vencord installer with auto updating third party plugins
- make sure to uninstall any discord client mods you previously have installed beforehand.
- If you have an outdated version of node.js, the script will not update it. If you run into issues, uninstall node.js and run the script again, it'll automatically install the latest version.
Clone the repo (git clone
From the same terminal enter the directory (cd ez-vencord-install)
Finally grab submodules (git submodule update --init --recursive)
run updateandinstall.bat this will update everything from submodules to vencord itself
If the process is successful, it will ask you to install vencord.
Use the arrow keys and enter to navigate. Select "Install Vencord," then choose your flavour of discord (typically stable)
If your discord didn't automatically restart, fully close and re-open discord.
In your discord user settings, you will find a bunch of plugins. Read through them and enable the ones you want, then restart discord afterwards.
- open your cloned ez-vencord-install folder in terminal
- git submodule add <repo_link> patches/src/userplugins/customfoldername
Your plugins will now auto update with the UpdateandInstall.bat
run hard-reset.bat this should fix any errors you had with your client even after you installed custom plugins
- Vencord:
- Third Party \ Unofficial Plugins channel in Vencord server: