HapHiC is an allele-aware scaffolding tool that uses Hi-C data to scaffold haplotype-phased genome assemblies into chromosome-scale pseudomolecules. Unlike ALLHiC, another allele-aware scaffolder, HapHiC can achieve this without the need for reference genomes. Our evaluations indicate that HapHiC outperforms other Hi-C scaffolding tools with higher tolerance to low contig N50, low Hi-C sequencing depth, and various types of assembly errors. Additionally, HapHiC is super-fast and also suitable for haplotype-collapsed diploid and allopolyploid genome assemblies.
- Chromosome-level scaffolding of haplotype-phased assemblies without reference genomes
- Efficient correction of chimeric contigs (misjoins) with little impact on contig N50
- Much higher tolerance to chimeric contigs, collapsed contigs, and switch errors
- Improved performance in chromosome assignment of contigs
- Improved performance in ordering and orienation of contigs
- Super-fast and memory-efficient
- Able to order and orient contigs without prior knowledge of the number of chromosomes
- Able to utilize phasing information from hifiasm with varying confidence levels
- Extensive compatibility and user-friendly interface: supports chromap; provides a built-in one-command pipeline; able to produce highly customizable vector graphics for contact maps
Recent updates:
- Version 1.0.6 (2024.08.26): There is no longer a need to manually set the scale factor in Juicebox. In addition, the saved
file can now be parsed correctly by Juicebox. - Version 1.0.5 (2024.07.05): Improved stability in ordering and orientation of contigs through a comparison of fast sorting and ALLHiC optimization.
- Version 1.0.4 (2024.07.03): Add a
haphic refsort
command for ordering and orienting whole scaffolds according to a reference genome. - Version 1.0.3 (2024.03.21): Add support for the pairs format used in chromap.
- Version 1.0.2 (2023.12.08): We have introduced a
haphic plot
command for Hi-C contact map visualization. - Version 1.0.1 (2023.11.30): Improved AGP output by incorporating a YaHS-style
for compatibility with the Juicebox visualization method suggested by YaHS.
Terminology: To ensure conciseness and clarity, we use the term "contigs" to refer to the fragmented genome sequences in the input assembly, although they could be either contigs or scaffolds in actuality.
- Installation
- Quick start
- Go through the pipeline step by step
- Examples
- Work with hifiasm
- Quick view mode
- Juicebox curation
- Visualization
- Order and orient whole scaffolds using a reference genome
- Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
- Problems and bug reports
- Citing HapHiC
- Reproducibility
HapHiC has been tested and validated on servers running Linux, equipped with either Intel Xeon, AMD EPYC, or Hygon C86 CPUs.
# (1) Download HapHiC from GitHub
$ git clone https://github.com/zengxiaofei/HapHiC.git
# (2) Resolve dependencies
# We strongly recommend using conda to install dependencies. If you prefer manual installation, refer to HapHiC/conda_env/create_conda_env_py310.sh
# We have also included additional environments for Python 3.11 and 3.12 in the directory HapHiC/conda_env/
$ conda env create -f HapHiC/conda_env/environment_py310.yml
# Activate the HapHiC conda environment
$ conda activate haphic # or: source /path/to/conda/bin/activate haphic
# (3) Check whether all dependencies are correctly installed
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic check
# (4) Show all available commands and help message
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic -h
First, you need to prepare a BAM file by aligning Hi-C data to the assembly. Here is the way that we recommend:
# (1) Align Hi-C data to the assembly, remove PCR duplicates and filter out secondary and supplementary alignments
$ bwa index asm.fa
$ bwa mem -5SP -t 28 asm.fa /path/to/read1_fq.gz /path/to/read2_fq.gz | samblaster | samtools view - -@ 14 -S -h -b -F 3340 -o HiC.bam
# (2) Filter the alignments with MAPQ 1 (mapping quality ≥ 1) and NM 3 (edit distance < 3)
$ /path/to/HapHiC/utils/filter_bam HiC.bam 1 --nm 3 --threads 14 | samtools view - -b -@ 14 -o HiC.filtered.bam
- Here,
can be haplotype-collapsed contigs (e.g.,p_ctg
in hifiasm), haplotype-phased unitigs (e.g.,p_utg
in hifiasm), or one or more sets of haplotype-resolved contigs (e.g.,hap*.p_utg
in hifiasm). In addition,asm.fa
may also be scaffolds output by other scaffolders. - You can prepare the BAM file according to your own preferences or requirements, but DO NOT sort it by coordinate. If your BAM file is already sorted by coordinate, you need to resort it by read name (
samtools sort -n
). - We DO NOT recommend the Juicer pipeline for Hi-C reads alignment, particularly in haplotype-phased assemblies.
