##Hardware in the loop tool for PX4 Firmware
This is a tool for running hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations for the px4 autopilot.
###HIL modes:
- State-level HIL: tests the control and guidance systems.
- Sensor-level HIL: tests the navigation system in addition to the control, and guidance systems. This requires a lot of data to be sent to the vehicle and a high baudrate.
Pymavlink is the python library required for running the runhil.py script, you can install it with easy install or pypi-install
If you are using a debian based system (e.g. Ubuntu), you can install using pypi-install so that it can be installed as debian package:
sudo apt-get install python-stdeb
pypi-install pymavlink
If you are using Mac OS / other unix systems:
sudo easy_install pymavlink
JSBSim is the C++ flight dynamics model. It can be built with cmake/ or autotools.
brew install autoconf automake
git clone https://github.com/PX4/jsbsim.git jsbsim
cd jsbsim
You must use the startup script found in data/rc. The two main lines added to normal startup are:
kalman_demo start
control_demo start
This python script runhil.py is used for conducting HIL. Both sensor-level and state-level HIL are supported. You can view the runhil.py usage with:
runhil.py -h
A call to runhil.py might look like this:
./runhil.py --waypoints data/sf_waypoints.txt --master /dev/ttyUSB1 --gcs localhost:14550 --mode sensor
- load the given waypoints in data/sf_waypoints.txt, NOTE: QGC waypoints are not compatible with pymavlink currently, you simply need to change the version number in the file to 110 if it is 120
- connect to the px4 autopilot on usb port 1
- setup external ground station communication of localhost:14550 udp.
- mode sensor says do sensor-level hardware-in-the-loop (HIL), this can be set to state as well
Note that the script defaults to opening a mavlink slave port on udp:14550, this is the default udp port for QGroundControl. If you start QGC, it should start communicating with runhil.py automatically.
- Magnetometer measurement model doesn't depend on lat/lot yet.
- Add noise.
- Initialization routines for EKF.
This uses pymavlink and is based off of MAVProxy/ ardupilotemga SITL code.