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Google Season of Docs 2020

Shekhar Prasad Rajak edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 2 revisions


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Improve the documentation for daru, daru-view and daru-io gems

daru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for storage, analysis, manipulation and visualization of data in Ruby. Th has various features like :

  • Flexible and intuitive API for manipulation and analysis of data.
  • Easy plotting, statistics and arithmetic.
  • Easy splitting, aggregation and grouping of data.
  • Quickly reducing data with pivot tables for quick data summary. and so on.

You can find most of the examples in here

daru-view and daru-io is plugin gem for daru. Go through the respective README file for more information.

Currently we have good amount of documentation for the APIs in the code itself for most of the methods. But we should be having better, that elaborate the usage with plugin gems as well.

In this project we are expecting:

  • Improve the documentation written inside the source code with good real world example and relate it to other methods like see more or note tags.

  • Write the "Getting started with daru" article/post for daru, daru-view and daru-io for beginners

  • Write post solving real world examples using only sciruby gems. We can get dataset online competitive program sites.

  • Start tutorials for each API with good examples, explaining in detail about the usage and notes/TODOs.

Related links

More about daru


Basics of Ruby & Ruby gem documentations, technical writing skill

Difficulty: Medium/Easy

Mentor: Shekhar (@Shekharrajak)

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