(i) One-line command. HapHiC provides a one-line command haphic pipeline
to execute the entire scaffolding pipeline. The required parameters are:
, your genome assembly file in FASTA format.HiC.filtered.bam
, the BAM file prepared in the previous step (the .pairs file output by chromap is also acceptable since version 1.0.3).nchrs
, the number of chromosomes present in the assembly, and also the expected number of output scaffolds.
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic pipeline asm.fa HiC.filtered.bam nchrs
(ii) Restriction site. The default restriction site is GATC
(MboI/DpnII). You can modify this using the --RE
parameter. If you are unsure or if your Hi-C library was constructed without restriction enzymes (REs), it is acceptable to leave it as the default.
# For HindIII
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic pipeline asm.fa HiC.filtered.bam nchrs --RE "AAGCTT"
# For Arima two-enzyme chemistry
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic pipeline asm.fa HiC.filtered.bam nchrs --RE "GATC,GANTC"
# For Arima four-enzyme chemistry
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic pipeline asm.fa HiC.filtered.bam nchrs --RE "GATC,GANTC,CTNAG,TTAA"
(iii) Contig correction. To correct input contigs based on Hi-C linking information, use --correct_nrounds
to enable assembly correction and set the number of correction rounds. For example:
# Typically, two rounds of assembly correction are enough
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic pipeline asm.fa HiC.filtered.bam nchrs --correct_nrounds 2
(iv) Switch error. If your input assembly is haplotype-phased and has a high switch error rate (often introduced by assemblers when the sequence divergence between haplotypes is very low), use --remove_allelic_links
to remove Hi-C links between allelic contigs. The value should be the ploidy of the assembly. For example:
# For haplotype-phased assembles of autotetraploids, set the parameter to 4
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic pipeline asm.fa HiC.filtered.bam nchrs --remove_allelic_links 4
Note: If your input assembly is haplotype-phased and the Hi-C reads are aligned using other methods like chromap, we also recommend including this parameter to mitigate the adverse effects of incorrect mapping.
(v) Performance. Use --threads
to set the number of threads for BAM file reading, and --processes
to create multiple processes for contig ordering and orientation. For example:
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic pipeline asm.fa HiC.filtered.bam nchrs --threads 8 --processes 8
For more information, run haphic pipeline --help
Final outputs
: The corrected assembly in FASTA format. This file is generated only when assembly correction is enabled.04.build/scaffolds.agp
: A SALSA-style AGP file containing information about scaffold assignment, ordering and orientation information for all sequences incorrected_asm.fa
. If there are any chimeric contigs that are corrected by HapHiC, the broken contigs will be assigned new IDs.04.build/scaffolds.raw.agp
: A YaHS-style AGP file containing information about scaffold assignment, ordering and orientation information for all sequences inasm.fa
. The broken contigs will not be assigned new IDs, but their starting and ending coordinates in the raw contigs will be displayed in the seventh and eighth columns.04.build/scaffolds.fa
: The final scaffolds in FASTA format.04.build/juicebox.sh
: A shell script for Juicebox visualization and curation.
Note: Although the one-line command is convenient, the automatic parameter tuning may fail, leading to poor results or even a pipeline interruption in rare cases. If this occurs, we recommend running each step individually with manual parameter tuning or trying the quick view mode described below.
Before clustering, HapHiC performs preprocessing to correct assembly misjoins, filter out short, mis-assembled contigs, and remove allelic Hi-C links. After that, a Markov cluster algorithm (MCL algorithm) is used to cluster the contigs into groups. Unlike agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC, used in LACHESIS and ALLHiC), which specifies the number of clusters, the MCL Algorithm implicitly controls it with a parameter called "inflation". The higher the inflation, the more the groups are clustered. The main problem with AHC is that even though the number of clusters is specified, contigs from different chromosomes may also be clustered into the same group. This is common in phased diploid or polyploid genome assemblies. To solve this, HapHiC tries a series of inflations to cluster the contigs (controlled by min_inflation
and max_inflation
) and recommends a "best" one based on both the expected number of chromosomes nchrs
provided and the length distribution of the groups.
