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Code Style Guidelines

Vansh Badkul edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 5 revisions

Code Style Guidelines for Quiz-app

Our code style guidelines are based on the official AOSP Java Code Style for Contributors.

Important guidelines


Use 4 spaces per indentation level and no tabs.


Use in-line commenting to help the next developer who might be editing your code, even if it seems obvious now. Inline comments should appear on the line above the code you are commenting. Comment XML View elements using <!-- Comment -->. Use block style comments for classes and functions. Every class, method and constant should have a javadoc style comment. Wherever the code is complex, explain using multi-line comments.


All the resources like strings, dimensions, colors should be taken from their respective files. For eg, if a color is not present, add it to the colors.xml file and then use it.

File naming

Class files

Class names are written in UpperCamelCase.

For classes that extend an Android component, the name of the class should end with the name of the component; for example: SignInActivity, SignInFragment, ImageUploaderService, ChangePasswordDialog.

Resources files

Resources file names are written in lowercase_underscore.

Drawable files

Naming conventions for drawables:

Asset Type Prefix Example
Action bar ab_ ab_stacked.9.png
Button btn_ btn_send_pressed.9.png
Dialog dialog_ dialog_top.9.png
Divider divider_ divider_horizontal.9.png
Icon ic_ ic_star.png
Menu menu_ menu_submenu_bg.9.png
Notification notification_ notification_bg.9.png
Tabs tab_ tab_pressed.9.png

Naming conventions for icons (taken from Android iconography guidelines):

Asset Type Prefix Example
Icons ic_ ic_star.png
Launcher icons ic_launcher ic_launcher_calendar.png
Menu icons and Action Bar icons ic_menu ic_menu_archive.png
Status bar icons ic_stat_notify ic_stat_notify_msg.png
Tab icons ic_tab ic_tab_recent.png
Dialog icons ic_dialog ic_dialog_info.png

Naming conventions for selector states:

State Suffix Example
Normal _normal btn_order_normal.9.png
Pressed _pressed btn_order_pressed.9.png
Focused _focused btn_order_focused.9.png
Disabled _disabled btn_order_disabled.9.png
Selected _selected btn_order_selected.9.png

Layout files

Layout files should match the name of the Android components that they are intended for but move the top level component name to the beginning. For example, if we are creating a layout for the SignInActivity, the name of the layout file should be activity_sign_in.xml.

Id names

Layout resource ids should use the following naming convention where possible: <layout name>_<object type>_<object name>



Follow Field Naming Conventions

  • Non-public, non-static field names start with m.
  • Other fields start with a lower case letter.
  • Static final fields (constants) are ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES.


public class MyClass {
    public static final int SOME_CONSTANT = 42;
    public int publicField;
    int mPackagePrivate;
    private int mPrivate;
    protected int mProtected;

Loop variables should be declared in the for statement itself unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise:

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

Use standard brace style

Braces do not go on their own line; they go on the same line as the code before them:


class MyClass {
    int func() {
        if (something) {
            // ...
        } else if (somethingElse) {
            // ...
        } else {
            // ...