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Probabilistic Machine Learning

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  1. CorrMF CorrMF Public

    CorrMF is a probabilistic sparse matrix factorisation model that learns dependencies between the latent factors (e.g. pathways) concurrently with extracting active factors from data (e.g. gene expr…


  2. PathwayLDA PathwayLDA Public

    Pathway LDA is a probabilistic model extended from Latent Dirichlet Alllocation, a probabilistic model for extracting topics in text mining, to incorporate the information of pre-defined pathways (…


  3. MV-warpedMF-SI MV-warpedMF-SI Public

    MV-warpedMF-SI is a multi-view matrix factorisation model that jointly learns a warping function for each data view and efficiently incorporates the side information of the relatedness between rows…


  4. xpore xpore Public

    Forked from GoekeLab/xpore

    Identification of differential RNA modifications from nanopore direct RNA sequencing



Showing 4 of 4 repositories
  • xpore Public Forked from GoekeLab/xpore

    Identification of differential RNA modifications from nanopore direct RNA sequencing

    ProML/xpore’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 MIT 23 0 0 Updated Feb 10, 2022
  • PathwayLDA Public

    Pathway LDA is a probabilistic model extended from Latent Dirichlet Alllocation, a probabilistic model for extracting topics in text mining, to incorporate the information of pre-defined pathways (factors) while learning pathways that are responsible for the cellular processes.

    ProML/PathwayLDA’s past year of commit activity
    R 0 0 0 0 Updated Jan 9, 2017
  • MV-warpedMF-SI Public

    MV-warpedMF-SI is a multi-view matrix factorisation model that jointly learns a warping function for each data view and efficiently incorporates the side information of the relatedness between rows (e.g. gene similarity) and columns (e.g. disease similarity) during decomposing the data matrices.

    ProML/MV-warpedMF-SI’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 0 0 0 Updated Jan 9, 2017
  • CorrMF Public

    CorrMF is a probabilistic sparse matrix factorisation model that learns dependencies between the latent factors (e.g. pathways) concurrently with extracting active factors from data (e.g. gene expression data).

    ProML/CorrMF’s past year of commit activity
    MATLAB 0 0 0 0 Updated Jan 9, 2017

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