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Releases: aws/aws-sdk-ruby

Release v2.1.33 - 2015-10-28

28 Oct 22:45
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Tag release v2.1.33

  • Issue - Aws::APIGateway - Resolved an issue that prevented users from calling

Release v2.1.32 - 2015-10-26

26 Oct 20:06
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Tag release v2.1.32

#884, #964

  • Feature - Aws::SSM - API update for Amazon Simple Systems Management Service.

  • Feature - Aws::APIGateway - Added for Amazon API Gateway.

    See related GitHub issue #884.

Release v2.1.31 - 2015-10-22

22 Oct 22:30
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Tag release v2.1.31

#874, #880, #926, #939, #942, #944, #947, #956, #961, #962, #963, #966

  • Feature - Aws::AutoScaling - The Amazon Auto Scaling service now allows you to
    create launch configurations that include encrypted Amazon Elastic Block Store
    (EBS) volumes.

  • Feature - Aws::IAM - Adds support for resource-based policies in the AWS IAM
    policy simulator.

  • Feature - Aws::EC2 - Added helpful error messages when configuring an
    Aws::EC2::Client with region which is actually an availability zone.
    This will prevent users from getting unhelpful networking errors. 'us-east-1a')
    #=> raises ArgumentError: :region should be a region name, not an availability zone name; try `us-west-2' instead of `us-west-2a'

    See related GitHub issue #966.

  • Issue - Aws::InstanceProfileCredentials - Now retries errors
    raised while attempting to parse the expiration time from
    instance metadata credentials.

    See related GitHub issue #880.

  • Issue - Aws::S3 - The #copy_from and #copy_to methods of Aws::S3::Object
    will now correctly encode URL un-safe characters as required by Amazon S3.
    Without the fix, these calls fail with a signature error.

    s3 =
    obj = s3.bucket('target-bucket').object('target-key')
    # the key will now correctly be encoded as 'unescaped/key%20path'
    obj.copy_from(bucket:'source-bucket', key:'unescaped/key path')
    # the key will now correctly be encoded as 'unescaped/key%20path'
    src ='source-bucket', 'unescaped/key path')
    # the key will now correctly be encoded as 'unescaped/key%20path'
    obj.copy_from('source-bucket/unescaped/key path')

    If you have previously worked around this issue, you should remove your
    code that URL encodes the key.

    See related GitHub issue #944.

  • Feature - Aws::S3 - The #copy_from and #copy_to methods of Aws::S3::Object
    now accept the source or target bucket and key as a hash with mixed

    # old format
    obj.copy_from({ bucket: 'source-bucket', key: 'source-key' }, { multipart_copy: true })
    # new format
    obj.copy_from(bucket: 'source-bucket', key: 'source-key', multipart_copy: true)

    Passing two hashes is still valid.

    See related GitHub issue #963.

  • Feature - Aws::S3 - Aws::S3::Client#put_object now accepts closed files.

    See related GitHub issue #939.

  • Issue - Aws::S3 - The Aws::S3::Object#copy_from no longer modifies the
    given options hash.

    See related GitHub issue #947.

Release v2.1.30 - 2015-10-15

15 Oct 19:30
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Tag release v2.1.30

#928, #931, #938, #948, #957, #958

  • Feature - Aws::KMS - This release of AWS Key Management Service introduces the
    ability to delete customer master keys (CMKs), including two new APIs for
    scheduling and canceling key deletion.

  • Feature - Aws::S3 - Adds support for Service Side Encryption (AES256) to

  • Issue - Aws::EC2 - Resolved an issue where Aws::EC2::Client#copy_snapshot
    would not compute the required presigned url when the :destination_region
    was populated.

    See related GitHub issue #928.

  • Issue - Aws::CloudFormation - Added support for rollback states to the
    Aws::CloudFormation::Client#wait_until :stack_create_complete waiter.

    See related GitHub issue #931.

  • Feature - Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials - Added support for passing
    Aws::STS::Client configuration options to Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials#initialize.
    This allows you to configure things such as :region, :logger, etc without
    having to pass an Aws::STS::Client.

    See related GitHub issue #957.

  • Issue - Aws::S3 - Resolved an issue with pre-signed URLs generated
    with virtual_host: true.

    See related GitHub issue #938.