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic cluster asm.fa HiC.filtered.bam nchrs
For more information, run haphic cluster --help
Main outputs
: The corrected assembly in FASTA format. This file is generated only when assembly correction is enabled. -
: A text file listing the IDs of all corrected contigs. -
: A binary file that stores the number of Hi-C links between each contig pair. -
: A binary file that records the number of Hi-C links between each half of contig pairs. -
: A text file recording the positional information of paired Hi-C links. -
: Output directories for respective inflations.├──
: Files containing the contigs and their basic information (including lengths and numbers of restriction sites) for each group, also reffered to ascounts_RE.txt
in ALLHiC.└──
: Markov clustering results.
The "best" inflation
You can find the "best" inflation recommendation in the log file HapHiC_cluster.log
, like:
2022-11-07 17:50:08 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [recommend_inflation] You could try inflation from 1.20 (length ratio = 0.75)
In some cases, HapHiC cannot get the "best" one. It could be due to inappropriate parameters or extensive assembly errors. Check whether the parameters used are correct / appropriate and then try to tune the parameters for assembly correction, contig / Hi-C link filtration, or Markov Clustering:
2022-11-19 13:20:38 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [recommend_inflation] It seems that some chromosomes were grouped together (length ratio = 0.5)...
In the previous step, some contigs may have been filtered out before clustering or assigned to incorrect groups. Additionally, the number of final clusters output by Markov clustering may exceed the specified number of chromosomes (nchrs
). To address these issues, we added a reassignment step to rescue contigs that are not in any groups, reassign contigs to the correct groups, and perform an additional agglomerative hierarchical clustering to concatenate groups if necessary. The input files full_links.pkl
, mcl_inflation_x.clusters.txt
, and paired_links.clm
are outputs from the clustering step, where x
represents the "best" inflation value:
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic reassign asm.fa full_links.pkl mcl_inflation_x.clusters.txt paired_links.clm --nclusters nchrs
Note: If assembly correction has been performed, use corrected_asm.fa
as input FASTA file instead of asm.fa
For more information, run haphic reassign --help
Main outputs
: Files containing the contigs and their basic information for each final group after reassignment.final_groups/final_cluster.txt
: The final clustering result.split_clms/
: A directory containing group-specific CLM files.
The ordering and orientation step in HapHiC is implemented using an integration of algorithms from 3D-DNA and ALLHiC. First, an efficiency-improved 3D-DNA iterative scaffolding algorithm (refered to as "fast sorting") is used to quickly order and orient the contigs. Then, the ordering and orientation of contigs are input as an initial configuration and optimized with the ALLHiC program (a modified version, in which the hot-start optimization has been fixed). The input file HT_links.pkl
is the output file from the clustering step; the directory split_clms
and the group files final_groups/group*.txt
were created in the reassignment step. The optional parameter --processes
is used to set the number of processes for the ordering and orientation.
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic sort asm.fa HT_links.pkl split_clms final_groups/group*.txt --processes 8
Note: If assembly correction has been performed, use corrected_asm.fa
as input FASTA file instead of asm.fa
For more information, run haphic sort --help
Main outputs
: The fast sorting result of contigs within each group.group*.tour
: The contig ordering and orientation result for each group after ALLHiC optimization.final_tours/group*.tour
: The final contig ordering and orientation results.
The final step is to build the scaffolds (pseudomolecules) using the chromosome assignment, ordering and orientation information of contigs from the group*.tour
files. By default, the output scaffolds are sorted by scaffold length.
If assembly correction was not performed:
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic build asm.fa asm.fa HiC.filtered.bam final_tours/group*.tour
If assembly correction has been performed, use corrected_asm.fa
as input FASTA file instead of the first asm.fa
. Additionally, specify the corrected contig list corrected_ctgs.txt
using the --corrected_ctgs
parameter. Otherwise, the YaHS-style scaffolds.raw.agp
generated may be incorrect.
