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How to Report A Bug

croneter edited this page Jan 5, 2019 · 29 revisions

Help yourself

  • Have you checked the Frequently Asked Questions? Chances are the solution to your problem is known and has already been solved
  • Try to restart Kodi :-)
  • If that did not help, try to reset your PKC Addon and the Kodi database:
    • PKC Settings -> Advanced -> "Partial or Full Reset of Database and PKC".
    • Then choose Yes (to reset the Kodi database), Yes (to delete the cached artwork) and No (to not reset all PKC settings)

If you're still having problems, let me know. However, without your log files, no-one can help you

Report your problem

- Delete your Plex tokens (=passwords) in the log file!!

If the above did not help, first make sure that your bug is yet unheard of:

  1. Check the known Issues whether you have discovered a new bug
  2. If you did indeed discover a new bug: Activate Kodi's debug logging by going to the Kodi Settings -> System -> Logging. Then toggle the Enable debug logging setting.
  3. Follow the Kodi instructions and try to reproduce the bug so you can catch it in your logs. We need the normal kodi.log log-file, you can find it here
  4. Don't forget to delete all references to any of your Plex tokens by searching for X-Plex-Token and accesstoken and replacing the strings just after that! It's easiest if you copy your token, then use Search&Replace for the entire log file. You don't want others to have access to your Plex installation
  5. Open a new issue on Github
    • Describe the problem and be as specific and detailed as possible
    • Include your log in the issue directly, ideally. Or use a free pasting-service like and include the link in the issue

No-one can help you without your log files

I published my Plex token to some forum or Github. Anyone can now access my Plex Server!

Not good - theoretically anyone can now access your Plex Media Server! Please revoke the specific PlexKodiConnect token by using Plex Web and navigating to Settings - Authorized Devices and deleting the device where you took the log file from. When in doubt, delete all PlexKodiConnect tokens