- Trio
#! Two identical name
yak count -b37 -t16 -o pat.yak <(zcat pat_1.fq.gz pat_2.fq.gz) <(zcat pat_1.fq.gz pat_2.fq.gz)
yak count -b37 -t16 -o mat.yak <(zcat mat_1.fq.gz mat_2.fq.gz) <(zcat mat_1.fq.gz mat_2.fq.gz)
hifiasm -o HG002.asm -t32 -1 pat.yak -2 mat.yak HG002-HiFi.fa.gz
- HiC
hifiasm -o HG002.asm -t32 --h1 read1.fq.gz --h2 read2.fq.gz HG002-HiFi.fq.gz
- Evaluation
## yak (https://github.com/lh3/yak)
yak trioeval pat.yak mat.yak HG002.asm.trio.hap1.p_ctg.fa > HG002.asm.hap1.trioeval
yak trioeval pat.yak mat.yak HG002.asm.trio.hap2.p_ctg.fa > HG002.asm.hap2.trioeval
grep "^S" HG002.asm.hap1.trioeval|cut -f2-4,9|awk '{print $0"\tpat"}' >> F1.trio.tsv
grep "^S" HG002.asm.hap2.trioeval|cut -f2-4,9|awk '{print $0"\tmat"}' >> F1.trio.tsv
## Merqury
Follow the https://github.com/marbl/merqury/wiki/3.-Phasing-assessment-with-hap-mers
Plot kmer with yak result
data <- read.table("./F1.trio.tsv",header=F,sep="\t")
colnames(data) <- c("ctg","Pat","Mat","Len","Type")
data$Len <- data$Len/1e6
pal <- pal_locuszoom()(5)
p <- ggplot()+
meryl-lookup -memory 2 -exclude -mers pat.meryl -sequence $read1 -sequence2 $read2 -r2
mat.R2.fastq.gz | pigz -c > mat.R1.fastq.gz
meryl-lookup -memory 2 -exclude -mers mat.meryl -sequence $read1 -sequence2 $read2 -r2
pat.R2.fastq.gz | pigz -c > pat.R1.fastq.gz
# Using https://github.com/marbl/merqury/blob/master/trio/exclude_reads.sh
bash /data/software/Merqury/merqury/trio/exclude_reads.sh mat.hapmer.meryl f1.hic.R1.fq.gz f1.hic.R2.fq.gz pat
Update: Now you could scaffold haplotypes with HapHiC for any level of heterzygosity and curated based on HiC contact map, genome alignment, repeat annotation and assembly graph if possible
If your sample's heterozygosity is medium (ex. < 1%) or have long ROH (backcrossing or seg), combining two haplotype and run HiC scaffolding will have lots of empty region of HiC heatmap (abminguity mapping of homozygous region). You may need to scaffolding sepreate using HiC reads for chromsome first,then combine haplotype for haplotype-specific inversion check. Or you can use all HiC reads (no MQ filter) for chrosome scaffolding and check the haplotype-specfic inversion with filtering (MQ>1 or MQ>10). This is how we scaffold the tetraploid potato Genome architecture and tetrasomic inheritance of autotetraploid potato
run juicer + 3d-dna / AllHiC (MQ>1)Run HapHiC- Loading into JuiceBox for visualization
- False duplication (Examples are based on the hifiasm 0.15.4 for high het plant genome with trio data)
- Misplaced haplotype / uncomplete haplotype scaffolding
If you find the
ctg have more strong interaction with the hap2, andtrioeval
support it, you need manually movethis hap1
ctg to hap2 - Haplotype-specific inversion
seqName | #matKmer | #patKmer | #pat-pat | #pat-mat | #mat-pat | #mat-mat | seqLen |
h1tg000041l | 160 | 10644 | 77 | 83 | 82 | 10561 | 6152553 |
h1tg000053l | 50105 | 62 | 50059 | 45 | 45 | 17 | 5159680 |
h1tg000050l | 17945 | 27 | 17924 | 20 | 20 | 7 | 2082689 |
seqName | #patKmer | #patKmer | #pat-pat | #pat-mat | #mat-pat | #mat-mat | seqLen |
h1tg000015l | 87 | 164 | 51 | 35 | 36 | 128 | 2770227 |
h1tg000078l | 42 | 66 | 24 | 18 | 18 | 47 | 1476449 |
h1tg000028l | 7532 | 87 | 7478 | 53 | 53 | 34 | 3799565 |
Conclusion: Remove the h1tg000059l and h1tg000056l, 52l vs (54l+13l) maybe real
seqName | #patKmer | #patKmer | #pat-pat | #pat-mat | #mat-pat | #mat-mat | seqLen |
h1tg000054l | 6908 | 10 | 6899 | 8 | 8 | 2 | 1004624 |
h1tg000013l | 25643 | 330 | 25547 | 95 | 96 | 234 | 8177266 |
h1tg000059l | 57 | 245 | 25 | 32 | 32 | 212 | 1963293 |
h1tg000056l | 12 | 29 | 4 | 7 | 7 | 22 | 685156 |
h1tg000052l | 25905 | 219 | 25816 | 88 | 88 | 131 | 5467035 |
Conclusion: utg overlap. Find the utg in the
and remove rerun the utg
trioeval and decide.
seqName | #patKmer | #patKmer | #pat-pat | #pat-mat | #mat-pat | #mat-mat | seqLen |
h1tg000031l | 17138 | 12244 | 17075 | 63 | 63 | 12180 | 4988700 |
h1tg000029l | 44167 | 139 | 44067 | 99 | 99 | 40 | 7648617 |
Conclusion: utg overlap. Find the utg in the gfa and remove.
seqName | #patKmer | #patKmer | #pat-pat | #pat-mat | #mat-pat | #mat-mat | seqLen |
h1tg000017l | 39991 | 89 | 39929 | 61 | 61 | 28 | 5312873 |
h1tg000064l | 1572 | 5187 | 1540 | 31 | 32 | 5155 | 1725115 |
- Trioeval for hamming error and switch error
Type | Hap | Switch | Hamming |
Trio (0.14.2) | hap1 | 0.49% | 0.59% |
Trio (0.14.2) | hap2 | 0.56% | 1.13% |
Trio-check | hap1 | 0.44% | 0.39% |
Trio-check | hap2 | 0.55% | 1.12% |
Trio(0.16.1) | hap1 | 0.46% | 0.46% |
Trio (0.16.1) | hap2 | 0.55% | 0.57% |
HiC (0.16.1) | hap1 | 0.51% | 0.46% |
HiC (0.16.1) | hap2 | 0.49% | 0.51% |
dual (0.16.1) | hap1 | 0.51% | 8.51% |
dual (0.16.1) | hap2 | 0.50% | 13.69% |
- QV estimation for two haplotype
- Check the haplotype synteny and confirm the utg (chhylp123/hifiasm#159)
- Check the coverage of two haplotype
- KAT spectrum and completeness for boths haps and combianed one
- Run read-mapping to two haplotype assembly with flagger for evulation duplication / collapsed /
Bao, Z., Li, C., Li, G., Wang, P., Peng, Z., Cheng, L., ... & Zhou, Q. (2022). Genome architecture and tetrasomic inheritance of autotetraploid potato. Molecular Plant, 15(7), 1211-1226.
Huang, Y., Wang, H., Zhu, Y. et al. THP9 enhances seed protein content and nitrogen-use efficiency in maize. Nature (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05441-2