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic build corrected_asm.fa asm.fa HiC.filtered.bam final_tours/group*.tour --corrected_ctgs corrected_ctgs.txt
- The second
(raw uncorrected assembly) andHiC.filtered.bam
are required since HapHiC version 1.0.1 for generating the script for juicebox visualization and curation.
For more information, run haphic build --help
Main outputs
: A SALSA-style AGP file containing information about scaffold assignment, ordering and orientation information for all sequences incorrected_asm.fa
. If there are any chimeric contigs that are corrected by HapHiC, the broken contigs will be assigned new IDs.scaffolds.raw.agp
: A YaHS-style AGP file containing information about scaffold assignment, ordering and orientation information for all sequences inasm.fa
. The broken contigs will not be assigned new IDs, but their starting and ending coordinates in the raw contigs will be displayed in the seventh and eighth columns.scaffolds.fa
: The final scaffolds in FASTA format.juicebox.sh
: A shell script for Juicebox visualization and curation.
HapHiC can scaffold most genomes within 1 hour using 8 CPU cores. For large genomes with fragmented contigs, scaffolding typically takes less than half a day. HapHiC has been successfully validated in scaffolding genomes from various taxa, including higher plants, humans, birds, amphibians, fish, insects, mollusks, and annelids. For more examples and detailed information, please refer to the Supplementary Information in our paper.
Species | Karyotype | Haplotype-resolved | Assembly size (Gb) | Contig N50 (Mb) | Number of contigs | Hi-C depth after filtering | Wall time (min) | Peak RAM (GiB) |
Giant Miscanthus | 2n=3x=57 | Yes | 6.11 | 2.19 | 5,761 | 33.58× | 115.35 | 17.10 |
Potato C88 | 2n=4x=48 | Yes | 3.16 | 18.78 | 2,490 | 13.4× | 20.15 | 5.98 |
Wild sugarcane Np-X | 2n=4x=40 | Yes | 2.76 | 0.38 | 15,510 | 23.7× | 78.97 | 27.02 |
Alfalfa XinJiangDaYe | 2n=4x=32 | Yes | 3.16 | 0.46 | 31,772 | 10.1× | 33.13 | 7.68 |
Tea plant Tieguanyin | 2n=2x=30 | Yes | 5.99 | 0.22 | 60,345 | 9.8× | 157.53 | 33.68 |
Human HG002 | 2n=2x=46 | Yes | 6.02 | 73.40 | 1,153 | 4.7× | 13.42 | 11.50 |
Wheat | 2n=6x=42 | No | 14.0 | 2.16 | 12,982 | 1.5× | 58.05 | 22.98 |
Ginkgo tree | 2n=2x=24 | No | 9.87 | 1.58 | 261,820 | 54.1× | 440.78 | 135.83 |
Northern goshawk | 2n=2x=80 | No | 1.40 | 17.71 | 638 | 27.2× | 16.95 | 2.19 |
Tropical clawed frog | 2n=2x=20 | No | 1.48 | 0.38 | 9,631 | 47.5× | 53.80 | 19.83 |
Corkwing warsse | 2n=2x=46 | No | 0.64 | 1.19 | 1,774 | 85.3× | 25.73 | 3.13 |
Chinese oak silkmoth | 2n=2x=98 | No | 0.73 | 0.17 | 9,824 | 70.8× | 35.33 | 10.66 |
Gray topshell | 2n=2x=36 | No | 1.27 | 6.20 | 843 | 58.3× | 27.07 | 5.06 |
Humus earthworm | 2n=2x=36 | No | 0.79 | 0.71 | 2,261 | 64.4× | 20.32 | 3.23 |
When scaffolding a phased hifiasm assembly, you can run HapHiC with the GFA file(s) output by hifiasm. Here, the term "phased hifiasm assembly" refers to the haplotype-resolved primary contigs assembled via the trio binning or Hi-C-based algorithm (*.hap*.p_ctg.gfa
), as well as the phased unitigs (*.p_utg.gfa
HapHiC uses the read depth information in the GFA file(s) to filter out potential collapsed contigs/unitigs before clustering. If more than one GFA file is provided, HapHiC assumes these GFA files are haplotype-specific (*.hap*.p_ctg.gfa
), and artificially removes or reduces the Hi-C links between the haplotypes according to this phasing information. Note that the contigs/unitigs in GFA file(s) should match those in FASTA file. Either .gfa
or noseq.gfa
is acceptable.
