1.7.0 (2020-05-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add custom field support for new types #152
- Return type is not correctly filled #150
- Models Case and CaseTemplate don't have PAP attribute #127
- Improve jsonify function to allow excluding attributes #125
Fixed bugs:
- Add support to datetime for "date" CustomFields #138
- Update alert using 'fields' is not working #130
- Models should have the attribute 'id' #120
- promote_alert_to_case() doesn't apply caseTemplate #114
- PAP flag missing when creating a case from a retrieved Case object #111
- Specify an optional case template parameter to promote_alert_to_case #115 (agix)
Closed issues:
- FR: Get "task name" in an "case_task_log" event #148
- support for case template deletion/creation #124
- Example python create case with observables #113
- Alert create error: ('Connection aborted.', error(104, 'Connection reset by peer') #109
- Requesting analyzer report from cortex with thehive4py #107
- Add support to multi tenancy #154
- Add support to like and wildcard operators #149
- Add ioc and sighted attributes to case and alert artifacts #126
- Create update_case_observable #121
Merged pull requests:
- Add support for case delete, creating custom fields and create case templates #146 (aurelienhess)
- Support for json datetime #139 (ehooo)
- Added IDs in all models #123 (mgabriel-silva)
- Added update_case_observable #122 (mgabriel-silva)
- Added support for custom owner on Case creation #118 (victorvillar)