0.29.0 Multi-tool supports split and images, Split by Chapters and more!
Major Enhancements
- Added https://www.stirlingpdf.com/ to the footer, We have paid support coming for all companies that want it, Please sign up in Contact Us form to find out more in future! Surveys to come...
- Add image support to multi-tool page by @Frooodle in #1769
- Add document splitting functionality to the multi-tools page by @FiratUsta in #1808
- Feature: Split PDFs by Chapters/Bookmarks by @Rudra-241 in #1786
- Added functionality to set font size and font type to add page numbers in both frontend and backend. by @creator1999 in #1783
- Introduced legal document support (Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy etc) within settings.yml.
- Enhanced metrics collection to include unique user counts.
Bug fixes
- Change display name WEPB to WEBP by @Ludy87 in #1762
- [Bug Fix] Multiple Bug Fixes by @FiratUsta in #1836
- [Bug Fix] Fix Firefox Page Drag Bug by @FiratUsta in #1837
Minor Enhancements/Changes
- Footer link to Stirlingpdf.com by @Frooodle in #1827
- Page Scale: add pageSize KEEP #1798 by @nachokb in #1800
- Stirling-PDF now sets metadata for all PDF files to mark stirling-pdf as editor/creator etc
Other (Lots of UI fixes and tweaks thankyou!!)
- Validates the file name by @Ludy87 in #1793
- Fix insertFileButton referencing the old addPdfs method. by @FiratUsta in #1809
- Fixed reduce extra space between input field & button #1829 by @dk-talks in #1848
- Minor fixes stopping invalid sessions by @Frooodle in #1850
- fix(stamp): radius styles of color input by @designtesbrot in #1862
- Changed
to get a consistent overlay-pdf form by @DrSommer20 in #1849 - Changed Spacing between between Buttons and Spacing of Settings Menu by @DrSommer20 in #1864
- fix:Remove add image and Align download input file with same width as pdf file input by @see-more in #1884
- Lots of changes by @Frooodle in #1889
- Update add-watermark.html by @Charan19001A0231 in #1893
- Metadata handling for all PDF endpoints by @Frooodle in #1894
- Fix: Left-align the submit button on each card for pdf operation by @Ahar28 in #1897
- Css changes by @Frooodle in #1899
Docker Updates
- [Snyk] Security upgrade alpine from 3.20.2 to 3.20.3 by @Frooodle in #1839
- [Snyk] Security upgrade alpine from 3.20.2 to 3.20.3 by @Frooodle in #1840
- Bump alpine from 3.20.2 to 3.20.3 by @dependabot in #1865
Translation Changes
- Update german translation by @maxi322 in #1759
- Updated es_ES translation by @NeilJared in #1776
- Update messages_de_DE.properties by @Ludy87 in #1784
- Language change contribution (Hindi) by @Vamsi1810 in #1799
- Update translation files by @github-actions in #1812
- test by @Frooodle in #1814
- Update messages_it_IT.properties by @albanobattistella in #1815
- Update messages_sv_SE.properties by @Frooodle in #1820
- Update messages_ro_RO.properties by @Frooodle in #1822
- Update messages_ar_AR.properties by @Frooodle in #1825
- Update messages_it_IT.properties by @albanobattistella in #1854
- Update messages_zh_CN.properties by @xifangczy in #1871
- Update messages_it_IT.properties by @albanobattistella in #1891
Other Changes
- Bump springBootVersion from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 by @dependabot in #1763
- Bump org.springframework.boot from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 by @dependabot in #1764
- Update 3rd Party Licenses by @github-actions in #1767
- removes duplicate dependencies by @Ludy87 in #1792
- Bump io.micrometer:micrometer-core from 1.13.3 to 1.13.4 by @dependabot in #1866
- Bump com.fathzer:javaluator from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 by @dependabot in #1867
- Update 3rd Party Licenses by @github-actions in #1873
New Contributors
- @Rudra-241 made their first contribution in #1786
- @Vamsi1810 made their first contribution in #1799
- @FiratUsta made their first contribution in #1809
- @creator1999 made their first contribution in #1783
- @dk-talks made their first contribution in #1848
- @nachokb made their first contribution in #1800
- @designtesbrot made their first contribution in #1862
- @DrSommer20 made their first contribution in #1849
- @xifangczy made their first contribution in #1871
- @see-more made their first contribution in #1884
- @Charan19001A0231 made their first contribution in #1893
- @Ahar28 made their first contribution in #1897
Full Changelog: v0.28.3...v0.28.4