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SparCraft Simulation Settings

davechurchill edited this page Sep 12, 2014 · 3 revisions

SparCraft can easily be used to run combat simulations without editing a single line of code! The SearchExperiment class parses and runs experiments which are specified in a settings file, which will be explained here. Settings must be entered one per line, with blank lines and lines starting with a # (comments) being ignored.

Sample Experiment File

Here is a sample experiment configuration file. It should be enough for most people to start performing their own simulations, but just in case it isn't there's a detailed explanation following below. Options can be entered into the configuration file in any order.


To run a simulation you'll first need players. The Player class in SparCraft is an abstract class which has many Player_Type sub-classes. These sub-classes contain the logic which generates UnitActions from a given state. Essentially, Players define the behaviour that your units will follow. For example, the Player_AttackClosest class will generate moves in which units attack the closest enemy unit to them.

Players are specified in the settings file with the following syntax:


Since this is a 2-player simulation only, PLAYER_ID must be a 0 or a 1, specifying which side the Player object will be assigned to. PLAYER_TYPE is a unique string identifying which Player class is to be used. PARAMS is a list of parameters which is specific to the type of player being added. Any Player_ sub-class in SparCraft can be defined in the settings file, for example:

Player 0 AlphaBeta 40 20 ScriptFirst Playout NOKDPS NOKDPS Alternate None
Player 0 UCT 40 1.6 5000 20 ScriptFirst Playout NOKDPS NOKDPS Alternate None
Player 1 PortfolioGreedySearch NOKDPS 1 0
Player 1 NOKDPS
Player 1 AttackClosest

You can add multiple Player specifications to each side in the settings file. This will result in the all players from side 0 competing against all players from side 1 in sequence, creating a matrix of results. Exact syntax for each type of player is found in the sample experiment file.

A full list of supported Player strings is as follows:

// scripted players

// search-based players

State Specification

Note: By default, SparCraft has a maximum of 50 units per state per player. This can be changed in Common.h

Now that the players are specified, we can tell the simulation which initial states will be used. Specifically, these parameters will define how the initial GameState class is constructed which will be passed into the Game to be played. There are 3 categories of states that can be specified by the game settings file: StateDescriptionFile, SymmetricState, and SeparatedState. States are specified as follows:


Where STATE_TYPE is one of the listed types above, NUM_STATES is how many of that state is to be used, and PARAMS is additional parameters.

StateDescriptionFile states are exactly what they sound like, states which are defined by an external file which lists all initial Units and their properties. The format for specifying this in the settings file is:

State StateDescriptionFile NUM_STATES FILE_NAME

Where FILE_NAME is the file which contains the state description. These description files have the following format, specifying the initial conditions for each Unit in the state, one unit per line:


Where UNIT_TYPE is a valid BWAPI::UnitType class with any spaces in the name replaced with underscores. PLAYERID is 0 or 1, corresponding to which side the unit belongs to. (POSX, POSY) are integer values corresponding to the initial placement of the unit on the map. An example of such a file is:

Protoss_Dragoon 0 100 100
Terran_Marine 1 200 200
Terran_Vulture 1 220 220

Which specifies a Protoss Dragoon fighting against a Terran Marine and a Terran Vulture at the specified locations.

SymmetricState states, unlike StateDescriptionFile states are automatically generated states based on a list of parameters. Unit types are specified and given to both players at randomly symmetric positions centered about a given point on the map with the given bounds. The syntax is as follows:

State StateSymmetric NUM_STATES MaxX MaxY [UnitType UnitNum]+

Where MaxX, MaxY specicy the X and Y side lengths of a bounding box in which the random position is to be generated. Followed by this is 1 or more specifications of UnitType, the type of unit to be added and UnitNum, the number of that unit to be added. Each of these will be given a randomly symmetric position for each player. An example is:

State StateSymmetric 10 128 128 Protoss_Dragoon 16 Protoss_Zealot 16

This will generate 10 different randomly symmetric states with each player receiving 16 Dragoons and 16 Zealots within a 128x128 bounding box of the center of the map. For each unit given to player 0 at position MID + (rx, ry) the same unit is given to player 1 at position MID + (-rx,-ry).

A sample Symmetric State:

SeparatedState states are similar to SymmetricStates, however instead of all units being centered about a given point, two midpoints are specified and each player's unit is placed randomly symmetrically about his own given point. This can be used to fairly generate states in which each player's force is initially separated from the other player's force, which is typically how StarCraft battles are started. The syntax is:

State SeparatedState NumStates MaxX MaxY cx0 cy0 cx1 cy1 [UnitType UnitNum]+

Where this time, player center points are specified by (cx0, cy0) and (cx1, cy1).

A sample Separated State:

SymmetricState and SeparatedState are simply meant for easy generation of random starting states. These states could also be generated by specifying them in your own StateDescriptionFile states.

Results File


This is the prefix of a filename where results will be stored. 3 files will be created:

  • Experiment Configuration Backup (FILE_config.txt)
  • Experiment Results Raw (FILE_results_raw.txt)
  • Experiment Results Summary (FILE_results_summary.txt)

If the boolean specified is TRUE then a time stamp will be added after the specified filename. Directories in path must exist, they won't be created.

The Experiments Results Raw file contains the results of each experiment battle, one per line. The format of the output is as follows:

P1    P2    ST  UNIT       EVAL    RND           MS | UnitType PlayerID CurrentHP XPos YPos
  • P1 - Index of Player 1 player type
  • P2 - Index of Player 2 player type
  • ST - Index of State played
  • UNIT - Number of units in initial state of battle
  • EVAL - LTD2 evaluation of final battle state
  • RND - Number of rounds played in battle
  • MS - Total battle time in milliseconds
  • | - Separator, following which are properties of each unit remaining in resulting state
  • UnitType - The BWAPI::UnitType of the unit
  • PlayerID - The player who owns the unit
  • CurrentHP - The remaining HP of the unit
  • XPos, YPod - Final Position of the unit

Unit properties are listed in that order for each remaining unit.

The Experiments Results Summary file contains a matrix of size P1*P2 with each entry (i,j) representing the total score between player one using player i and player 2 using player j, where score = wins + draws/2

Map File



File specifying a [Map Map] to be used for the experiment. If no map is used, a default one will be created of size 1280*720 pixels with all tiles walkable. This is to create an 'arena' setting where units cannot run away indefinitely.



Display BOOL PATH_TO\starcraft_images\

If the boolean is set to true, an OpenGL visualization will be launched which visualizes the battle in real time at up to ~1000fps (1ms average draw time). Note that this option is only relevant if visualization libraries are enabled in Common.h

Using the visualizer does not affect results of your experiments in any way, as frames are drawn between Player decision episodes. However they will probably slow down the experiment a little as they do add about 1ms per frame to draw.

PATH_TO\starcraft_images\ is the path to the StarCraft sprite .png files available in SparCraft/starcraft_images. Please only use these images if you own the retail version of StarCraft, as they are copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment.