Data merging and analyses for the Klimaoverblikk-opsjon
*.Rmd files contains code
*.md files contains code and results (tables/plots)
Script 01 - Checking data, some plots
Script 02 - Code for organising soft-bottom data for PCA and other multivariate stuff
Script 03 - Test script, not actually used later
Script 04 - Finds spring bloom period (from Chl a) and extracts plankton abundance data from this period for PCA/DCA
Script 05 Test script (see 05b for the script actually used)
Script 05b - Produces summarized data by year and quarter, written to folder Data_produced
Script 06 - Runs Theil-Sen regression for all annual and quarterly time series and produces Cleceland dot plots showing trends (see plot below)
Script 07 - Mass production of time series plots of annual data with Theil-Sen regression lines. Stored in Figures_07
Script 08 - Runs multiple regression models (w/ backwards selection) for some hydrography and plankton variables