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xXHighTideXx edited this page Jan 24, 2024 · 1 revision

Procedures in the HTGA


The setup process that the HTGA has is actually fairly simple. If you can't figure it out or you just want to see it before you download the program, this is the place for you to be.

Please note, if you don't see any message after the text loading... shows up, that means you are missing a file. Please ensure that the file timeslaunched.userdata exists and is in the data folder in the programs directory. The HTGA currently has a bug that prevents the program from working if it can't find the timeslaunched.userdata file. I'm sorry but it is marked down as a high-priority issue.

When the setup is started you should see a screen like this:

Welcome user! It looks like this is your first time here.
Please start by stating the username you would like...

Where the program says Username: is where you will enter the username you want the program to address you by. For the best experience, I recommend you set your username to something with a minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 10 characters but of course, you don't need to obey by that.

After you setup your username, you will be asked to press the enter/return key to continue. This is just to make sure the username has been saved to the program correctly.

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