Releases: SURGroup/UQpy
Releases · SURGroup/UQpy
v4.1.7: Merge pull request #257 from SURGroup/Development
- 84afdd3 Merge pull request #257 from SURGroup/Development
- 943a650 Merge pull request #258 from SURGroup/feature/scientific_machine_learning
- cd631a6 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 35c14ad Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 23d7c37 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 308ca05 Maximizes the Azure Pipeline job timeout
- c4fbf68 Merge branch 'Development' into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 31317de added integration tests
- 19725d0 corrected history logging
- af400c2 applied black formatting
See More
- 16fb0a2 fixed extra_repr for correct string representation
- 925433f added tests to improve code coverage
- f327c74 removed unused file
- 654d2a5 improved comparison operators
- 0935992 deleted unused code
- 98f98b3 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 4b17b02 Merge branch 'master' into Development
- 96ad483 Merge pull request #249 from SURGroup/feature/scientific_machine_learning
- f6a3e50 set all hypothesis tests to have max_example=1
- af0bdef reduce hypothesis parameters for simpler tests
- 272d69c reduce hypothesis parameters for simpler tests
- f7867a9 fixed failing tests
- dae7248 fixed grammar in documentation
- bbf09a5 fixed device testing so it works on a cpu
- f4bb367 reduced hypothesis parameters to save time during PyTest on azure pipelines
- c29b95f reduced max_examples in hypothesis to save time during PyTest on azure pipelines
- 6fd405d reduced max_examples in hypothesis to save time during PyTest on azure pipelines
- 36123a2 removed slowest SciML tests to decrease azure pipeline runtime
- bad113a gave unique filenames to integration tests
- 0657866 gave unique filenames to functional tests
- d3b3dd9 removed unused files
- eaed781 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/scientific_machine_learning' into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- dc924f3 added hypothesis package to testing environment
- 5f1b0a5 Merge branch 'Development' into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 3c0639d removed unused files
- 716abcc added torch to ignored-modules and disabled E1102: torch.fft.rfft is not callable caused by the torch package
- 36f1f33 improved docstring
- ef9ed1b finalized hmc example
- 9ad77bd cleaned up and finalized FNO example for sphinx
- 000d4ed updated HMC example
- 9f9b426 added FNO example
- fe363d2 added deterministic FNO example
- 785495a removing old and unused HMC
- ff0b9f4 Merge branch 'feature/scientific_machine_learning' of into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 09e5e9b Modified pyro example with HMC, not working yet
- 174d72a ignored torch module from PyLint
- a67b7ad initialize history attribute with tensors to fix PyLint error
- c26ff82 corrected variable in extra_repr
- 441394c added torch and torchinfo
- 07d4578 merged commits from development branch
- d1c8a51 fixed typos in documentation
- 2b8a1db added scientific machine learning citations
- f137b26 removed unused file
- 07432a4 Merge branch 'feature/scientific_machine_learning' of into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 1ae1c44 - Added Unet example and data
- 1a5e679 cleaned data loading in deeponet examples
- b70570d cleaned data loading in deeponet examples
- 783b21e corrected deeponet elasticity examples
- 1756e07 corrected deeponet elasticity examples
- 1f2de4c applied black formatting
- a9f40b3 added examples
- 1dd6cd6 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 10178e6 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- b3ad351 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 0b22cb3 Merge pull request #247 from SURGroup/feature/CI_improvements
- bc7de26 specific package versions for consistency with requirements.txt
- cbb634e cleaned up examples
- 63065cd removed unused examples
- ae3fe83 fixed minor warnings
- 07a7cdc disabled plotting in ReadTheDocs to save on compute time and memory
- 171a6d0 applied black formatting
- ce25471 improved documentation
- 4308f63 Fixes SonarCloud PR target
