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Project Layout

Taner Sener edited this page Oct 3, 2022 · 6 revisions

Files in this project are organised according to the layout below.

├── .tmp/
├── android/
│   ├── ffmpeg-kit-android-lib/
│   └── jni/
├── apple/
│   └── src/
├── docs/
├── flutter/
├── linux/
│   └── src/
├── prebuilt/
├── react-native/
├── scripts/
│   ├── android/
│   └── apple/
├── src/
├── tools/

Project root includes nine directories, five top level build scripts (,,, and, one combine script ( for Apple platforms, one LICENSE file and three markdown files (,,

  • android folder contains files necessary to build FFmpegKit Android library. These files are;

    • Configuration files required by gradle
    • Documentation configuration file for doxygen
    • Library source code inside the ffmpeg-kit-android-lib folder
    • NDK build files under the jni folder
    • file
  • apple directory includes files necessary to build FFmpegKit Objective-C library for iOS, macOS and tvOS. They are;

    • Configuration files required by Autotools
    • Documentation configuration for doxygen
    • Library source code inside the src folder
    • file
  • docs folder contains the documentation and digital assets.

  • flutter folder contains the files of the flutter plugin that supports Android, iOS and macOS platforms.

  • linux directory includes files necessary to build FFmpegKit C++ library for Linux. These files are;

    • Configuration files required by Autotools
    • Documentation configuration for doxygen
    • Library source code inside the src folder
    • file
  • react-native folder contains the files of the react-native plugin that supports Android and iOS platforms.

  • scripts directory includes all scripts called by the top-level build scripts.

    • Scripts responsible for cross-compiling external libraries are grouped according to the platform name; they can be found under the android, apple and linux folders respectively
    • function scripts contain platform specific bash functions
    • main scripts are responsible for building an architecture for a platform
    • run scripts execute cross compilation scripts under the android, apple and linux folders
    • contains external library repository urls and their versions
    • includes common variables used by all platforms
  • src directory is empty by default. The source code of enabled external libraries is downloaded into this directory by the top level build scripts.

  • tools directory includes patch files and release scripts.

  • A temporary folder named .tmp is created at the beginning to save temporary files needed by the scripts, e.g., gnu-config project.

  • After the compilation, all compiled objects (libraries, universal binaries, frameworks, xcframeworks, android archives, etc.) are created under the prebuilt directory.

    • Android archive (.aar file) for Main builds is located under the bundle-android-aar folder
    • Android archive (.aar file) for LTS builds is located under the bundle-android-aar-lts folder
    • iOS xcframeworks for Main builds are located under the bundle-apple-xcframework-ios folder
    • iOS frameworks for Main builds are located under the bundle-apple-framework-ios folder
    • iOS frameworks for LTS builds are located under the bundle-apple-framework-ios-lts folder
    • Linux headers and libraries are located under the bundle-linux folder
    • macOS xcframeworks for Main builds are located under the bundle-apple-xcframework-macos folder
    • macOS frameworks for Main builds are located under the bundle-apple-framework-macos folder
    • macOS frameworks for LTS builds are located under the bundle-apple-framework-macos-lts folder
    • tvOS xcframeworks for Main builds are located under the bundle-apple-xcframework-tvos folder
    • tvOS frameworks for Main builds are located under the bundle-apple-framework-tvos folder
    • tvOS frameworks for LTS builds are located under the bundle-apple-framework-tvos-lts folder
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