Convert between Tesseract hOCR and ALTO XML 2.0/2.1/3/4 using XSL stylesheets
The XSLT scripts use XSLT 2.0 features - so a XSLT 2.0 capable transformer is required - ie. Saxon
Running the conversion using Saxon-HE command line - example converting ALTO to hOCR:
> java -jar saxon-he.jar -s:input-alto.xml -xsl:alto__hocr.xsl -o:output-hocr.xml
See ocr-fileformat for an interface to using these stylesheets.
File naming scheme: sourceFormatVersion__targetFormatVersion.xsl
- Convert ALTO to hOCR
- Convert hOCR to ALTO
- Convert ALTO to plain text
- Convert hOCR to plain text
- Language codes