8.2.0 (2019-12-05)
- getTarget: return array like when allElements parameter is true (#1687) (0702c45)
- Tooltip: default value of trigger changed (#1695) (ae48d93), closes #1676
- ButtonToggle: add focus styling on button and toggle (#1660) (8980713), closes #1648
- Container: Added responsive container support (#1724) (31bb211), closes #1721
- ListGroup: Add horizontal prop (#1715) (284a543)
- Navbar: adds NavbarText component (#1711) (6db1083), closes #1707
- Popover/Tooltip: add popperClassName property (#1674) (44e85a8), closes #1484
- Row: Add row columns support (#1720) (1fb3c17)
- UncontrolledDropdown: add onToggle callback (#1705) (d9cae30)
8.1.1 (2019-10-18)
- Carousel: rename unsafe lifecycles (940438f)
- Dropdown: fixed a11y property error message (#1673)(87d28b6), closes #1670
8.1.0 (2019-10-18)
- ButtonDropdown: add close event when Escape key is pressed (#1634) (#1635) (911d779)
- Carousel: Add pointer on hover for controls (#1654) (32f0c0d), closes #1631
- Collapse: add aria-expanded attribute (#1657) (2fdf15a)
- CustomInput: remove type prop from input node when type is select (3e4c23f)
- CustomInput[type=file]: add CustomFileInput component (#1461) (25e2480), closes #1460
- Dropdown: disabled toggle (#1571) (b4edeb8), closes #1542
- Tooltip: Support for multiple target elements (#1465) (45775c0), closes #1185 #1185 #1185 #1185
- UncontrolledCarousel: use item.key instead of item.src as… (#1649) (5b9e758), closes #1536
- Popover: PopperContent memory leak (#1669) (54d459c), closes #1482 #1488 #1664
- Dropdown: add a11y prop to tab moves focus (#1600) (1bd965f), closes #1441
- NavbarToggler: add aria-label to NavbarToggler (#1633) (dc0b8ae), closes #1632
8.0.1 (2019-07-10)
- DropdownMenu: Allow positionFixed prop to be passed through (#1538) (01466ae), closes #1473
- FormGroup: allow disable when tag is fieldset (#1547) (0736f80), closes #1546
- Modal: handle init modal in SSR (#1495) (c844ab1)
- Modal: update condition to call
in case open mo… (#1514) (ae6fe93) - Tooltip: clear timeouts on unmount (#1562) (e85238b), closes #1255
8.0.0 (2019-04-03)
- Carousel: remove inappropriate role=listbox (#1385) (32eb8ed)
- Modal: fix exception in focus management (#1382) (5cc9af5)
- Modal: set Modal.openCount floor to 0 (#1368) (71f9574)
- Popover: touch not opening popover on mobile (#1425) (#1426) (ad2a9a0)
- Table: add CSS Module support for responsive Table (#1429) (#1430) (1e2dc5b)
- utils: Shim Element in non-DOM environments (#1387) (eb4ee93)
- CustomInput: added htmlFor prop (#1417) (a590880)
- Modal: add optional return focus after close (#1424) (33cfce6)
- Modal: add scrollable prop (#1435) (9f7dd45)
- pagination-links: added props for first and last. changed carets… (#1410) (70cfca2)
- Popover: add default toggleable fade support (#1364) (#1364) (ee15c86), closes #363
- Popover/Tooltip: ability to pass through flip prop (#1443) (4a5a8a3)
- Toast: add support for Toasts (#1447) (7ea7610), closes #1384 #1346
- Modal, Dropdown{*}, PopperContent, Tabs: using new Context API, react-popper v. '1.3.3'
- pagination-links: Now the
props are displaying single carets instead of double caret. To get the old style, usefirst
props instead ofprevious
respectfully and setaria-label
. - Popover: Popover and Tooltip will now fade in and out (like bootstrap's default). To get the previous behavior use fade={false}
prop: useCard
prop: useInput
prop: useDropdown
prop with the value of"up"
prop: useNavbar
prop (see docs)`.- inverse prop: use
prop. - CardBlock: use
. - InputGroupButton: use
