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Kardelen Demiral

kardelendemiral edited this page Dec 26, 2022 · 112 revisions

Personal Information

Hi! I'm Kardelen and I'm a senior computer engineering student in Boğaziçi University. Other than being an enthusiast in software development, I love dancing, playing guitar and I have an interest in film studies.

Here is a photo of me 😊

Ekran Resmi 2022-03-07 10 48 48

Programming Languages

  • Java
  • Python
  • C / C++
  • Swift

Contact Information

Weekly Personal Efforts

Weekly Personal Efforts For CMPE352

Week #1 (01/03/2022 - 07/03/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 1.1. Got to know my teammates. 3 hours Meeting
2 Learned about wiki and markdown. 30 minutes Research
3 Learned about git, github and how to use github. 1 hour Research
4 Modified README file of our repository self-assigning this task as my first issue. Reviewed it. 35 minutes Documentation, Review
5 Created my personal wiki page. 30 minutes Documentation
6 Found a nice repository and added information about it to our Liked Repositories wiki page. 45 minutes Research
7 Updated my personal wiki page adding weekly effort table. 40 minutes Documentation

Week #2 (08/03/2022 - 14/03/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 2.1. Discussed the project description. For elicitation of requirements, decided to make researches in order to understand what we need to implement more clearly as a team. 80 minutes Meeting, Discussion
2 Opened the issue #22 and assigned it to myself and my teammate Buse Tolunay. 5 minutes Documentation
3 Made a research about ontologies and medical ontologies to have an idea about the implementation of our project before discussing the requirements in more detail. Added the gathered information to our project related research items wiki page. 1 hour Research
4 Reviewed the issue #21. 5 minutes Review
5 Attended Meeting 2.2. Discussed the answers given by the TA to our project related questions. 80 minutes Meeting, Discussion
6 Updated my personal wiki page adding weekly effort table. 15 minutes Documentation

Week #3 (15/03/2022 - 21/03/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 3.1. Discussion about the requirement elicitation phase. 130 minutes Meeting, Discussion
2 Opened the issue #33. 5 minutes Documentation
3 Looked into the old repositories to see how they wrote the requirements, scenarios and mockups. 30 minutes Research
3 Filled in Functional/User Requirements section. Made modifications according to my teammates' feedback. Added the terms used in this section to the glossary. 100 minutes Documentation
4 Reviewed the issue #34. 20 minutes Review
5 Had a meeting with 3 of my teammates to create the Scenario 1 as the issue #44 says. Discussed about the user persona, preconditions, goals, actions and acceptance criteria for our scenario. Participated the preparation of the images for Mockups. 270 minutes Meeting, Discussion, Documentation
6 Updated my personal wiki page adding weekly effort table. 15 minutes Documentation

Week #4 (22/03/2022 - 28/03/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 4.1. Reviewed the requirements, scenarios and mockups together with the group members. 1 hour Meeting
2 Attended the customer meeting in the PS session. Received feedback for our requirements, scenarios and mockups. Took a note of the feedback given. After the TA left the meeting room, made a discussion about the given feedback and what to do next with the group members. 2 hours Meeting, Discussion

Week #5 (29/03/2022 - 04/03/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended customer meeting 2 in the PS session. Got feedback about the requirements, took a note of them. After the TA left the meeting room, made a discussion about the given feedback and what to do for this week's assignment with the group members. 2 hours Meeting, Discussion
2 Attended Meeting 5.1. Discussion about chatbot and its functionality, modifications needed in the requirements after the customer meeting. Discussion about this week's assignment. 2.5 hours Meeting, Discussion
3 Research about use case diagrams, class diagrams and sequence diagrams for this week's assignment. Checked the old repositories to see how others handled these. Also found useful links to learn how to design these correctly and shared them with the team members. 1 hour Research
4 Reviewed the issue #48. 20 minutes Review
5 Attended meeting 5.2. Worked on the use-case diagram together with the group members. Asked questions that comes to our minds about how to design it correctly to the instructer through Slack. Got response. Finished the use-case diagram. 2 hours Meeting, Documentation
6 Attended meeting 5.3. Worked on the class diagrams together with the group members. Finished it. 4 hours Meeting, Documentation
7 Opened the issue #54 for creating a sequence diagram for proposing an article. Assigned it to myself and two other teammates. 10 minutes Documentation
8 Updated my personal wiki page adding weekly effort table. 30 minutes Documentation