# (1) For hifiasm primary unitigs, use the GFA file to filter out potential collapsed unitigs before clustering
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic pipeline p_utg.fa HiC.filtered.bam nchrs --gfa p_utg.gfa
# (2) In addition to read depth filtering, HapHiC can also reduce Hi-C links between haplotypes according to phasing information in GFA files for haplotype-resolved primary contigs
# By default, all Hi-C links between haplotypes are completely removed and contigs from different haplotypes will not be clustered into the same group
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic pipeline allhaps.fa HiC.filtered.bam nchrs --gfa "hap1.p_ctg.gfa,hap2.p_ctg.gfa"
# The weight can be set to 0 to ignore the phasing information. You can also set it between 0 and 1 to run HapHiC as a double check. In the latter case, contigs from different haplotypes might be clustered together
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic pipeline allhaps.fa HiC.filtered.bam nchrs --gfa "hap1.p_ctg.gfa,hap2.p_ctg.gfa" --phasing_weight 0
You can try the quick view mode in HapHiC when:
- The exact number of chromosomes is unknown.
- HapHiC cannot provide an acceptable clustering result or encounters a pipeline interruption.
- You need a quick view of your assembly (e.g., to identify the type and approximate proportion of assembly errors).
- You just want to manually curate your assembly and split chromosomes in Juicebox by yourself.
In quick view mode, HapHiC simply uses the fast sorting to order and orient all contigs without clustering. The result is similar to *.0.hic
in 3D-DNA. Most parameters are disabled in this mode, but you can use --correct_nrounds
to correct input contigs. When scaffolding a haplotype-resolved hifiasm assembly ( *.hap*.p_ctg.gfa
), you can still partition contigs into different haplotypes with the haplotype-specific GFA files.
# HapHiC will ignore the parameter "nchrs", it can be any integer
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic pipeline asm.fa HiC.filtered.bam nchrs --quick_view
# Correct input contigs before a quick view
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic pipeline asm.fa HiC.filtered.bam nchrs --quick_view --correct_nrounds 2
# Partition contigs into different haplotypes in quick view mode
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic pipeline allhaps.fa HiC.filtered.bam nchrs --quick_view --gfa "hap1.p_ctg.gfa,hap2.p_ctg.gfa"
There are two ways of generating .assembly
and .hic
files for visualization and manual curation in Juicebox. You can choose one of them according to your preference.
First, install the dependencies, including (1) 3D-DNA, (2) matlock, (3) Juicebox scripts. Then, generate the .assembly
and .hic
files by following these steps:
# (1) Generate .mnd file
$ /path/to/matlock bam2 juicer HiC.filtered.bam out.links.mnd
$ sort -k2,2 -k6,6 out.links.mnd > out.sorted.links.mnd
# (2) Generate .assembly file
$ /path/to/juicebox_scripts/agp2assembly.py scaffolds.agp scaffolds.assembly
# (3) Generate .hic file
$ bash /path/to/3d-dna/visualize/run-assembly-visualizer.sh -p false scaffolds.assembly out.sorted.links.mnd
Note: If there are any contigs corrected by HapHiC, you need to re-align Hi-C reads to corrected_asm.fa
and re-filter them instead of using the original HiC.filtered.bam
. Otherwise, there will not be any Hi-C signals on the corrected contigs in Juicebox. This is because that the IDs of corrected contigs in the SALSA-style scaffolds.agp
do not match the contig IDs in the original BAM file.
You can recall these steps on the command line:
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic juicer
After manual curation in Juicebox, you will obtain the modified assembly file scaffolds.review.assembly
. To generate the final FASTA file for the scaffolds:
# Generate the final FASTA file for the scaffolds
$ /path/to/juicebox_scripts/juicebox_assembly_converter.py -a scaffolds.review.assembly -f asm.fa -s
To avoid the necessity of re-aligning Hi-C data, we have incorporated a YaHS-style scaffolds.raw.agp
since HapHiC version 1.0.1. In this AGP file, the broken contigs are not assigned new IDs. Instead, their starting and ending coordinates in the raw contigs are displayed in the seventh and eighth columns. By following the approach provided by YaHS, you can generate the .assembly
and .hic
files without the need for re-aligning.
