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Paulo Roberto Elias edited this page Jul 25, 2018 · 1 revision
  • If you prefer to run your scripts using context menu (right mouse button) but lacks the abilitiy to run they on an admin session, you can just double-click "powershell_run-as-admin.reg" file and accept the registry modification. It creates a new entry on the menu to do that easily.
  • If you use OneDrive to store your ROMs and saves, you can run the script onedrive.ps1 or you can modifify it to any other specific folder. Further instructions in comments
  • Some new themes shows videos: es-theme-crt
  • Script for easy scraping included. Just run and it will backup your gamefile.xml for each ROM folder and produce a new one with data from scrap services (if you have modified your ROM folder, please check before run)
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