Week #6 (05/04/2022 - 11/04/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Opened the issue #54. 10 minutes Documentation
2 Worked on the "Proposing an article" sequence diagram together with other asignees as the issue #54 says. 1 hour Documentation, Meeting
3 Worked on the "Searching an article" sequence diagram together with other asignees as the issue #52 says. 2 hours Documentation, Meeting
4 Worked on the "Editing post, adding location" sequence diagram together with other asignees as the issue #59 says. 2 hours Documentation, Meeting
5 Attended customer meeting 3 in the PS session. Got feedback about our use case and sequence diagrams. Took a note of them. After the TA left the meeting room, made a discussion about the first milestone and sequence diagrams with the group members. 2 hours Meeting, Discussion
6 Made modifications in "Proposing an article" sequence diagram according to the feedback received from customer meeting 3. 30 minutes Documentation
7 Reviewed the issue #62. 20 minutes Review
8 Attended Meeting 6.1. Worked on the RAM together with the group members. Finished most of it. Discussed about the first milestone and what to do next, made a plan. 2 hours Meeting, Discussion, Documentation
9 Attended Meeting 6.2. Worked on Project Plan, [RAM](] and Milestone 1 Report together with the group members. 2.5 hours Documentation, Meeting
10 Updated my personal wiki page adding weekly effort table. 30 minutes Documentation

Week #7 (12/04/2022 - 18/04/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Customer Meeting 4 in the PS session. Got feedback about our sequence diagrams, RAM and Project Plan. 2 hours Meeting
2 Made modifications in our "Propose an article" sequence diagram according to the feedback given in Customer Meeting 4. 20 minutes Documentation
3 Filled the Introduction and Description parts of the Executive Summary of our Milestone 1 Report as the issue #66 says. 2 hours Documentation
4 Attended Meeting 7.1. Worked on the Project Plan and the Milestone 1 Report together with the group members. 3 Hours Meeting, Documentation
5 Updated my personal wiki page adding weekly effort table. 20 minutes Documentation

Week #8 (19/04/2022 - 25/04/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Made a research about API's to get the idea of why and how to use and implement them. 1 hour Research
2 Updated my personal wiki page adding weekly effort table. 5 minutes Documentation

Week #9 (26/04/2022 - 02/05/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Learned about Django and REST framework to use it in practice-app. 2 hours Research

Week #10 (03/05/2022 - 09/05/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 10.1, discussed how to implement our practice-app with the group members. 2 hours Meeting, Discussion
2 Attended Meeting 10.2, made our final decision about the structure of practice-app and subdivision of the tasks. 2 hours Meeting, Discussion
3 Updated my personal wiki page adding weekly effort table. 5 minutes Documentation

Week #11 (10/05/2022 - 16/05/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Opened the issue #85 which is about implementing the API for post-info, self-assigned it. 15 minutes Documentation
2 Implemented the initial structure of the API for post-info and UI of it. See the relevant branch. Made a pull request after finishing it. 6 hours Coding
3 Opened the issue #115 which is about implementing the unit tests for post-info, self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
4 Implemented the unit tests for post-info. See the relevant branch. Made a pull request after finishing it. 5 hours Coding, Testing
5 Reviewed and merged the pull requests: #82, #89, #103, #118 1 hour Review
6 Updated my personal wiki page adding weekly effort table. 20 minutes Documentation

Week #12 (17/05/2022 - 23/05/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Opened the issue #135 which is about some enhancements in the post-info API, self-assigned it. 10 minutes Documentation
2 Made some modifications in API for post-info and UI of it as the issue #135 says. 1 hour Coding
3 Changed the external API used in post-info API as the issue #137 says. 30 minutes Documentation
4 Made a pull request containing some enhancements explained above. Pull request: #138 20 minutes Coding
5 Attended Meeting 12.1. Contributed to the use-case and class diagrams for the practice-app, finished them together with the group members. Contributed to the Milestone 2 report and project plan, finished them. 3.5 hours Meeting, Documentation
6 Prepared my individual Milestone 2 Report. 3 hours Documentation
7 Prepared "Update Post" sequence diagram. 1 hour Documentation
8 Opened the issue #149 which is for the preparation of the documentation of post-info API, self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
9 Prepared the documentation of the post-info API. See: post-info API documentation. 30 minutes Documentation
10 Prepared the documentation of the post-info API. See: post-info API documentation. 30 minutes Documentation
11 Reviewed and merged the pull request #159 20 minutes Review
12 Opened the issue #163 and made the corresponding pull request #165. Fixed a bug. 40 minutes Coding, Documentation
13 Updated my personal wiki page adding weekly effort table. 20 minutes Documentation
Weekly Personal Efforts For CMPE451