. - NavDropdown: use
prop. - PopoverContent: use
. - PopoverTitle: use
. - UncontrolledNavDropdown: use
7.1.0 (2019-01-15)
- support forwardRef components as tag (4cda8bf)
- Popover: add legacy trigger, replacing unreleased isInteractive prop (6b3c3ce)
- Popover: backward-compatible Popover behavior (#1360) (1d5ce83), closes #1349
- Spinner: Add spinner component (#1352) (45952e2), closes #1347
- Switch: Add support for CustomInput type='switch' (#1353) (7c1e166), closes #1348
7.0.2 (2018-12-31)
7.0.1 (2018-12-31)
7.0.0 (2018-12-29)
- CardTitle,CardSubtitle: div as default tag (#1298) (ea0f1f0), closes #1297
- CarouselIndicators: li key generate from provided item values (#1311) (fd7506d), closes #1310
- Dropdown: enter key triggers onClick -- correction (#1306) (6b50732)
- Dropdown: improve keyboard ux, WAI-ARIA (#1293) (506c46a)
- Dropdown: Null check on children (#1294) (#1295) (dcfde3b)
- FormGroup: remove
(#1270) (01eb5f9), closes #1269 - Input: make plaintext output input by default (#1226) (ff64c76), closes #1225
- Modal: don't propagate handled escape key event (#1317) (5d45b26)
- Modal: only show backdrop when prop is true (#1271) (07ec4b5), closes #1267
- PopperContent: Use create portal instead of unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer (#1254) (81da8c5), closes #1216
- Badge: allow innerRef (#1264) (2caaaa5)
- CardBody: add innerRef to CardBody (#1318) (4b0474f), closes #1314
- Table: add innerRef prop (#1296) (bb84c85)
- Tooltip,Popover: base component for Tooltip and Popover (#1222) (b45907b), closes #1022 #1181
- Input: previously plaintext on Input would output a 'p' tag. To better line up with bootstrap it will not output an 'input' tag. If you need a 'p' tag, provide tag="p" prop
- Popover: Popover will no longer dismiss when clicking away from it. To get this behaviour please use trigger="focus". In 7.1.0, trigger="legacy" has been added to get the exact previous behavior.
6.5.0 (2018-10-04)
- boundariesElement: add DOMElement to allowed proptypes (#1238) (cfe7318)
- Dropdown: enter key triggers onClick (#1232) (f2528da), closes #1228
- Modal: do not trigger focus on SVG elements (#1212) (c7e6ef5), closes #1208
- Modal: use static openCount to become resilient to classList modification (#1190) (c8ceeeb), closes #1189
- Tooltip: clear timers on component unmount (#1180) (9fea409)
- Button: add close icon support (#1206) (02f5e9a), closes #1182
- FormGrid: Add form-row (#1237) (205e80d), closes #1195
- Modal: add custom close button (#1168) (5f33a1a)
- Popover/Tooltip: Implented usage of react 16.3 RefObject as target (#1200) (0eade39), closes #1198
6.4.0 (2018-08-17)
- Modal: don't fade backdrop if there is no transition (#1172) (77e7beb), closes #1100
- Modal: prevent scrollbar from closing (#1165) (9d7948f), closes #1097
- Dropdown: Select first element matching pressed key (#1160) (abbac56), closes #1156
- Modal: add charCode prop for custom icon (#1162) (4d19b09), closes #1155
- Modal: return focus after modal closes (#1175) (1b27c49), closes #1174
- Modal: trap focus in modal (#1161) (e6781d7), closes #310
- Popover/Tooltip: add boundariesElement prop (#1149) (02b4555), closes #1118
6.3.1 (2018-07-27)
- Collapse: add function and string to innerRef propType (#1129) (f380b41), closes #1054
- CustomInput: allow any node for label (#1095) (c1374b4)
6.3.0 (2018-07-10)
6.2.0 (2018-06-28)
- Carousel: allow true, false, undefined, null and children of Carousel (#1064) (478870b), closes #1063
- Modal: allow innerRef to be function or string (#1091) (aceaf22)
