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How not to contribute

Philipp Jahoda edited this page Aug 15, 2016 · 23 revisions

This page focuses on negative examples related to contribution. The following reasons may cause your issue to be closed without answer:

  • Not providing information about the library version, Android version and device used
  • Not providing sufficient information allowing to solve the problem (Exception, textual explanation, ...) -> "it doesn't work" or "it crashes" is not sufficient, "I'm not able to" is also not sufficient
  • Questions & issues that can be solved using the example project or the documentation
  • Not providing code examples where the issue occurs or some other form of problem description (screenshot, video)
  • Using a language other than English (preferred) or German (if necessary)
  • Excessive creation (spam) of new issues & creation of duplicate issues
  • Improper formatting of issues (no / poor code formatting, no line breaks, ...)
  • Opening issues not directly related to this repository / library

Please understand that maintaining a large repository like this requires a lot of time, and issues not properly worded cannot be addressed for that reason. Make sure the issue you are opening does not conform to any of the above mentioned points. Thank you.

Below you can find a collection of negative examples regarding contribution & issues. If your created issue is similar in terms of content to one of the issues listed below, do not expect an answer.

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