- 84afdd3 Merge pull request #257 from SURGroup/Development
- 943a650 Merge pull request #258 from SURGroup/feature/scientific_machine_learning
- cd631a6 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 35c14ad Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 23d7c37 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 308ca05 Maximizes the Azure Pipeline job timeout
- c4fbf68 Merge branch 'Development' into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 31317de added integration tests
- 19725d0 corrected history logging
- af400c2 applied black formatting
See More
- 16fb0a2 fixed extra_repr for correct string representation
- 925433f added tests to improve code coverage
- f327c74 removed unused file
- 654d2a5 improved comparison operators
- 0935992 deleted unused code
- 98f98b3 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 4b17b02 Merge branch 'master' into Development
- 96ad483 Merge pull request #249 from SURGroup/feature/scientific_machine_learning
- f6a3e50 set all hypothesis tests to have max_example=1
- af0bdef reduce hypothesis parameters for simpler tests
- 272d69c reduce hypothesis parameters for simpler tests
- f7867a9 fixed failing tests
- dae7248 fixed grammar in documentation
- bbf09a5 fixed device testing so it works on a cpu
- f4bb367 reduced hypothesis parameters to save time during PyTest on azure pipelines
- c29b95f reduced max_examples in hypothesis to save time during PyTest on azure pipelines
- 6fd405d reduced max_examples in hypothesis to save time during PyTest on azure pipelines
- 36123a2 removed slowest SciML tests to decrease azure pipeline runtime
- bad113a gave unique filenames to integration tests
- 0657866 gave unique filenames to functional tests
- d3b3dd9 removed unused files
- eaed781 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/scientific_machine_learning' into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- dc924f3 added hypothesis package to testing environment
- 5f1b0a5 Merge branch 'Development' into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 3c0639d removed unused files
- 716abcc added torch to ignored-modules and disabled E1102: torch.fft.rfft is not callable caused by the torch package
- 36f1f33 improved docstring
- ef9ed1b finalized hmc example
- 9ad77bd cleaned up and finalized FNO example for sphinx
- 000d4ed updated HMC example
- 9f9b426 added FNO example
- fe363d2 added deterministic FNO example
- 785495a removing old and unused HMC
- ff0b9f4 Merge branch 'feature/scientific_machine_learning' of into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 09e5e9b Modified pyro example with HMC, not working yet
- 174d72a ignored torch module from PyLint
- a67b7ad initialize history attribute with tensors to fix PyLint error
- c26ff82 corrected variable in extra_repr
- 441394c added torch and torchinfo
- 07d4578 merged commits from development branch
- d1c8a51 fixed typos in documentation
- 2b8a1db added scientific machine learning citations
- f137b26 removed unused file
- 07432a4 Merge branch 'feature/scientific_machine_learning' of into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 1ae1c44 - Added Unet example and data
- 1a5e679 cleaned data loading in deeponet examples
- b70570d cleaned data loading in deeponet examples
- 783b21e corrected deeponet elasticity examples
- 1756e07 corrected deeponet elasticity examples
- 1f2de4c applied black formatting
- a9f40b3 added examples
- 1dd6cd6 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 10178e6 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- b3ad351 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 0b22cb3 Merge pull request #247 from SURGroup/feature/CI_improvements
- bc7de26 specific package versions for consistency with requirements.txt
- cbb634e cleaned up examples
- 63065cd removed unused examples
- ae3fe83 fixed minor warnings
- 07a7cdc disabled plotting in ReadTheDocs to save on compute time and memory
- 171a6d0 applied black formatting
- ce25471 improved documentation
- 4308f63 Fixes SonarCloud PR target
- fa76c57 Removes deprecated custom conda channel commands and disables Sonarqube for PRs to Development
- b135b0b corrected test for new class architecture
- 4cf3560 removed unused class
