released this
31 May 12:05
(ketchup) Adding support for multiple pattern for same repository d672509
Adding icon for frequncy 40185ac
(pypi) Adding pypi support a1ccdd2
(npm) Adding npm support 843725f
Adding documentation for simple caret with no minor bfcf0b8
(store) Retrieving repository details for frequency request f089033
(sql) Adding cascade for ketchup 9dc41fb
(semver) Fixing pattern check for caret fa548af
Adding url in the mailer payload cfe60cc
Fixing image url during edition 877c8f0
Fixing url depending on the kind of dependencies 73365ff
Fixing condition for iterating over kind c450db1
Fixing notifier kinds array a8a91e7
(deps) bump from 1.18.0 to 1.19.0 f64c3ac
(deps) bump from 2.8.4 to 2.8.5 419c5f9
Reducing complexity of the ketchupsToNotify func a71e573
(docker) Reducing complexity of main loop 19b4f69
Ignoring test file for golang in sonar 6c3add4
Renaming sonarcloud configuration file 2bbb01c
Configuring SonarCloud analysis 69e48e3
(provider) Moving provider into a dedicated folder 2aa4c1f
Updating readme CLI args 932b2e9
(docker) Adding a safer way to retrieve the next link 44c1191
(docker) Reducing cyclomatic complexity of main iteration a2d741f
(docker) Handling pagination for registries d5affd3
Removing use of sync.WaitGroup in favor of done chan d4c960a
Mentionning that we are docker ready 76913d8
You can’t perform that action at this time.