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How to release openHAB

Thomas E.-E. edited this page Mar 1, 2014 · 10 revisions

Follow these steps if you want to release a new version of openHAB. Later we plan to leverage the Maven Release Plugin to facilitate these steps.

  1. Pull the latest state from the repository into a fresh and empty directory

     git clone [email protected]:openhab/openhab.git
  2. Open a command-line and go to the openhab directory

  3. Set project version to release version with the Tycho Versions plugin

     export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m"; mvn -P prepare-release initialize -DnewVersion=1.x.0
  4. Manually change ./products/org.openhab.runtime.product/category.xml file. Replace 1.x.0.qualifier by 1.x.0

  5. Manually change ./products/org.openhab.designer.product/category.xml file. Replace 1.x.0.qualifier by 1.x.0

  6. Manually change version in .//bundles/archetype/org.openhab.archetype.binding/pom.xml file.

  7. Manually change version in .//bundles/archetype/org.openhab.archetype.action/pom.xml file.

  8. Execute a Maven build

     mvn -P deploy clean deploy -Drepo.url=dav: -Dp2.repo.dir=p2 -Dapt.repo.dir=apt-repo
  9. Install and extensively test the created binaries

  10. Commit the changed files

     git commit -a -m "prepare for 1.x.0 release"
  11. Create a release tag with pattern v<version>

     git tag v1.x.0
  12. Increment to next development version

     mvn -P prepare-next-snapshot initialize -DnewVersion=1.y.0
  13. Manually change ./products/org.openhab.runtime.product/category.xml file. Replace 1.y.0 by 1.y.0.qualifier

  14. Manually change ./products/org.openhab.designer.product/category.xml file. Replace 1.y.0 by 1.y.0.qualifier

  15. Execute a Maven build with goals clean verify to assure that everything builds

     mvn clean verify
  16. Commit the changes

     git commit -a -m "increment to next development version 1.y.0"
  17. Push the changes including the tag to the server

     git push origin master --tags
  18. Switch to the root directoy of openHAB

to be continued …





Release Notes

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