Adds splash text to Void G114's menu.
- UserEntries - Pulls from a text file you can edit
- Bonelab - Various bonelab/bonelab community related splashes
- Minecraft - Minecraft splash text lol
- Terraria - Terraria splash text lol
There are a few templates for use in entries.
These templates get replaced with what their value is.
- [CurrentAvatar] - What avatar you are
- [UserName] = Your windows username
- [PalletCount] = How many SDK mods you have installed
- [Height] = Your height
- [RandomFavoriteAvatar] = A random favorite avatar
- [RandomFavoriteSpawnable] = A random favorite spawnable
- [CPU] = Your CPU
- [GPU] = Your GPU
- [RAM] = Your RAM amount
- [OS] = Your OS
- [GPUVendor] = Your GPU vendor
- [MachineName] = Your machine name
- [TotalDiskSpace] = Your total disk space
- [FreeDiskSpace] = Your free disk space
- [RandomUserPicture] = A random picture from the user's pictures folder
- [RandomUserDocument] = A random document from the user's documents folder
- [RandomUserDownloadsFile] = A random file from the user's downloads folder
- [RandomUserDesktopFile] = A random file from the user's desktop folder
- [RandomSteamGame] = A random game from the user's steam library