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Privacy Policy statement

Niclas Jareborg edited this page Oct 4, 2017 · 3 revisions

Name of the service


Description of the service

A service for sharing human genome variation frequency datasets.

Data controller and a contact person

Johan Rung
SciLifeLab Data Centre
Uppsala University


SE - Sweden

Personal data processed


A. Following information is fetched from your home organisation every time you log in to the service:

  • Your unique identifier (eduPersonPrincipalName attribute)
  • Your name (surname, commonName, displayName)
  • Your home organization information (schacHomeOrganization, schacHomeOrganizationType)
  • How you are affiliated to your home organisation (eduPersonAffiliation)
  • Your e-mail (mail)

B. Following information is gathered from yourself::

email address for sending notifications to you.

If you apply for access rights, we store the information on your data access applications and their approval status.

If you have a role in approving and managing applicants' access rights, we store the related information, such as the list of datasets for which you have that role and your decisions and actions in that role.

The purpose of the processing of personal data

Personal data is used for managing access rights to datasets and for providing related reporting functionalities for applicants, application handlers, dataset owners and the data archive.

Personal data in the log files of the server is used for working out technical problems and protecting the service.

Third parties to whom personal data is disclosed

Information of the granted entitlements based on the applications are transferred to the organisation enforcing access control to the datasets.

Entitments are not transferred to parties residing outsie EU or EEA unless the country has been declared to fullfill directive 95/46/EC article 25 by Comission.

How to access, rectify and delete the personal data

Contact the data controller to use your right to access your all personal data.

Data retention

The data in the data access applications is stored as long as the datasets are deposited to the data archive.

Data Protection Code of Conduct

Your personal data will be protected according to the Code of Conduct for Service Providers, a common standard for the research and higher education sector to protect your privacy.