After constructing the final scaffolds, HapHiC automatically generates a shell script for visualization and curation in Juicebox. Ensure that Java and samtools have been installed and added to $PATH
on your system. Then, run the following command:
# bash, not sh
$ bash juicebox.sh
- Since HapHiC verion 1.0.6, there is no longer a need to manually set the scale factor in Juicebox. In addition, the saved
file can now be parsed correctly by Juicebox. - For large genomes, it is necessary to adjust the memory settings in the juicebox.sh file for Java (e.g. set to
or higher) to avoid out-of-memory errors or to improve the execution speed.
After manual curation in Juicebox, you will obtain the modified assembly file out_JBAT.review.assembly
. To generate the final FASTA file for the scaffolds:
# Generate the final FASTA file for the scaffolds
$ /path/to/HapHiC/utils/juicer post -o out_JBAT out_JBAT.review.assembly out_JBAT.liftover.agp asm.fa
Since HapHiC version 1.0.2, we have introduced a haphic plot
command to generate highly customizable Hi-C contact maps. This command requires two input files: a filtered BAM file HiC.filtered.bam
and a scaffold AGP file containing contig IDs that match those in the BAM file:
# For HapHiC scaffolding result
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic plot scaffolds.raw.agp HiC.filtered.bam
# For the AGP file generated after manual curation in Juicebox
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic plot out_JBAT.FINAL.agp HiC.filtered.bam
The visualized Hi-C contact map is output as contact_map.pdf
. This process may be somewhat slow if the BAM file is large, taking several minutes per 10 GiB of the BAM file. Upon completion, the program will produce a binary file named contact_matrix.pkl
. This file can be utilized in place of HiC.filtered.bam
for faster visualization (~1 minute).
# Use previously generated `contact_matrix.pkl` for faster visualization
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic plot out_JBAT.FINAL.agp contact_matrix.pkl
Note: The input AGP file and the parameters --bin_size
and --min_len
must remain consistent throughout.
By default, the bin size is set to 500 Kbp and only scaffolds exceeding 1 Mbp in length will be displayed on the contact map. To modify these parameters:
# Set the bin size to 1 Mbp and display only scaffolds longer than 5 Mbp
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic plot out_JBAT.FINAL.agp HiC.filtered.bam --bin_size 1000 --min_len 5
Additionally, you can create separate_plots.pdf
, which illustrates the contact map for each scaffold individually:
$ /path/to/HapHiC/haphic plot out_JBAT.FINAL.agp HiC.filtered.bam --separate_plots
To change the colormap, origin, border style, and normalization method for the contact maps, refer to the examples provided in the figure above.
Do you think these contact maps look cool? This function can also visualize results from other scaffolders! You only need to prepare a BAM file (by mapping and filtering Hi-C reads) for your chromosome-level FASTA file and create a corresponding AGP file:
# This script generates an AGP file for your FASTA file
$ /path/to/HapHiC/utils/mock_agp_file.py chr_asm.fa > chr_asm.agp
# Then, you can visualize your results using haphic plot with the BAM file and the AGP file
HapHiC has introduced a separate command, haphic refsort
, in version 1.0.4 to order and orient whole scaffolds according to a reference genome.
To begin, you should prepare a PAF file by align raw contigs (not scaffolds) to a reference genome using minimap2. The reference genome can be from the same species or a closely related one:
# The preset can be `asm5` if the reference genome is well-assembled from the same species
$ minimap2 -x asm20 ref.fa asm.fa --secondary=no -t 28 -o asm_to_ref.paf
# `haphic refsort` can also be compatible with other aligners, like wfmash
$ wfmash ref.fa asm.fa -m -n 1 -S 1 -t 28 | cut -f 1-6,8- > asm_to_ref.paf
By using the haphic refsort
command, you can generate a new AGP file based on the PAF file:
# By default, scaffolds are output based on the alphabetical order of the chromosome IDs of the reference genome
$ haphic refsort 04.build/scaffolds.raw.agp asm_to_ref.paf > scaffolds.refsort.agp
# You can manually specify the order by listing them and separating with commas
$ haphic refsort 04.build/scaffolds.raw.agp asm_to_ref.paf --ref_order chr1,chr2,chr3,chr4,... > scaffolds.refsort.agp
The generated scaffolds.refsort.agp
file can be directly used for Juicebox curation and for haphic plot
visualization. Please note that this function is NOT reference-based scaffolding and will NOT alter your scaffolds, it only changes the way of presentation through overall ordering and orientation of the entire scaffolds.