Week 1 (04/10/2022 - 10/10/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 13.1. 1.5 hours Meeting
2 Opened and self-assigned the Issue #172 5 minutes Documentation
3 Updated the wiki sidebar as discussed in the Meeting 13.1. 30 minutes Documentation
4 Updated my personal wiki page. Then also added this week's effort. 30 minutes Documentation

Week 2 (11/10/2022 - 17/10/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 14.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Updated the wiki Sidebar adding new sections for team meetings. Made modifications according to the review done by my teammate. See Issue #176 45 minutes Documentation
3 Made a research about technologies, tools and frameworks we can use while developing the mobile application to share my knowledge with my teammates in the next meeting. 1 Hour Research
4 Added this week's effort to my personal wiki page. 10 minutes Documentation

Week 3 (18/10/2022 - 24/10/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 15.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Opened the issue #209. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
3 Started learning Dart and Flutter. Practiced. 3 Hours Research, Practice
4 Started to create a sign-up page for the mobile application as the issue #193 says. 2.5 Hours Coding
5 Attended Mobile Meeting 1. 1 Hour Meeting
6 Reviewed and merged the pull request #212. 30 minutes Review
7 Added this week's effort to my personal wiki page. 5 minutes Documentation

Week 4 (25/10/2022 - 31/10/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 16.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Opened the issue #216. Self-assigned it. 10 minutes Documentation
3 Added the user type selection to the sign-up screen as discussed in the Meeting 16.1. 1 hour Coding
4 Opened the pull request #216. Committed the first version of the sign-up screen. 20 minutes Pull request
5 Added a brach field to doctor sign-up. See: issue #221 30 minutes Coding
6 Opened the pull request #222. 10 minutes Pull request
7 Opened the issue #216. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
8 Attended the Mobile Meeting 2. Participated the connection of mobile pages. 3 hours Meeting, Coding
9 Attended the Mobile Meeting 3. Participated the creation of the API service class and the signup, login and the logout functions inside of it. 2 hours Meeting, Coding
10 Opened the issue #240. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
11 Opened the pull request #244. Self-assigned it. 10 minutes Pull request
12 Edited the README file for the mobile application. 20 minutes Documentation
13 Opened the issue #245. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
14 Made the register API call for signup and connected our signup screen to the backend service. 1 hour Coding
14 Opened the pull request #255. Self-assigned it. 10 minutes Pull request
15 Reviewed and merged the pull request #270. 30 minutes Review
16 Opened the issue #277. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
17 Fixed the bug mentioned in the issue #277. 30 minutes Coding, Bugfix
18 Opened the pull request #278. Self-assigned it. 10 minutes Pull request
19 Prepared my individual Milestone 1 report. See: Milestone 1 Report 40 minutes Documentation
20 Reviewed the issue #177. 10 minutes Review
21 Added this week's effort to my personal wiki page. 20 minutes Documentation

Week 5 (1/11/2022 - 7/11/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Reviewed the issue #283. 10 minutes Review
2 Prepared the List & Status of Deliverables table for Milestone 1 Report. 10 minutes Documentation
3 Wrote the Evaluation of Tools and Processes for Mobile section in the Milestone 1 Report. 20 minutes Documentation
4 Added this week's effort to my personal wiki page. 10 minutes Documentation

Week 6 (8/11/2022 - 14/11/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 18.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Attended the Mobile Meeting 4. 1 hour Meeting
3 Opened the issue #293. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
4 Opened the issue #294. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
5 Started the task of finalizing the sign-up for mobile (issue #293). Implemented document upload functionality. 2 hours Coding
6 Added this week's effort to my personal wiki page. 15 minutes Documentation

