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DataSet classes in detail

Philipp Jahoda edited this page Mar 15, 2016 · 20 revisions

This wiki entry focuses on the subclasses of the DataSet class. All other subclasses of DataSet not mentioned here do not provide any specific enhancements.

Line-, Bar-, Scatter-, Bubble- & CandleDataSet (below mentioned methods can be used for any of the mentioned DataSet classes)

  • setHighLightColor(int color): Sets the color that is used for drawing the highlight indicators. Don't forget to resolve the color using getResources().getColor(...) or Color.rgb(...) (or simply Color.BLACK).

Line-, Bar-, Scatter-, Candle- & RadarDataSet

  • setDrawHighlightIndicators(boolean enabled): Enables / disables both vertical and horizontal highlight indicator lines. Call setDrawVerticalHighlightIndicator(...) and setDrawHorizontalHighlightIndicator(...) for individual configuration.
  • setHighlightLineWidth(float width): Sets the width of the highlight lines (crosshairs) in dp.

Line- & RadarDataSet (methods only for LineDataSet and RadarDataSet)

  • setFillColor(int color): Sets the color that is used for filling the line surface.
  • setFillAlpha(int alpha): Sets the alpha value (transparency) that is used for filling the line surface (0-255), default: 85, 255 = fully opaque, 0 = fully transparent
  • setFillDrawable(Drawable d): Sets a Drawable that should cover the fill-area. This also allows to use gradients.
  • setDrawFilled(boolean filled): Set to true if the DataSet should be drawn filled (surface, area), and not just as a line, disabling this will give a performance boost. Please note that this method uses the canvas.clipPath(...) method for drawing the filled area. For devices with API level < 18 (Android 4.3), hardware acceleration of the chart should be turned off - see here. Default: false
  • setLineWidth(float width): Set the line width for this DataSet (min = 0.2f, max = 10f); default 1f NOTE: thinner line == better performance, thicker line == worse performance

Below mentioned methods are only applicable for the specifically mentioned DataSet subclass.

LineDataSet (class LineDataSet)

  • setCircleRadius(float size): Sets the size (radius) of the circle shaped value indicators, default size = 4f
  • setDrawCircles(boolean enabled): Set this to true to enable the drawing of circle indicators for this LineDataSet, default true
  • setDrawCubic(boolean enabled): If set to true, the linechart lines are drawn in cubic-style instead of linear. This has a negative effect on performance! Default: false
  • setCubicIntensity(float intensity): Sets the intensity for cubic lines (if enabled). Max = 1f = very cubic, Min = 0.05f = low cubic effect, Default: 0.2f
  • setCircleColor(int color): Sets the color all circle indicators of this dataset should have.
  • setCircleColors(List colors): Sets the colors the outer-circles of this LineDataSet should have. There are various other methods for setting circle colors as well.
  • setCircleColorHole(int color): Sets the color of the inner circle of the line-circles (the hole).
  • setDrawCircleHole(boolean enabled): Set this to true to allow drawing a hole in each circle of this dataset. If set to false, circles will be drawn filled (without hole).
  • enableDashedLine(float lineLength, float spaceLength, float phase): Enables the line to be drawn in dashed mode, e.g. like this "- - - - - -". "lineLength" is the length of the line pieces, "spaceLength" is the length of space in between the pieces, "phase" is the offset, in degrees (normally, use 0)

BarDataSet (class BarDataSet)

  • setBarSpacePercent(float percent): Sets the space between the bars in percent of the total bar width.
  • setBarShadowColor(int color): Sets the color used for drawing the bar-shadows. The bar shadows is a surface behind the bar that indicates the maximum value. Don't for get to use getResources().getColor(...) to set this. Or Color.rgb(...).
  • setHighLightAlpha(int alpha): Set the alpha value (transparency) that is used for drawing the highlight indicator bar. min = 0 (fully transparent), max = 255 (fully opaque).
  • setStackLabels(String[] labels): Sets labels for different values of bar-stacks, in case there are one.

ScatterDataSet (class ScatterDataSet)

  • setScatterShapeSize(float size): Sets the size in density pixels the drawn scattershape will have. This only applies for non custom shapes.
  • setScatterShape(ScatterShape shape): Sets the shape that is drawn on the position where the values are at.

CandleDataSet (class CandleDataSet)

  • setBodySpace(float space): Sets the space that is left out on the left and right side of each candle body, default 0.1f (10%), max 0.45f, min 0f
  • setShadowWidth(float width): Sets the width of the candle-shadow-line in dp. Default 3f.
  • setShadowColor(int color): Sets the color of the candle-shadow-line.
  • setDecreasingColor(int color): Sets the one and ONLY color that should be used for this DataSet when open > close.
  • setIncreasingColor(int color): Sets the one and ONLY color that should be used for this DataSet when open <= close.
  • setDecreasingPaintStyle(Paint.Style style): Sets paint style when open > close (fill or stroke).
  • setIncreasingPaintStyle(Paint.Style style): Sets paint style when open <= close (fill or stroke).

BubbleDataSet (class BubbleDataSet)

  • setHighlightCircleWidth(float width): Sets the width of the circle that surrounds the bubble when in highlighted state, in dp.

Information concerning CandleDataSet colors: The usual setColors(...), setColor(...), ... methods can still be used for coloring the chart all at once. If specific colors (for body, shadow, ...) are needed, use the above mentioned methods.

PieDataSet (class PieDataSet)

  • setSliceSpace(float degrees): Sets the space that is left out between the piechart-slices in dp, default: 0 --> no space, maximum 20, minimum 0 (no space)
  • setSelectionShift(float shift): Sets the distance the highlighted piechart-slice of this DataSet is "shifted" away from the center of the chart, default 12f

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