- fa76c57 Removes deprecated custom conda channel commands and disables Sonarqube for PRs to Development
- b135b0b corrected test for new class architecture
- 4cf3560 removed unused class
- 45c167e reformatted documentation for consistency
- bd550c1 improved documentation and associated examples
- 44c9c60 Small modification to the description and documentation of the Unet class
- 9999ec7 Updated Unet class description and documentation
- 4221ff7 corrected naming convention
- bdde45c fixed documentation typo
- a45c663 fixed documentation typo
- bfe8486 removed unused class
- c1c6111 unet improvements
- d3cf2c3 Added comments on the Unet neural code and documentation
- 828e5bb pull to commit
- 0b31f4b improved test
- ccd717d improved documentation
- 72c869e fixed test
- f68410b renamed lamda to beta
- 192d61a deleted unused loss
- 9dd1115 Merge branch 'feature/scientific_machine_learning' of into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 5217336 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/scientific_machine_learning' into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- ee6f3a6 simplified the valid input/output shapes
- 83d8881 implemented and standardized n_samples parameter in monte carlo sampling
- 4a4b203 Renamed KL weighting from beta to lamda
- 8101468 improved handling of tensor shapes and documentation
- 05d1a2f deleted code that is out of scope
- 42b1bf6 fixed typos
- 9a90624 corrected typo in latex
- 67842a4 added examples to documentation
- 3078833 added example for feed forward neural network
- b551e6e corrected extra_repr function to work with new keywords for prior and posterior distributions
- 3d9a9e3 improved documentation
- e3742a8 fixed documentation formatting
- 072493f added formula to documentation
- 8a19932 fixed documentation formatting
- 0b15cca added tests and documentation for
- 768aaeb fixed documentation
- 2641ca2 fixed documentation formatting
- 3d1b0f8 fixed documentation typo
- 9b44140 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/scientific_machine_learning' into feature/scientific_machine_learning
- 7a9135b replace dictionary of prior and initial posterior distributions with keyword inputs
- 5b08065 updated Modules for changes to relevant functional calls
- 2777744 u...
v4.1.6: Merge pull request #245 from SURGroup/Development
- bd510fb Merge pull request #245 from SURGroup/Development
- 03e338d Update
- 33b03e2 Update requirements.txt
- 0f515a6 Update
- fea65a3 Merge branch 'master' into Development
- 93c2e63 Merge pull request #244 from SURGroup/bugfix/trapz_import
- 2d64dc7 commented bad tests
- d5271f4 corrected import of function to compute trapezoidal sum from scipy.integrate
- 1a93808 Merge pull request #239 from SURGroup/feature/update-packages-to-latest
- cda2284 Adds long description and dev requirements in
See More
- b2c3df6 Updates required beartype version
- 7abb1d5 Reverts change due to failing tests
- 9aae410 reverted tests to previous values
- d12f199 Fixes minor static code analysis issues
- fa8f5de Tries to fix failing tests due to scipy version update
- 85aee9e Fixes failing tests due to scipy version bump
- 05644a5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/update-packages-to-latest' into feature/update-packages-to-latest
- c81cc20 Removes deprecated argument from Lars input parameters
- 3d8501f Updates logo link according to #234
- b20d0e4 Update README.rst
- 70fcc10 Python umbridge example
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v4.1.5: Merge pull request #233 from SURGroup/Development
- f8d0b1d Merge pull request #233 from SURGroup/Development
- f695e37 Merge branch 'master' into Development
- ff07e3a Removes seaborn from example dependencies
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- cce5c3a Physics-informed PCE capability
- c9a47c2 Merge branch 'master' into Development
- 58ea332 Merge pull request #231 from SURGroup/feature/PC2
- d35d561 Type hints in PdeData and PdePCE
- edbce33 Sonarcloud bugfix
- b718315 Sonarcloud bugfix
- a7f6dca Merge pull request #229 from SURGroup/feature/PC2
- 7a51ba0 Tries to fix Pylint errors
- a565587 Tries to fix Pylint errors