- tooltip: fixed tooltip not disappearing on mobile (#1083) (e6a1313), closes #1004
- Tooltip: Pass down cssModule (#1075) (#1076) (4fb05b2)
- alert: add ability to disable fade (#1078) (c71f1d4), closes #824
- Collapse: add ref to collapse component (#1067) (9d3126c), closes #1054
- feedback-tooltip: add feedback tooltip (#1074) (baee9a4), closes #1062
- Modal: add ref to Modal (#1087) (015d16d), closes #1082
- Tooltip: add innerRef (#1090) (214da8c), closes #1089
- Tooltip: pass event to toggle callback (#1096) (9dad68b), closes #1094 #1072
6.1.0 (2018-06-04)
- Input: type attribute should not render for select and textarea (#1041) (2e45d8a), closes #1038
- Media: fix default tags (267dfe0), closes #979
- Modal: closes when dragging outside modal (#1047) (cccd7af), closes angular-ui/bootstrap#5810
- PaginationLink: do not render invalid anchor tags (7266214)
- UncontrolledCollapse: collapsing on mobile (#1043) (dcc1dda), closes #1034
- addMultipleEventListeners: handle singles (d124b27)
- exports: mark reactstrap as sideEffects free (#1005) (b68826d)
- Form: add submit to component (4e10dd9)
- Input: make it easier to focus (e3124af)
- Tooltip: add tooltip accessibility (#1025) (a2138a8), closes #1012
- Tooltip,Popover: add offset prop (#1018) (3561e3c)
- UncontrolledCollapse: add UncontrolledCollapse (#1009) (355d2b8)
6.0.1 (2018-05-02)
6.0.0 (2018-05-01)
- DropdownMenu: add x-placement attribute (#966) (0f4a4cb), closes #962
- innerRef: allow createRef as a ref (a5795b8)
- Modal: update zindex when prop is changed (#937) (01667c1)
- UncontrolledCarousel: add bootstrap classes to img to make it responsive (#934) (9f7b741)
- UncontrolledCarousel: added header item prop (#964) (62b79fb), closes #943
- CustomInput: add custom checkboxes/radios (#985) (312e729)
- CustomInput: add more custom inputs (#991) (ccdb7f2), closes #534
- Dropdown: setActiveFromChild prop (#977) (1b47757)
- DropdownMenu: add Popper modifiers (#929) (f28ef8a), closes #811
- DropdownMenu: allow menu to persist (840adb2), closes #779
- Table: add
option (#956) (210b53f)
with type="textarea" can no longer have children. To set the value of the textarea please usevalue
the same as you would for input type="text".
5.0.0 (2018-03-23)
- Modal: don't add or remove multi body classes (6ec3174)
- Modal: Ensure that
exists before removing it. (#916) (7faa32a), closes #918
- Modal: reactstrap now requires a minimum react version of 16. Please update your version of react to 16 (from 15 to 16 is very seamless).
5.0.0-beta.3 (2018-03-19)
- Dropdown: Add active prop to Dropdown (#895) (45de5c5), closes #827
- Modal: pass event object to toggle prop (#903) (f6aacfa)
5.0.0-beta.2 (2018-02-27)
- Col: pass cssModule to mapToCSSModules not push (#857) (7887364), closes #856
- Modal: map body class name before removing (#817) (f099d31), closes #665 #763
- UncontrolledNavDropdown: add missing props param (#812) (b35cdcb)
- Col: Set col class only if no other cols are specified (#842) (5a9aa63), closes #750
- Dropdown: Add support for dropleft and dropright (#813) (2b71fd6), closes #785
- FormFeedback: Support valid feedback. (#840) (9b49091)
- Input: add invalid prop (#858) (ba8fc39), closes #850
- Modal: add ability to have external content (#854) (9c1b71a), closes #853
- Modal: added support for React Portal (#796) (49a7f99), closes #601 #761 #645
- Popover/Tooltip: add ability to hide arrow (#814) (#815) (43efe8b)
- Col: Col no longer adds .col class by default when you have other columns specified. To get this class back, simply add the prop xs.