Here is an example of the autotetraploid sugarcane Np-X assembly:
What can I do when the anchoring rate is too low?
There are three parameters controlling the anchoring rate through the reassignment step:
, and--min_link_density
. By default, these parameters are set to 25, 25, and 0.0001, respectively. However, both the contig contiguity and Hi-C sequencing depth vary across different projects. By checking the*statistics.txt
files in01.cluster/inflation_*
, you can find better values for these parameters to get a scaffolding result with a higher anchoring rate.For small genomes, the default
--Nx 80
in the clustering step and the default--min_group_len
in reassignment step may also negatively affect the anchoring rate. To address this, you can increase the value of--Nx
and decrease--min_group_len
, or even disable these two functions entirely by using--Nx 100
and--min_group_len 0
. -
How to run HapHiC if I don't know the exact number of chromosomes?
You could try quick view. In this mode, HapHiC ignores the
parameter (you can fill in any integer), and scaffold contigs without clustering (similar to*.0.hic
in 3D-DNA). After visualizing the results in Juicebox, you can count the number of chromosomes based on the Hi-C contact map, and rerun HapHiC pipeline with this number. Alternatively, you can manually curate the assembly and split chromosomes in Juicebox by yourself. -
What can I do when I see "It seems that some chromosomes were grouped together" or "The maximum number of clusters is even less than the expected number of chromosomes" in the clustering step?
The question is complicated. HapHiC recommends a "best" inflation parameter based on the
you specified and the distribution of group lengths. Several factors could cause this problem.(1) The
parameter is too low. Try increasing it. The default value of--max_inflation 3.0
is generally enough. However, sometimes the best inflations are even greater than 7.0 due to a higher background of Hi-C links between chromosomes (We encountered this in the taro genome). This could be due to biological specificity or low quality of the Hi-C library. In rare cases, if a higher--max_inflation
still doesn't work, try using quick view and manually splitting chromosomes in Juicebox.(2) Some homologous chromosomes may be grouped together due to assembly errors. This is common in scaffolding phased assemblies. Please use more aggressive parameters to correct contigs, filter out contigs, or remove Hi-C links between homologous chromosomes. If you are unsure about the type or the proportion of assembly errors, a quick view may be helpful.
(3) When the chromosome lengths vary greatly, HapHiC may mistake a large chromosome for two or more chromosomes clustered together. In this case, you can choose a reasonable inflation and run the remaining steps individually.
- Issues: https://github.com/zengxiaofei/HapHiC/issues
- Before asking questions, please read: Important: More information allows me to grasp your issue faster
If you have used HapHiC in your work, please cite our paper published in Nature Plants:
Xiaofei Zeng, Zili Yi, Xingtan Zhang, Yuhui Du, Yu Li, Zhiqing Zhou, Sijie Chen, Huijie Zhao, Sai Yang, Yibin Wang, Guoan Chen. Chromosome-level scaffolding of haplotype-resolved assemblies using Hi-C data without reference genomes. Nature Plants, 10:1184-1200. doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-024-01755-3
There is also a Research Briefing available in Nature Plants:
Xiaofei Zeng, Guoan Chen. (2024) Achieving de novo scaffolding of chromosome-level haplotypes using Hi-C data. Nature Plants, 10:1157-1158. doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-024-01756-2
If you have used the optimization function for contig ordering and orientation, please cite ALLHiC as well:
Xingtan Zhang, Shengcheng Zhang, Qian Zhao, Ray Ming, Haibao Tang. (2019) Assembly of allele-aware, chromosomal-scale autopolyploid genomes based on Hi-C data. Nature Plants, 5:833-845. doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-019-0487-8
To reproduce the results in our paper, please use the HapHiC code in commit 431b7b6.
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