- 6f19146 Changes to resolve failing import statements
See More
- e07eb59 Implementation of PC2
- a7a609b Implementation of PC2
- caa4928 Implementation of PC2
- da1e62a Implementation of PC2
- 68648b7 Implementation of PC2
- dc711f5 Implementation of PC2
- 3c72db4 Merge pull request #228 from SURGroup/bugfix/karcher_mean
- 5a75881 Update README.rst
- 6201115 corrected documentation
- c14bae8 new and improved test for simple analytic examples on Karcher mean of grassman manifold
- 5c76e06 deleted test
- c2b2ccd added test for two point mean on Gr(1,2)
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v4.1.3: Merge pull request #227 from SURGroup/Development
- 1ea42a6 Merge pull request #227 from SURGroup/Development
- 98761fd Merge branch 'master' into Development
- 4e2142d Disables flaky tests
- 62696ed Merge pull request #225 from SURGroup/feature/inverse_form
- bc50b1c Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Development' into feature/inverse_form
- 52743a0 Merge pull request #224 from SURGroup/feature/documentation_improvements
- d8c3b73 deleted unneeded attribute
- 1aa56e0 fixes dummy syntax
- 9704aa0 added logic to run if seed is provided in init
- 6236297 added logic to prevent seed_x and see_u from being specified at the same time in init
See More
- 8995220 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Development' into feature/documentation_improvements
- 738e25b changed title font to match existing documentation
- 6359c16 cleaned up and added docstrings to public and hidden methods, renamed internal variables for clarity and consistency with literature
- adad1d0 deleted unused file
- a75aac5 cleaned up notation and attribute documentation
- d992388 fixed minor bug with state_function attribute
- 5a6a1ce added state_function attribute, correct attribute behavior when max number of iterations is reached
- 8133538 grammatical and notation edits to make documentation more consistent with literature references
- adafcdf added references to the new child class InverseFORM
- fa02302 editted docstrings for clarity and notational consistency
- 770256b edited markdown for clarity and notational consistency
- b74b418 corrected vector notation in math statement
- 935d45d improved docstrings and markdown for cleaniness and consistency in readthedocs
- bd5c57d added InverseFORM to paths so the examples would show up in the ReadTheDocs
- 55db785 scripts to config and run examples for InverseFORM
- 48b6204 documentation for InverseFORM as a child of the TaylorSeries class
- c3e5459 tests for accuracy and behavior under various inputs for InverseFORM class
- 9cd9d75 initial commit of the InverseFORM class
- bbb4341 Disables example execution
- 333be9b Disables FORM and SORM examples execution
- 7a5bd24 Corrects equation display in
- 174d578 Minor changes to fix reliability examples
- ee0fa3e added Connor to development team
- ec3f6e9 passes test for seed_u_is_none in
- 06c413a Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/documentation_improvements' into feature/documentation_improvements
- 80f3609 added test for seed_u is None in
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v4.1.2: Merge pull request #222 from SURGroup/Development
- 9e98a62 Merge pull request #222 from SURGroup/Development
- 8e4d074 Merge branch 'master' into Development
- ca196b8 Merge pull request #220 from SURGroup/feature/documentation_improvements
- 83cd4b8 Adds SORM reference
- 8575027 Corrects SORM documentation
- bcb171b Adds citation for FORM structural reliability example
- f15aee5 made the FORM plots more accurate, useful, and the code more legible
- eb0eca1 Hides auxiliary file in SORM example
- 4435f59 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/documentation_improvements' into feature/documentation_improvements
- 5b61847 updated documentation to improve legibility
See More
- 8324ebe Fixes minor SORM error
- c133c3d updated local variable names to match class attribute names
- 79a3dd0 updated local variable names to match class attribute names
- 9319cc1 Fixes FORM attributes inside SORM
