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xXHighTideXx edited this page Oct 25, 2023 · 4 revisions


What is it?

The HTGA (HighTide General App) is a multi-use console-based application made for windows and linux computers. This application can be used to see what HighTide is up to at any given moment by checking out his schedule and ongoing projects. This can be done by using the given commands inside the application.

How do I use it?

Typically console-based applications are used by entering commands into the console. That being said, this app is operated by doing just that. In order to use this application, you have to know about the commands you can use inside the console. For this app, you can find a list of commands here.

The Wiki

What can I find here?

Here in this wiki you can find everything you need to know about the HTGA. You can find everything from commands to resources used by this app to function the way it does. If you have a question, all you have to do is come here!

Why is this here?

Mainly this wiki was made to support people who have never used a console-based application. This wiki doesn't have much in it but does have enough for new users to learn about the HTGA and all of its many features.

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