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Release 0.17.0

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@cBournhonesque cBournhonesque released this 17 Aug 15:55
· 199 commits to main since this release

Release 0.17.0

Upgrade to leafwing 0.15

Leafwing's newest version brings some improvements to the API, but also fixes an important bug where you couldn't use JustPressed and JustReleased in the FixedUpdate schedule. That was problematic since networking usually requires inputs to be handled in the FixedUpdate schedule. With this fix it is now much easier to use leafwing-inputs with lightyear.

Added rollback for non-networked components

Previously, only components that were registered in the ComponentRegistry (meaning that they can be networked) could be affected by rollback. However there's plenty of cases where you might want to rollback non-networked client components: for example rolling back animations or sounds. You can now call app.add_rollback::<C>() to enable rollback for a non-networked component.

Seamless entity mapping

Previously, entity-mapping was only done on the receiver. (i.e. server spawns E1, sends it to the client who spawns E2 and maintains a mapping from E1 to E2). The mapping wasn't applied when sending messages/updates, which meant that the client had to map the entity manually from E2 to E1 if they wanted to send a message about E2. Entity mapping is now correctly applied in all directions.

Introducing authority transfer

Lightyear now has the concept of Authority: which peer (client or server) is simulating the entity and sending replication updates for it? Only one peer can have authority over an entity at any given time.

The server can freely transfer authority over an entity to other peers with the EntityCommands::transfer_authority(new_owner) command.
The Replicate bundles automatically provide you with authority over the entity; make sure to remember to update them if you're just adding Replicate on the server to re-broadcast a client-authoritative entity to other clients.

You can find an example with authority transfer here.

Important fixes

  • Guarantee that inputs get synced correctly even in low bandwidth situations. PR

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.16.4...0.17.0