- 4a3d2c8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Development' into feature/documentation_improvements
- 013a6bd Fixes figures in FORM structural reliability example
- 25a9f44 fixed typo in LaTeX in docstring
- 3cb5fcd Fixes issue #194 - removed duplicate import statement
- 1e7844b fixed minor formatting error in math statement, alphabetized class attributes
- c20aeba added specific versions to packages for compatability
- 9d2f3d0 removed tabs
- ce3d906 improved documentation, cleaned up and renamed attributes, simplified variable storage after completes
- 653558b updated input and attribute names for improved
- 717328f fixing examples for updated
- 655d0f6 improved docstrings
- d416434 removed incorrected and unneeded example statements
- 00b9119 optimized import statements
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v4.1.1: Merge pull request #216 from SURGroup/Development
- 680b267 Merge pull request #216 from SURGroup/Development
- 32d2dc5 Merge branch 'master' into Development
- 5136dae Tries to fix Sphinx error
- 89e6509 Tries to fix Sphinx error
- 9e6a00b Fixes sphinx warnings
- d2f3722 Removes Kernel cross-ref
- 8fb4eea Minor documentation fixes
- 100f783 Disables plotting of Nataf example
- 2135024 Merge pull request #215 from SURGroup/feature/unify_kernels
- 3dc0086 Merge branch 'Development' into feature/unify_kernels
See More
- 1080c15 Fixes failing import statements due to kernels restructuring
- 73b258c Fixes failing import statements due to kernels restructuring
- 0f44a14 Refactors Dimension Reduction kernels to match GP kernels signatures
- 2917cca Moves GP kernels to utilities
- 5564ab8 Refactors Gaussian process kernels to abstract from hyperparameters
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v4.1.0: Merge pull request #214 from SURGroup/Development
- c2f3e5c Merge pull request #214 from SURGroup/Development
- bb2c0ce Merge branch 'master' into Development
- 9fe7e31 Merge pull request #213 from SURGroup/feature/increment_minor_version
- 4724b58 +semver: minor
- 888209e Merge pull request #212 from SURGroup/feature/Active_Learning_PCE
- 36269b1 Updates standardization code for Uniform and Normal
- e059b2e Update documentation of ThetaActiveLearning
- 6284575 Added one unit test for standardization
- e859d3c Updates documentation files
- f52aa94 Fixes failing ThetaCriterion test
See More
- 1697947 Example for Theta Criterion
- e33a673 Update
- 441e35b Update
- 07d2673 Adds theta criterion PCE to
- 1790f37 Minor naming conventions changes
- b4502ed Active learning for PCE Class
- fd26576 New functions for PCE basis
- d8f2de0 Adds missing file copy in
- 9e5f072 Merge pull request #205 from SURGroup/feature/RunModel_updates
- e6c48a2 Merge branch 'Development' into feature/RunModel_updates
- 45f446c Merge pull request #202 from SURGroup/feature/v4/TMCMC
- 15e8d4d Merge branch 'Development' into feature/v4/TMCMC
- ee6540a Updates numpy version from 1.24.2 to 1.22.0
- bdba54a Updates numpy version from 1.21.4 to 1.24.2
- dec5d72 Updates test values @promitchakroborty
- e5ee158 STMCMC test error debug push 2
- 9533703 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/v4/TMCMC' into feature/v4/TMCMC
- accae15 STMCMC test error debug push
- c8db82e Minor formatting changes in cluster execution example
- 15cbf30 Merge branch 'Development' into feature/RunModel_updates
- 291bd55 Merge pull request #196 from shellshocked2003/frontera
- 475df6c Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Development' into feature/v4/TMCMC
- 6e2f2b7 Finalizes TMCMC docs
- 3d87f70 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/v4/TMCMC' into feature/v4/TMCMC
- 8921f9b STMCMC documentation and docstrings
- ed1b5bd STMCMC bug fixes and unit tests
- 1cf219e Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/v4/TMCMC' into feature/v4/TMCMC
- 0fcdb28 Update to tile jobs using bash loop and mpirun
- 21fb695 parallel tempering docstrings: changes to output docs
- 885bcfd tempering and parallel tempering documentation
- 5e9dbed first try at tempering / parallel tempering docstrings
- d897bfc Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into frontera