- 45c167e reformatted documentation for consistency
- bd550c1 improved documentation and associated examples
- 44c9c60 Small modification to the description and documentation of the Unet class
- 9999ec7 Updated Unet class description and documentation
- 4221ff7 corrected naming convention
- bdde45c fixed documentation typo
- a45c663 fixed documentation typo
- bfe8486 removed unused class
- c1c6111 unet improvements
- d3cf2c3 Added comments on the Unet neural code and documentation
- 828e5bb pull to commit
- 0b31f4b improved test
- ccd717d improved documentation
- 72c869e fixed test
- f68410b renamed lamda to beta
- 192d61a deleted unused loss
- 9dd1115 Merge branch 'feature/scientific_machine_learning' of into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 5217336 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/scientific_machine_learning' into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- ee6f3a6 simplified the valid input/output shapes
- 83d8881 implemented and standardized n_samples parameter in monte carlo sampling
- 4a4b203 Renamed KL weighting from beta to lamda
- 8101468 improved handling of tensor shapes and documentation
- 05d1a2f deleted code that is out of scope
- 42b1bf6 fixed typos
- 9a90624 corrected typo in latex
- 67842a4 added examples to documentation
- 3078833 added example for feed forward neural network
- b551e6e corrected extra_repr function to work with new keywords for prior and posterior distributions
- 3d9a9e3 improved documentation
- e3742a8 fixed documentation formatting
- 072493f added formula to documentation
- 8a19932 fixed documentation formatting
- 0b15cca added tests and documentation for
- 768aaeb fixed documentation
- 2641ca2 fixed documentation formatting
- 3d1b0f8 fixed documentation typo
- 9b44140 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/scientific_machine_learning' into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 7a9135b replace dictionary of prior and initial posterior distributions with keyword inputs
- 5b08065 updated Modules for changes to relevant functional calls
- 2777744 updated Modules for changes to relevant functional calls
- 0af954f improved documentation
- 131a936 typed hinting alpha
- 48c149d updated references
- 10ccaec improved documentation
- 7cdded4 improved documentation
- 8cc5259 removed tests referring to deleted classes
- 0e42a49 added Torch6DComplexTensor for use in spectral convolutions
- 094b441 cleaned up documentation
- dbec99a combined weights for spectral convolution into a single tensor
- bd89a66 renamed parent BayesianLayer to NormalBayesianLayer
- e05eefa renamed dropout to ProbabilisticDropout to prevent naming conflicts with Torch
- a5c2a87 simplified documentation hierarchy
- c9c05f2 fixed typos in documentation
- c02ae43 added beartype
- 711235b corrected typos in documentation
- 566b453 moved all activations to layers. deleted all references to activations.
- 2263681 moved all activations to layers
- f7b2ba6 simplified methods and improved documentation
- 48b0143 Merge branch 'feature/scientific_machine_learning' of into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- f815d8d commit to pull
- 3d8a3c1 replaced deprecated torch.norm with stable torch.linalg.vector_norm
- b87b7b5 improved documentation and simplifed class methods
- 35ea09c added input to specify which dimensions to reduce over
- 34efb20 fixed and added tests for bias=False in Bayesian layers
- 0cf78d8 improved existing test, added device test
- 98b65f0 deleted tests from unused class
- 050f0c4 improved documentation
- 4f1321d improved documentation and added device support
- aa74b54 improved extra_repr
- bb350e6 added typehints and device support
- a7c9f7a fixed typos
- 55cc787 removed unused code
- faa9025 attempt at rewriting HMC trainer
- 011fb9c improved naming conventions and docstrings
- 2c73d13 improved docstring
- 11aba5e minor changes, many to-dos
- bb1056e improved docstring
- 830b8a3 deleted incorrect class
- aa1007f corrected device implementation
- 8812ce5 fixed spelling
- 5a4ccb5 cleaned up example
- f402474 added pairplot
- b19568f corrected einsum to handle multiple outputs
- a25344e added new histogram, improved print statements, added commentary