- Input: the valid prop no longer applies the is-invalid class when false. Use the new invalid prop to apply that class.
5.0.0-beta (2018-01-31)
- CardTitle: default tag to h5 (#794) (65194c1)
- **CarouselIndicators
:** fix class name when using
cssModule` (#726) (57d07e3) - Input: honor Tag prop (#795) (bcefdaa), closes #783
- Label: remove unused
class (#695) (b7567c7) - Modal: check this.props.toggle exists before using it (#700) (80c0cde)
- ModalHeader: default tag to h5 (#793) (6a5fe7e)
- Util: window.getComputedStyle can return null in Firefox (#782) (6914f73)
- CarouselItem: Make CarouselItem accept children of any type (#735) (eea7d1b), closes #641 #719
- Col/Label: Removed pull/push and added order (#696) (7c5e690)
- cssModule: expose global cssModule setter (#729) (adc8736)
- Dropdown: disable popper when inNavbar (#692) (b5c7612), closes #637
- InputGroup: Deprecate InputGroupButton (#769) (5c5c205)
- InputGroup: Update for BS 4-beta.3 (#762) (fa3555f), closes #759
- ListGroup:* Added missing cssModule support (#784) (df264a8)
- Popover/Tooltip: add ability to pass modifiers to Popper.js (#710) (bc6518e), closes #709
- Table: BS4 beta 2 updates for Table (#694) (3377cdc)
- Table: BS4 beta 3 revert responsive table (#757) (ee08d21)
- CardTitle: CardTitle now defaults to h5 instead of h4. If you still need h4 add tag="h4"
- ModalHeader: ModalHeader now defaults to h5 instead of h4. If you still need h4 add tag="h4"
5.0.0-alpha.4 (2017-11-16)
- FormGroup,Label: Fix inline radio- and checkboxes (#624) (e9b7803)
- getTarget: do not return null; throw (#623) (e1d3b5f)
- Input: fix size prop (#662) (cc2bd13), closes #660
- Label: remove disabled prop (#626) (25c1e38)
- ModalHeader: Use css modules in close button (#629) (2cd6f21), closes #628
- UncontrolledCarousel: fix autoPlay={false} (#654) (839419e), closes #653
- Carousel: add className to carousel components (#682) (d23b28a), closes #669
- CarouselItem: support tag prop on carousel item (#681) (1e70e64)
- Dropdown: Add nav prop to Dropdown (#636) (48edd6b)
- getTarget: throw when string not in DOM (#622) (e71c427), closes #620
- NavItem: add active prop to NavItem (#688) (2a8bffb), closes #678
5.0.0-alpha.3 (2017-10-03)
- Build: Cross-platform postbuild support, improved Readme documentation, updated dependencies. (#608) (681738c)
- Collapse,Fade: Ensuring props don't leak to child (#598) (1a94b0f), closes #597
- Modal: Update classes for fixed content detection (#600) (9b41e13)
- PaginationLink: handle empty children array correctly (#511) (#604) (c090ea7)
5.0.0-alpha.2 (2017-09-28)
5.0.0-alpha.1 (2017-09-23)
- Dropdown: keyboard control/navigation (ac90f51), closes #580
- Input: add plaintext prop (d0c6e82), closes #485
5.0.0-alpha.0 (2017-09-21)
- Add container to Popover and Tooltip (759934b)
- Carousel: use prop-types in carousel (#503) (e1bdadb)
- CSSModules: pass modules to child components (#483) (12270d0)
- Label: fix xs col class (#512) (683dbdb), closes #510
- Modal: add workaround for Modal auto focus (f12057d)
- Navbar: better backwards compatibility (aefbdd7)
- NavbarToggler: fix syntax error (a460912)
- PaginationLink: handle empty children array (#511) (72d82a3), closes #494
- popper: account for touchstart (9b80d11), closes #456 #458
- popperjs: fixed error in build (#571) (0a9394d)
- Tooltip/Popover: fix className/add innerClassName (a2a33e3)
- aria: add closeAriaLabel (#525) (3b4c0e6), closes #524
- Badge: handle links (9b32cee)