- d7db12b Added documentation and example for launching parallel job on cluster
- 02a53b6 Correction for FORM
- 8917c83 Allows either a single MCMC sampler or list to be provided in
- 8fae052 Moves TemperingMCMC files inside mcmc folder
- 8982763 Port TMCMC examples to v4
- 1b479bd Ports to v4
- e758876 Ports to v4
- b87cf47 Starts TMCMC porting
- cfdf3df Adds Parallel and Sequential Tempering files
- 8d93c72 Finished adding cluster exectution model, will test multi-node deployment on HPC next
- bc6fda0 Update to fix issue related to Iterable
- 283f40a Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into frontera
- 8dc7cd4 Adding cluster execution model
- 179306f Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into frontera
- a023a25 Changes to run on Frontera: separate preprocessing, model run, and post processing to only use ibrun on computationally intensive portions
- d52d06f Changes to RunModel to execute tiled MPI jobs on Frontera
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v4.0.7: Merge pull request #207 from SURGroup/Development
- 859921b Merge pull request #207 from SURGroup/Development
- 43a5804 Merge branch 'master' into Development
- 9476b0b Merge pull request #204 from SURGroup/bugfix/KLE_2D
- 8be0d82 Merge branch 'Development' into bugfix/KLE_2D
- 031cbe7 Merge pull request #206 from SURGroup/bugfix/form_convergence_condition
- 1caef56 Merge branch 'Development' into bugfix/form_convergence_condition
- 4f2b840 removed print statements and added tests
- 682dc25 correct quasi correlation computation
- 1241fed Adds simple descriptions to UML diagrams
- 103d8e6 Adds UML diagrams to docs
See More
- b166584 Merge pull request #178 from SURGroup/feature/v4/KLE_2D
- 8ea79d1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Development' into feature/v4/KLE_2D
- ace9ebe Changes while loop convergence condition of
- 2dcd16a Changes logging error to logging info inside
- 92241c0 Tries to fix FORM convergence condition
- 8bd92a8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/v4/KLE_2D' into feature/v4/KLE_2D
- 05ba57a modified the example code plot for KLE 2D
- cb0f6f2 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/v4/KLE_2D' into feature/v4/KLE_2D
- f97fde8 KLE2D documentation fixes
- d01eb72 corrected 2d test
- 07e34fc added example file and documentation for the method along with another test for KLE 2d code
- c179ed8 Extracts KLE2D to separate file
- 7987f31 corrected a typo in the file
- 19c1434 updated the docstrings for the class KarhunenLoeveExpansionTwoDimension
- cde3b52 corrected the sample value in pytest
- cdd2031 corrected the samples shape test and print the value of the samples at a specific index
- c60520b reduced the number of samples in the test to reduce the test time
- 7c41dce fixed samples shape error
- fabe62a added debug print statements
- 0da8242 added import from KarhunenLoeveExpansionTwoDimension in the 'init' file of the stochastic_process module
- 3a4cbc9 added the code for KarhunenLoeveExpansionTwoDimension and added tests -
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v4.0.6: Merge pull request #193 from SURGroup/Development
- bfbb5eb Merge pull request #193 from SURGroup/Development
- 55fed0b Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Development' into Development
- bb06927 Changes default number of Nataf integration points
- 498091a Merge branch 'master' into Development
- 13c5539 Disables execution of monte carlo example
- 5cc7e42 Adds option to increase gauss points also in Nataf initializer
- a5f9fc1 Update requirements.txt
- e8eb6fe Merge pull request #195 from SURGroup/feature/remove_old_kriging_files
- 32bdd29 Fixes RSS tests
- 1ed0540 Fixes RSS tests
See More
- 38c96f5 Fixes RSS tests
- 2818b25 Fixes RSS tests
- 08b5f33 Fixes AKMCS tests
- 80c3b03 Removes old kriging files
- 1bfec7c Merge pull request #192 from SURGroup/bugfix/nataf_stability
- 293f374 Test fix
- e1cee93 Fixes matplotlib 3d projection issue
- 10a3822 Fixes matplotlib 3d projection issue
- 5a9c338 Fixes Nataf Stability issue by adding an n_gauss_points optional parameter to distortion_z2x function
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