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Google Code In 2013 Orientation

John Woods edited this page Oct 26, 2013 · 1 revision

There are some things you might want or need to know in order to accomplish our tasks.


GitHub is a website for managing projects stored in git repositories. Git is really cool. It's kind of like a time machine for your source code. You can rewind or fast-forward to any point in your project's history. You can also create branches for experimental features.

One resource is Code School and GitHub have put together a couple of training tools for learning Git. If you sign up for Code School, you can also try their level 1 course for free.

But you don't need to do that! We're happy to help walk you through using git and GitHub. We just post this here for the more independent people. =)


Ruby is the lingua franca for SciRuby. If you're very comfortable with your English abilities, we recommend Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby. However, this is sometimes a disorienting resource for those who are just learning English, as it contains a lot of nonsense phrases. In that case, ask one of the mentors for a resource.

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