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peuter edited this page Feb 16, 2014 · 10 revisions

Documentation of the CometVisu Backend


This adds a backend for the web based visualization CometVisu ( The CometVisu is a highly customizable visualization, that runs in any browser. Despite the existing browser based UI´s in openHAB, the CometVisu does not read the sitemaps. The layout is defined with an XML-based configuration file.

This is just a short overview, more details will be added soon!


  1. Installation of subversion on the RasPi:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install subversion
  2. Download of the CometVisu SVN
    Assumptions: openHAB is installed in the directory openHAB, CometVisu is located in webapps/cometVISU
    cd openHAB/webapps
    svn co svn:// cometVISU
  3. For an update later on you just need to do this
    cd openHAB/webapps
    svn update cometVISU
    Note: This information ist taken from here. As long as the PHP runtime is not available (see Known Problems), the chmod described there is not required.


  • Copy the addon*.jar to the openHAB addon folder
  • Then just extract the release folder of the downloaded CometVisu archive in openHAB´s webapps folder and rename it to, e.g. cometVISU.


This is a first small sample implementation. Actually only the items below are implemented:

  • number
  • switch
  • contact
  • dimmer

Please feel free to add more items.

Some basic examples:

  • ColorItem (will be supported in the next CometVisu-Release 0.8.2) => ` Color


Please note: You have to add the colorchooser plugin in the meta>plugins section of you config

Known problems

Some parts of the CometVisu need a PHP runtime. As this is not included in Jetty, the following parts do not work:

  • Editor
  • Configuration check
  • Configuration upgrade (only needed if you upgrade your CometVisu to a new release)

Currently the only workaround is to build, edit and maintain your CometVisu configuration manually with an XML editor of your choice.


will be available soon, meanwhile some screenshots can be found here:






Release Notes

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