An auto-installer to set up Emulation Station correctly on a 64-bit version of Windows 10.
- Uses an up to date version of Emulation Station from the Raspberry Pi branch
- Auto populates emulators with public domain roms
- Auto installs a popular theme with support for adding 'Favorites'
- Adds multiple useful shortcuts to the user's Desktop
- Adds in a game content scraper which lives in (run %UserProfile%\.emulationstation\roms\scraper.exe)
- Single one liner to install everything:
if (-Not (Test-Path C:\temp\es-setup)) { mkdir C:\temp\es-setup }; Set-Location C:\temp\es-setup\;Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "";Expand-Archive .\;cd .\emulationStation; cd .\win*;.\prepare.ps1
- Script complete when powershell spits out:
INFO: Setup completed
- If the controller is not working in game, configure Input in Retroarch (%UserProfile%\.emulationstation\systems\retroarch\retroarch.exe)
- PSX and PS2 Homebrew Games won't load unless you acquire the bios's and add them to the bios folder (%UserProfile%\.emulationstation\systems\epsxe\bios and %UserProfile%\.emulationstation\systems\pcsx2\bios)
- PSX and PS2 also require manual configuration for controllers (%UserProfile%\.emulationstation\systems\epsxe\ePSXe.exe and %UserProfile%\.emulationstation\systems\pcsx2\pcsx2.exe)
- If the script fails for whatever reason delete the contents of %UserProfile%\.emulationstation and try again.
- Emulation Station may crash when you return to it from a external progam, ensure your graphics drivers are up to date.
- Launching a Retroarch rom may return you to ES, you're probably on a 32-bit verison of Windows and need to acquire seperate cores.
- Powershell commands may fail, ensure your Powershell session is in Admin mode.
- If Powershell complains about syntax you're probably somehow running a Powershell version lower than 5. Run 'choco install powershell -y' to update.
- If you are using Xbox controllers and having trouble setting the guide button as hotkey, locate the file (%UserProfile%\.emulationstation\es_input.cfg and change the line for hotkeyenable to
<input id="5" name="hotkeyenable" type="button" value="10" />
- If you are unable to run script from context menu (right mouse button), revert default "Open with" to Notepad
- If you prefer to run your scripts via context menu (right mouse button) but lack the abilitiy to run them in an admin session, you can just double-click the "powershell_run-as-admin.reg" file and accept the registry modification. It will add a new entry to the menu to do that easily.
- If you use OneDrive to store your ROMs and saves, you can run the script onedrive.ps1 or you can modifify it to any other specific folder. Further instructions in comments
- Some new themes shows videos: es-theme-crt
- Script for easy scraping included. Just run and it will backup your gamefile.xml for each ROM folder and produce a new one with data from scrap services (if you have modified your ROM folder, please check before run)
- Run prepare.ps1 in an admin session of Powershell:
- Powershell might restart your computer as some libraries require a restart, if so, simply re-run after your PC restarts)
- You might need to change your Powershell execution policy, so run this instead of JUST prepare.ps1
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; .\prepare.ps1
Launch Emulation Station and Enjoy
Access your ROMS here %UserProfile%\.emulationstation\roms
- jrassa for his up to date compiled version of Emulation Station -
- borger for his scoop emulator setup
- Nesworld for their open-source NES roms -
- Libretro for their retroarch version -
- dtgm for maintaining the Emulation Station chocolatey package
- OpenEmu for their Open-Source rom collection work
- fonic for his theme
- sselph for his awesome scraper
- PRElias for Portuguese translations, choco auto-intall and new optional features -