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Stefan Weil edited this page Jul 29, 2022 · 36 revisions

Tools creating ALTO

  • ABBYY FineReader Engine is an OCR SDK that gives developers, integrators and BPOs the tools they require to integrate optical text recognition technologies into their applications.
  • docWizz is a software solution to digitize and convert library holdings and archives for easy access, searchability, and long-term preservation. docWorks generates as default METS/ALTO output, in addition it offers the transformation of the output into further formats like ePUB, PDF, plain-text, RTF or others.
  • kraken is a free turn-key OCR system forked from ocropus. It is intended to rectify a number of issues while preserving (mostly) functional equivalence.
  • eScriptorium is a free web application for manual and automated text segmentation and recognition which can import and export ALTO.
  • Tesseract is a widely used free OCR software.

Tools presenting ALTO content

  • OCLC CONTENTdm makes everything in your digital collections available to everyone, everywhere. No matter the format — local history archives, newspapers, books, maps, slide libraries or audio/video — CONTENTdm can handle the storage, management and delivery of your collections to users across the Web.
  • Veridian is presentation software that makes it easy to search, view, and interact with digital collections on the Internet. Veridian supports almost any type of content such as books, magazines, journals, newspapers, photographs, maps, and audio/video files and makes them easily accessible to anyone online.
  • Islandora is a popular open source digital repository system based on Fedora Commons, Drupal and a host of additional applications. Islandora is used for many different types of content, including newspapers.
  • BNLViewer
    METS/ALTO viewer written in Java and Javascript from National Library of Luxembourg
    An enhanced ALTO-viewer for Quality Assurance oriented display of a collections of scans, typically from books or newspapers.
    Browser web service for displaying digital representations from decentralized library repositories
  • dinglehopper is a free OCR evaluation tool and reads ALTO, PAGE and text files.

Tools working with ALTO

Tools for transforming ALTO or other formats into ALTO

Other tools