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2.3.31 Satellite: Flowise

av edited this page Nov 24, 2024 · 1 revision

Handle: flowise
URL: http://localhost:34231

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Open source low-code tool for developers to build customized LLM orchestration flow & AI agents.


# [Optional] Pre-pull the image
harbor pull flowise

# Start the service [--open is optional, to auto open in browser]
harbor up flowise --open


Flowise connections are mostly configured specifically for a given workflow right within the nodes.

When running alongside other services in Harbor - use their internal URLs. For example:

# Ollama URL for the Flowise
harbor url -i ollama

Here's the most basic chat workflow:

Flowise most basic workflow

Other than that, Flowise is an extremely feature-rich tool with a lot of capabilities, please see the official documentation and tutorials to get started.


Official environment variables reference. To set them, see Harbor's environment configuration guide.

Apart from that, you can configure the following via harbor config with the following options supported:

# The port on the host machine to access
# the Flowise service API and UI
FLOWISE_HOST_PORT              34281

# The Docker image to use
FLOWISE_IMAGE                  flowiseai/flowise
# The tag of the Docker image to use
FLOWISE_VERSION                latest

# Location of the workspace directory on the host machine
# relative to $(harbor home), but can be global as well
FLOWISE_WORKSPACE              ./flowise/data
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