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Firebase Schema

Kaushal Dhruw edited this page May 15, 2018 · 2 revisions

This is the current schema of the project. It contains one or more sample element per node.

	"discussions": {
		"Lesson-06-LifeCycle-Quiz-1": {
			"-LCJUbv-FsApt2pUlnij": {
				"comment": "hello",
				"comment-by": "Kaushal Dhruw",
				"commented-on": 1526130958,
				"commenter-id": "0iPT6odrpHQD7gwWwT9DIwdtBnF2",
				"commenter-pic": ""
			"-LCJUgIiPzMj30sQYJej": {
				"comment": "sup",
				"comment-by": "Kaushal Dhruw",
				"commented-on": 1526130976,
				"commenter-id": "0iPT6odrpHQD7gwWwT9DIwdtBnF2",
				"commenter-pic": ""
			"-LCJVMjf0duH7dGwXsDw": {
				"comment": "hey man",
				"comment-by": "Kaushal Dhruw",
				"commented-on": 1526131154,
				"commenter-id": "Jq5Zm1dRlDNIyADPYmBhHaFRhuu1",
				"commenter-pic": ""
	"quizzes": {
		"Lesson-06-LifeCycle-Quiz-1": {
			"creator-id": "Vishal Sehgal's ID",
			"creator-name": "Vishal Sehgal",
			"deadline": "2018-06-25",
			"description": "Basic quiz for Android Lifecycle",
			"difficulty": "easy",
			"last-modified": "2018-03-30",
			"lesson": 6,
			"max-marks": 16,
			"questions": {
				"q1": {
					"description": "Definition of Loader?",
					"marks": 2,
					"options": {
						"o1": {
							"description": "loaders make it easy to synchronously load data in an activity or fragment.",
							"is-correct": false,
							"remarks": "none"
						"o2": {
							"description": "loaders make it easy to asynchronously load data in an activity or fragment.",
							"is-correct": true,
							"remarks": "none"
						"o3": {
							"description": "loaders does not make it easy to asynchronously load data in an activity or fragment.",
							"is-correct": false,
							"remarks": "none"
						"o4": {
							"description": "None of the above.",
							"is-correct": false,
							"remarks": "none"
					"type": "single-choice"
			"title": "Android Lifecycle Quiz 1"
	"resources": {
		"resource-0": {
			"category": "blog",
			"description": "Go serverless with Firebase cloud functions",
			"shared-by": "Kaushal Dhruw",
			"tags": "android, firebase, serverless",
			"timestamp": 1525339262,
			"title": "Firebase Cloud Functions",
			"url": ""
		"resource-00": {
			"category": "video blog",
			"description": "Learn git from scratch to how to contribute in collab projects",
			"shared-by": "Kaushal dhruw",
			"tags": "git, github, git in android studio",
			"timestamp": 1525339262,
			"title": "Git, Github, Collaborative projects",
			"url": ""
	"users": {
		"0iPT6odrpHQD7gwWwT9DIwdtBnF2": {
			"attempted": {
				"Lesson-06-LifeCycle-Quiz-1": {
					"lesson": 6,
					"max-marks": 16,
					"percentage": 12,
					"quiz-id": "Lesson-06-LifeCycle-Quiz-1",
					"quiz-title": "Android Lifecycle Quiz 1",
					"score": 2
			"bookmarks": {
				"Lesson-06-LifeCycle-Quiz-1": true,
				"Lesson-3-Connect-to-the-Internet-Quiz-1": false
			"email": "[email protected]",
			"fcm-token": "c5R1k1w_odw:APA91bGNqu9RhkbAyIZKMpt0fIiMevrarGDnE8WyCj1o2RYfY8wPuUp4gZRfuGdTreI8GSS8wvvK0DMh14JrjpEWfyryZGzO-YR3d8nnZ90fxkdNudOx46qgrIgZh3GVig5yFEw0U5Jb",
			"image": "",
			"name": "Kaushal Dhruw",
			"slack-handle": "@future",
			"track": "Android Developer"
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