    See related GitHub pull-request #940.

Release v2.1.29 - 2015-10-08

08 Oct 17:20
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Tag release v2.1.29

  • Feature - Aws::ECS - Task definitions now support more Docker
    options hostname, Docker labels, working directory, networking
    disabled, privileged execution, read-only root filesystem, DNS
    servers, DNS search domains, ulimits, log configuration, extra
    hosts (hosts to add to /etc/hosts), and security options (for
    MLS systems like SELinux).
  • Feature - Aws::IoT - Added support for AWS IoT control and data plane
  • Feature - Aws::Lambda - Added support for function versioning.

Release v2.1.28 - 2015-10-07

07 Oct 17:26
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Tag release v2.1.28

  • Feature - Aws::Inspector - Added support for the new Amazon Inspector
    service. Amazon Inspector is a new service from AWS that identifies
    security issues in your application deployments. Use Inspector with
    your applications to assess your security posture and identify areas
    that can be improved. Inspector works with your EC2 Instances to
    monitor activity in the applications and system.
  • Feature - Aws::KinesisFirehose - Added support Amazon Kinesis Firehose.
    Amazon Kinesis Firehose is a fully managed service for ingesting data
    streams directly into AWS data services such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift.
  • Feature - Aws::MarketplaceCommerceAnalytics - Added support for the new AWS
    Marketplace Commerce Analytics service.
  • Feature - Aws::Kinesis - Two new Amazon Kinesis APIs that allow customers to
    choose how long their data records are stored in their Amazon Kinesis streams.
    Customers can modify a their streams to store records from 1 to 7 days, in
    increments of 1 day.
  • Feature - Aws::Config - Added support for Config Rules.

Release v2.1.27 - 2015-10-06

06 Oct 23:47
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Tag release v2.1.27

  • Feature - Aws::WAF - Adds SDK support for AWS WAF, a web application firewall
    that helps protect your web applications from common web exploits that could
    affect application availability, compromise security, or consume excessive
  • Feature - Aws::EC2 - Adds "Spot Blocks" for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
  • Feature - Aws::CloudFront - Adds support for adding WebACLIds to CloudFront

Release v2.1.26 - 2015-10-01

01 Oct 23:43
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Tag release v2.1.26

  • Feature - Aws::ElasticsearchService - Added support for Amazon Elasticsearch Service
    (Amazon ES), is a managed service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale
    Elasticsearch in the AWS cloud. Elasticsearch is a popular open-source search and
    analytics engine for use cases such as log analytics, real-time application
    monitoring, and click stream analytics. With Amazon ES, you get direct access
    to the Elasticsearch open-source API so that existing code and applications will
    work seamlessly. You can set up and configure your Amazon ES cluster in minutes
    from the AWS Management Console. Amazon Elasticsearch Service provisions all the
    resources for your cluster and launches it. Amazon ES also automatically detects
    and replaces failed Elasticsearch nodes, reducing the overhead associated with
    self-managed infrastructures. You can easily scale your cluster with a single
    API call or a few clicks in the AWS Management Console.

Release v2.1.25 - 2015-10-01

01 Oct 22:32
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Tag release v2.1.25


  • Feature - Aws::RDS - Added support for CopyTagsToSnapshot.

    See related GitHub issue #887.

  • Feature - Aws::CloudTrail - This release of CloudTrail includes support for log
    file integrity validation, log encryption with AWS KMS–Managed Keys (SSE-KMS),
    and trail tagging.

  • Feature - Aws::CloudSearch - Added support for the new DefineIndexFields operation.

Release v2.1.24 - 2015-09-29

29 Sep 23:41
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Tag release v2.1.24

#935, #937

  • Feature - Aws::SES - Amazon SES can now accept incoming emails. You can
    configure Amazon SES to deliver messages to an Amazon S3 bucket, call an AWS
    Lambda function, publish notifications to Amazon SNS, drop messages, or bounce
  • Feature - Aws::EC2 - Add #modify_spot_fleet_request API to Amazon EC2 client
    and bump API version to 2015-10-01.
  • Feature - Aws::CloudFormation - Add #describe_account_limits API to allow
    users to view account-level limits imposed by AWS CloudFormation. Also adds
    optional parameter :resource_types to #create_stack and #update_stack