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TensorFlow implementation of the two 1-step methods from "Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning Methods" by Mnih et. al., 2016 for OpenAIs Gym-environment.

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Asynchronous 1-step Deep Reinforcement Learning

Work in progress

In this repo, you'll find two TensorFlow implementations from the paper Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning Methods by Mnih et., al 2016: Asynchronous 1-step Q-learning and Asynchronous 1-step SARSA. By default, they run on OpenAIs Gym enviroment, but you can easily play around with other examples through minor edits in

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Asynchronous 1-step Q-learning

In this method, each parallel worker (or thread) interacts with its own copy of the enviroment. Each worker computes a gradient of the Q-learning loss at each state, which it accumulates over multiple timesteps before it applies them, making a similar effect to using minibatches. Each worker is given a different exploration rate, which add diversity of the exploration and helps to improve the robustness of the algorithm.

Asynchonous 1-step SARSA

This method is very similar to 1-step Q-learning, with the exception of using a different target value for Q(s,a). While Q-learning uses r + ɣmaxQ(s',a'; θ'), 1-step SARSA uses r + ɣQ(s',a'; θ') where a' represents the action taken in s'.


// Algorithm for one worker.
// Assume global shared θ, θ', and the counter global_max = 0.
Initialize worker step counter ĺocal_step ← 0
Initialize target network weights θ' ← θ
Initialize network gradients dθ ← 0
Get initial state s
while global_step > global_max_steps do
    Take action a with ε-greedy policy based on Q(s,a;θ)
    Receive new state s' and reward
    for terminal s' do
        y = reward
    for non-terminal s' do
        for Q-learning do
            y = reward * ɣmaxQ(s',a';θ')
        for SARSA do
            y = reward * ɣQ(s',a';θ')
    Accumulate gradients wrt θ: dθ ← dθ + ∂(y−Q(s,a;θ)) / ∂θ
    s ← s'
    global_step ← global_step + 1 
    local_step ← local_step + 1
    if global_step % target_network_update == 0 then
        Update the target network θ' ← θ
    end if
    if local_step % local_max_steps == 0 or s' is terminal then
        Perform asynchronous update of θ using dθ.
        Clear gradients dθ ← 0.
    end if

General settings

  • game - Breakout-v0 - Name of the Atari game to play. Full list here.
  • histrogram_summary- 500 - How many episodes to average histogram summary over.
  • load_checkpoint - True - If it should should from available checkpoints.
  • save_checkpoint - True - If it should should save checkpoints when break is triggered.
  • save_stats - True If it should save stats for Tensorboard.
  • random_seed - 123 - Sets the random seed.
  • use_gpu - False - If TensorFlow operations should run on GPU rather than CPU.
  • display - False - If it you want to render the game.
  • log - False - For a verbose log.

Training settings

  • parallel_agents - 8 - Number of asynchronous agents (threads) to train with.
  • global_max_steps - 80 000 000 - Maximum training steps.
  • local_max_steps - 5 - Frequency with which each agent network is updated (I_target).
  • target_network_update - 10 000 - Frequency with which the shared target network is updated (I_AsyncUpdate).
  • frame_skip - 3 - How many frames to skip (or actions to repeat) for each step.

Method settings

  • method - q - Training algorithm to use [q, sarsa]. Defaults to Q-learning.
  • gamma - 0.99 - Discount factor for rewards.
  • epsilon_anneal - 1 000 000 - Number of steps to anneal epsilon.

Optimizer settings

  • optimizer - rmsprop - Which optimizer to use [adam, gradientdescent, rmsprop]. Defaults to rmsprop.
  • rms_decay - 0.99 - RMSProp decay parameter.
  • rms_epsilon - 0.1 RMSProp epsilon parameter.
  • learning_rate - 0.0007 - Initial learning rate.
  • anneal_learning_rate - True - If learning rate should be annealed over global max steps.

Evaluation settings

  • evaluate - True - If it should run continous evaluation throughout the training session.
  • evaluation_episodes - 10 - How many evaluation episodes to run (and average the evaluation over).
  • evaluation_frequency - 100 000 - The frequency of evaluation runs.


TensorFlow implementation of the two 1-step methods from "Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning Methods" by Mnih et. al., 2016 for OpenAIs Gym-environment.







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