- Card: update Card for bs v4 beta (c4609e2)
- Dropdown: update Dropdown for bs v4 beta (53687fa)
- Modal: onOpened and onClosed callbacks for modals (#434) (87c6c4e), closes #306
- Nav/Navbar: update to bs v4 beta (5395e8d)
- Popover: update popovers to bs v4 beta (bb00f4c)
- popper: add container prop to popper (fd59d37)
- popperjs: use popperjs instead of tether (#561) (5413022)
- UncontrolledCarousel: add UncontrolledCarousel (627a73e)
- util: add warnOnce and deprecated fns (5faa94d)
- validation: add/update form validation (8b2386f)
- validation: The color prop has been removed from FromGroup, see the valid prop on Input.
- popperjs: getRef has been renamed to innerRef to line up with other libraries.
- popperjs: tether props have been removed.
4.8.0 (2017-06-28)
4.7.0 (2017-06-27)
- Alert: map close class css modules (#471) (2e3c687), closes #470
- DropdownToggle: ensures color attribute is not leaked (d1448e0), closes #461 PR#402
- Label: add form-control-label to appropriate Label components (#452) (2e86132)
- Modal: add back attribute passthrough (#444) (b598a40), closes #443
- Navbar: remove default navigation role (f607b2c), closes #463
4.6.2 (2017-05-16)
4.6.1 (2017-05-15)
4.6.0 (2017-05-15)
- ButtonDropdown: allow overwriting the group prop (#425) (663551b)
- DropdownToggle: add missing proptype (color) (#402) (c137697)
- Modal: fix bug where closing modal removed wrong modal-open string in class (#410) (22d5c3f)
- PropTypes: import PropTypes from prop-types (#395) (9080217)
- react-addons: move to external react-transition-group dependency (#399) (a4fec3c)
- Modal: add autoFocus prop for disabling auto focus (#389) (6338fc3)
- Modal: Support fade and timeout props in the Modal component to allow configuring + disabling of the fade effect (#339) (babee0f)
4.5.0 (2017-04-03)
- Button: only default to button when click is handled (#383) (af3ccbe)
- lib: import/export not getting transpiled in lib dir (#384) (2e2a5da)
4.4.0 (2017-03-31)
- Col: account for 0 col properties (#378) (fe48e9e)
- DropDownItem: when href use
tag (#377) (96616af), closes #367 - Modal: pass in cssModule to Fade components (#373) (be34d19)
- Button: default type to button (#376) (ebbeba7)
- DropdownItem: Add toggle switch to allow conditional toggle (#346) (578a61b)
- Tooltip: enable target element option (#356) (2023036)
4.3.0 (2017-03-14)
- Modal: default zIndex to 1050 (#343) (8d0f4ec), closes #342
- Nav: update props available (#338) (992e4e6)
4.2.0 (2017-02-14)
- Modal: unmounting nested modals (#321) (ecf51b2)
- Progress: add custom classNames to progress-bar (#319) (25fdb77), closes #318
- Modal: add various className props to modal (#320) (c7b2b3e), closes #257
- Modal: Make toggle prop optional (#325) (5e98ea3)
4.1.1 (2017-01-31)
4.1.0 (2017-01-28)
- Col: add custom widths ability to Col (#309) (8487598), closes #297
- Collapse: Add onOpened and onClosed events (#277) (#301) (6c5621f)
- Uncontrolled: add uncontrolled components (#307) (2f648c1)
4.0.1 (2017-01-11)
- Navbar: updated fixed class names (481bc14)
- Navbar: support sticky prop on navbar (d8a9727)
4.0.0 (2017-01-11)
- Col: support disabled width props (#283) (2a36601)
- Collapse: component height & navbar class (#284) (0237cd4)
- Modal: Update ModalHeader close button (#281) (a9dc654)
- Navbar: remove default toggleable class (#285) (19b32cd)
- Navbar: - Navbar no longer applies a default
class, as it is not required for all Navbar configurations.