- 437b020 alphabetized
- 5805c7d improved documentation
- 93f1dc4 improved documentation
- dc636f2 improved documentation
- 8a931c2 improved documentation
- 4f5b12a improved documentation and spelling
- 64eb8b6 improved documentation and spelling
- b0b06e0 Pulled for updates
- 57d0c28 updated tests
- df0c807 applied formatting
- 6766838 deleted gaussianJS, replaced it with
- fcbcab4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/scientific_machine_learning' into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 2121174 simplified keywords and for loop, added device
- 20c889a simplified keywords and for loop
- f7b7aec changed spectral weights to torch.float and convert to complex as needed
- 6628b06 Added loss function to evaluate Geometric JS divergence
- 98ec870 Added loss function to evaluate Geometric JS divergence
- 34f1b04 added self.bias attribute
- 54cf6a8 changed keywords
- 60f16ab added tests
- 7873306 improved docstrings
- fdecc4b added attributes to docstrings
- 7a62a71 fixed typos
- 248df4f improved docstrings
- d0d567f fixed typos
- 62e24ad improved tests
- 4bed626 moved to folder
- eee6624 made divegences consistent with BayesianLayer design
- b7f59bf Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/scientific_machine_learning' into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 97cdf6a switched naming conventions for consistency with Pytorch
- 88096e5 improved documentation
- b9f2fbe overhauled for new BayesianLayer implementation
- e75eafa updated for new BayesianLayer implementation
- 3b1b202 improved documentation
- cc3c861 Added loss function for Monte Carlo KL evaluation
- 98b6362 Added loss function for Monte Carlo KL evaluation
- bdddd74 Added loss function for Monte Carlo KL evaluation
- bbb8b87 optimized MC computation
- 4c49c94 renamed test for clarity
- bc8763d Corrected naming convention in parameters (sigma to rho)
- 2d0d8bf Computing KL with Monte Carlo samples
- f0d0455 Initial commit of
- 2069024 Initial commit of
- decc4f2 Merge branch 'feature/scientific_machine_learning' of into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 5247c2a improved tests
- bf17f5d improved init of parameters via reset_parameters
- 6888bbf added bias to convolution, improved init of parameters
- 1e85f02 added reset_parameters for standardization
- fedac57 cleaned up docstrings
- 55186e2 added bias to convolution and standardized parameter initialization
- 3b8a6bf updated attribute names
- bc8cd2e improved tests
- bcb8603 Moved sampling and dropping attributes to child class, BayesianLayer
- 0b66ab6 added arbitrary number of Bayesian parameters to, implemented calls in all child classes
- 467e146 updated tests
- 15136c9 removed kwargs on init
- 4bda97d changed default tolerance, minor tweak to training loop
- 29929fe added device test
- a83bd7b improved device and dtype tests
- c23058b added device as init argument
- 8db5ff7 added device as init argument
- 98ded0d removed outdated tests
- f29c604 added test to standardize sampling, dropping, and training
- e6e85e9 changed to standard imports
- c692fb9 standardized sampling, dropping, and training on init
- 288edb4 added markdown
- 29eb27e added initialization arguments for device and dtype
- 285f3ef added markdown
- 02a9e7b improved scheduler to handle reduce on plateau
- 0e14bc9 removed todo
- fae5fd4 added bayesian quickstart examples
- 88bb9da updated scheduler code to handle ReduceLROnPlateau
- bf9b2d4 fixed docstring typo
- 7f6b57e fixed warning caused by docstring
- cf0a335 removed dependency on Now only sampling matters
- 4ef0b27 tried unpacking operator in forward
- 6d841be changed default reduction="sum"
- 78ee75a improved tests
- 998f3d3 improved tests
- 429d31e improved tests
- 8f4720d improved docstring, added shape and example
- 3497d4d improved docstring
- 8da7814 cleaned up extra_repr
- b5bcb0c fixed method return
- 5cf9dd8 cleaned up docstring
- a6bd92c cleaned up docstring
- 9aa940f added shape and example placeholder in docstring
- 89d54e8 cleaned up file structure
- 93ec335 removed unneeded standalone spectral layers
- 421fde9 standard normalizer implementation and documentation
This list of changes was auto generated.