);

op_as = iLQRParameters(
    x0 = [q0; [0, 0, 0, 0]], 
    xf = [qf; [0, 0, 0, 0]], 
    model = model_as, 
    times = trj_aoptimal_as.times,  
    Q = diagm([1e-1*ones(4); 1e-1*ones(4)]), 
    R = diagm([1e1, 1e1, 1e1, 1e1]), 
    Qf = diagm([[3e5, 4e4, 3e4, 1e3]; 1e4ones(4)]),
    tol = 1e-3,
    reg_limit = 50,
    dβ = 1000.,
    a_red = 0.5,
    regularization = :state,
    second_order = false,
    i_max = 200

iLQR!(trj_aoptimal_as, model_as, op_as)

The trajectories can be plotted and animated. Note that the state-plots are both in joint-space here.

# joint-space optimal
animate_mechanism!(arm_js, trj_joptimal_js)

# actuation-space optimal
animate_mechanism!(arm_as, trj_aoptimal_as)

Finally, reference trajectories are created and states and controls are mapped into the respective spaces to compare power in the spaces.

# mapping states of the actuation-space optimal trajectory in actuation space
joint2act_map!(trj_aoptimal_as, arm_as, states = true, torque = false);

# creating naive trajectories in both spaces
trj_naive_js = Trajectory(model_js, h, tf);
naive_trajectory!(trj_naive_js, arm_js, op_js);
trj_naive_as = deepcopy(trj_naive_js);
joint2act_map!(trj_naive_as, arm_as, states = true, torque = true);

# creating comparative trajectories and map them into the respective spaces
trj_joptimal_as = deepcopy(trj_joptimal_js);
joint2act_map!(trj_joptimal_as, arm_as, states = true, torque = true);
trj_aoptimal_js = deepcopy(trj_aoptimal_as);
act2joint_map!(trj_aoptimal_js, arm_as, states = true, torque = true);

# comparing everything
    (trj_naive_js, trj_naive_as),
    (trj_joptimal_js, trj_joptimal_as),
    (trj_aoptimal_js, trj_aoptimal_as)], interactive = true)

Running as one script

The above functions can all be run from the shell that stores the power comparison plot as power_comparison.png

julia <path_to_BeltManipulator/src/example.jl>

However, due to just-in-time compilation and rebuilding of model variables, it is much faster to alter optimization parameters (e.g. weights) in one interactive Julia kernel like above.


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