4.0.0-alpha.8 (2017-01-06)
- cssModules: adding missing classes (#271) (e8e818b)
- Progress: enchance multiple progress bars (#271)
Progress component now requires multi
prop on the outer component for nested progress bars. Inner Progress components will require the bar
prop for nested progress bars.
4.0.0-alpha.7 (2017-01-05)
- Col: update classes based on alpha.6 changes (#267) (89ff16c)
- Collapse: add navbar prop (#266) (c1b633a)
- Nav: update navbar prop class value (#265)([f979aae54a8662d151d6216dac45b9dc3541ca7e] (https://github.com/reactstrap/reactstrap/pull/265/commits/f979aae54a8662d151d6216dac45b9dc3541ca7e))
- Navbar: rename dark prop to inverse, add toggleable size prop (#265)([3ee55f19792bd803d937837f4599ff0ee88974fb] (https://github.com/reactstrap/reactstrap/pull/265/commits/3ee55f19792bd803d937837f4599ff0ee88974fb))
- Col: The default xs prop now returns
instead of.col-xs-12
. Theauto
size value now returns.col-auto
for variable width content columns. Usetrue
as the size value to return.col
for auto layout of columns (not to be confused withauto
-> (variable width of content)).
4.0.0-alpha.6 (2017-01-03)
- Progress: update markup & support nested progress bars (#261) (0b19b41)
- Row: add noGutters prop (#260) (c79bb3e)
4.0.0-alpha.5 (2016-12-18)
3.9.5 (2016-12-18)
4.0.0-alpha.4 (2016-12-15)
3.9.4 (2016-12-12)
4.0.0-alpha.3 (2016-12-01)
4.0.0-alpha.2 (2016-11-28)
3.9.3 (2016-12-01)
3.9.2 (2016-11-28)
- Popover: remove old arrow markup, correct enabled className (b9d3ea7)
- TetherContent: Fixes className prop typo, removes arrow & position relative hack (d9e7621)
- Tooltip: remove old arrow markup, correct enabled className (62d622b)
4.0.0-alpha.1 (2016-11-23)
4.0.0-alpha.0 (2016-11-23)
3.9.1 (2016-11-23)
3.9.0 (2016-11-13)
3.8.1 (2016-11-01)
3.8.0 (2016-11-01)
3.7.1 (2016-10-29)
3.7.0 (2016-10-27)
3.6.0 (2016-10-23)
3.5.0 (2016-10-18)
- Col: add flex-support to Col component (#169) (#175) (ebdecb8)
- Popover: add
to Popover (#183) (00d08ad) - TetherContent: Add
to TetherContent (#181) (6be1a67), closes #174
3.4.1 (2016-10-16)
3.4.0 (2016-10-06)
3.3.2 (2016-10-01)
3.3.1 (2016-09-28)
3.3.0 (2016-09-24)
3.2.2 (2016-09-19)
3.2.1 (2016-09-18)
3.2.0 (2016-09-14)
- modal: add backdrop and keyboard options (#135) (7bf5d0a), closes #134
- Modal: allow for multiple modals (#138) (7ada8cf), closes #137
3.1.0 (2016-09-11)
3.0.1 (2016-09-08)
- docs: update deploy script (8fd0761)
- modal: fix event listener for modal (#127) (c778608), closes #126
- TetherContent: rerender when other props change (#128) (25600d4), closes #125
3.0.0 (2016-09-06)
- Button,DropdownToggle: DropdownToggle no longer clones each element in props.children when it’s an array, instead it renders props.children inside a single component (Butt
- Button,DropdownToggle: Button color now defaults to “secondary”. This behavior aligns with DropdownToggle color default.