Week 7 (15/11/2022 - 21/11/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 19.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Implemented "create post" and "create article" pages for the mobile application. See #issue 294. 3 hours Coding
3 Opened the pull request #296. Self-assigned it. 10 minutes Pull request
4 Reviewed and merged the pull request #317. 20 minutes Review

Week 8 (22/11/2022 - 28/11/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 20.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Reviewed and merged the pull request #339. 20 minutes Review
3 Opened the issue #330. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
4 Started the implementation of API calls for create post and create article. 3 hours Coding

Week 9 (29/11/2022 - 5/12/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 21.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Opened the issue #352. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
3 Continued the implementation of API calls for create post and create article. Fixed a bug about sending image to the endpoint. 2 hours Coding
4 Opened the pull request #350. Self-assigned it. 15 minutes Pull request
5 Opened the pull request #351. Self-assigned it. 15 minutes Pull request
6 Finalized signup for mobile application making calls to the finalized API endpoints for member signup and doctor signup. 2 hours Coding
7 Opened the pull request #354. Self-assigned it. 10 minutes Pull request
8 Opened the issue #358. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
9 Opened the issue #359. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
10 Opened the issue #360. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
11 Attended the Mobile Meeting 5. 1 hour Meeting
12 Implemented the API caller functions for Article/Post/Comment Upvote/Downvote, Post Comment and Article/Post/Comment Delete. 2 hours Coding
13 Created the comment create page. Connected comment create API to the comment button on the post view page. 1 hour Coding
14 Opened the pull request #368. Self-assigned it. 15 minutes Pull request
15 Reviewed and merged the pull request #380. 10 minutes Review
16 Reviewed and merged the pull request #390. 10 minutes Review
17 Opened the issue #393. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
18 Implemented Upvote/Downvote functionality for post/article/comment. 2 hours Coding
19 Revised create post and create article API caller functions since the endpoints are changed. 1 hour Coding
20 Opened the pull request #395. Self-assigned it. 15 minutes Pull request
21 Reviewed and merged the pull request #400. 10 minutes Review
22 Reviewed and merged the pull request #410. 15 minutes Review
23 Implemented the article/comment/post upvote/downvote functionality. 2 hours Coding
24 Opened the pull request #415. Self-assigned it. 10 minutes Pull request
25 Implemented the article/post delete functionality. 1 hour Coding
26 Opened the pull request #419. Self-assigned it. 15 minutes Pull request
27 Reviewed the issue #401. 10 minutes Review
28 Reviewed and merged the pull request #420. 10 minutes Review
29 Reviewed and merged the pull request #427. 10 minutes Review

Week 10 (6/12/2022 - 12/12/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Took notes during the Customer Milestone 2 Presentation. 20 minutes Documentation
2 Prepared the User Interface/User Experience section for mobile in the Milestone 2 Report. 1 hour 30 minutes Documentation
3 Opened the issue #428. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
4 Created the Milestone 2 Presentation Notes page and added the notes I took there. 20 minutes Documentation
5 Prepared my individual report for Milestone 2. 30 minutes Documentation

Week 11 (13/12/2022 - 19/12/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Opened the issue #456. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
2 Opened the issue #458. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
3 Started the implementation of search functionality for the mobile application. 2 hours Coding
4 Attended the Mobile Meeting 6 1 hour Meeting

Week 12 (20/12/2022 - 26/12/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 24.1 2 hours Meeting
2 Opened the issue #473. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
3 Added the category label to post view and made categories more visible in article and post views. 30 minutes Coding
4 Opened the pull request #474. 15 minutes Pull request
5 Finished the implementation of search functionalities for the mobile application. 3 hours Coding
6 Opened the pull request #487. 15 minutes Pull request
7 Reviewed and merged the pull request #506. 15 minutes Review
8 Reviewed and merged the pull request #507. 10 minutes Review
9 Reviewed and merged the pull request #508. 10 minutes Review
10 Opened the issue #515. Self-assigned it. 5 minutes Documentation
11 Fixed a bug related to an overflow in the category names shown in post/article view pages. 20 minutes Coding
12 Opened the pull request #516. 10 minutes Pull request
13 Added comment deletion functionality to the mobile application. 30 minutes Coding
14 Opened the pull request #519. 10 minutes Pull request

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