2.6.1 (2016-09-01)
2.6.0 (2016-08-21)
2.5.0 (2016-08-19)
- Modal: set focus state before showing (#104) (a358233)
- Modal: use togglePortal on componentDidMount (#106) (942b24a)
2.4.0 (2016-08-18)
2.3.0 (2016-08-18)
2.2.0 (2016-08-13)
- Card: update img position classes (#91) (920e2f8)
- Dropdown: add size prop (#90) (92c62b1)
- Dropdowns: use split class for split dropdowns (#92) (ee17a47)
2.1.0 (2016-08-06)
- breadcrumb: Add Breadcrumb and BreadcrumbItem (d34d738)
- form: add forms and form element components (#67) (7c32483)
2.0.0 (2016-07-28)
- bootstrap: update for v4 alpha 3 (f617dc5)
- Col: Update Col component with alpha 3 changes (b62ee01)
- outline: Make outline a separate prop for Card & Button (#62) (c65e952)
- bootstrap: Components were updated for v4 alpha 3
- Button outline class change from
. - label is now tag and all of the label variants are now tag variants.
- Cards now have an outline variant.
1.6.1 (2016-07-16)
1.6.0 (2016-07-11)
1.5.0 (2016-06-26)
1.4.0 (2016-06-26)
1.3.4 (2016-06-12)
1.3.3 (2016-06-12)
1.3.2 (2016-06-12)
1.3.1 (2016-04-24)
1.3.0 (2016-03-31)
- .gitignore: add root directories to ignore (8952445)
1.2.4 (2016-03-28)
- src: update paths to src (c61c466)
1.2.3 (2016-03-28)
- build: update scripts (051e805)
1.2.2 (2016-03-28)
- src: update path to src (5e0caa6)
1.2.1 (2016-03-28)
1.2.0 (2016-03-28)
- Navbar: add Navbar components (91ad2b4)
1.1.0 (2016-03-27)
- Navs: Add nav components (5e2ba03)
1.0.0 (2016-03-27)
- components: standardize custom tag names (494e4ec)
- components:
prop is nowtag
. This standardizes the way custom elements should render their html “tags”.
0.8.0 (2016-03-27)
- Layout: Add Container, Row, Col components (69ada73)
0.7.2 (2016-03-26)
0.7.1 (2016-03-26)
0.7.0 (2016-03-26)
- Button: render anchor tag if href prop exists (61f4a11)
0.6.1 (2016-03-26)
0.6.0 (2016-03-26)
- package: add [email protected] and css loaders (046079b)
0.5.7 (2016-03-25)
0.5.6 (2016-03-24)
0.5.5 (2016-03-24)
- ModalHeader: update close character (7128e78)
0.5.4 (2016-03-20)
0.5.3 (2016-03-14)
0.5.2 (2016-03-14)
- examples: remove .min from example script (b051dc1)
0.5.1 (2016-03-13)
0.5.0 (2016-03-13)
- tests: make them faster & fix dropdown (5dadc6f)
- Fade: enable fading components (a84df68)
- Label: add component (28d3edf)
- Layout: add PopoverExample (8200ee2)
- Layout: include LabelsExample in Layout (df1baa4)
- lib: export Label component (2856cd0)
- Modal: add modal components (6c2293e)
- Popover: add component (bc66aec)
- PopoverContent: add component (7282225)
- PopoverTitle: add component (bdf6623)
0.4.0 (2016-02-29)
- Tooltips: add component and utils (0ddbed5)
0.3.0 (2016-02-28)
- Button: add disabled class (96627ef)
- Dropdowns: add TetherContent support (16c0f86)
- Dropdowns: pass more methods to children (87596e4)
- TetherContent: support Tethering Content to Targets (573d47e)
0.2.0 (2016-02-21)
- package.json: add missing dev-dep babel-polyfill (065e978)