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BelKed edited this page Mar 22, 2021 · 3 revisions

List of scenarios

Name Description
CutClean No furnaces required. Ores and animal drops are automatically smelted. Apple rates are 5%, flint rates are 90%. No lapis is needed for enchanting.
Fireless You cannot take fire damage.
Bowless You are not able to craft bows.
Rodless Fishing rods are not craftable.
Shieldless Shields are not craftable.
Blood Diamonds When mining a diamond ore, the player will take half a heart of damage.
Timber Breaking a log of a tree will cause the whole tree to fall down. You could enable dropping 4 Oak Planks instead log in scenarios.yml.
Horseless You are not able to tame horses/donkeys.
Timebomb After killing a player, their loot will drop into a double chest. The chest will explode 30 seconds later.
No-Fall Fall damage is off.
BestPvE Each player will be added to the "Best PvE List" at the start of the game. While being on the list, you will gain 1 extra heart every 10 minutes. Once a player takes damage, the player will be removed from the list. If you kill a player, you are added back to the list.
Triple Ores Ores drop in threes.
Double Ores Ores drop in pairs.
Team Inventory Each team has an extra inventory that all members from the team can view by using /teaminventory.
No-Clean Gives you 30 seconds of invincibility after a kill. Attacking other players will remove this PvP Protection.
Hastey Boys Every tool you craft will have Efficiency 3 and Unbreaking 1 by default. You could change the levels of enchantments in scenarios.yml.
Lucky Leaves Trees have a 0.5% chance of dropping a Golden Apple.
Bleeding Sweets On death a player drops 1 diamond, 5 gold, 1 book, 2 string and 16 arrows.
Double Gold The original amount of gold will double when mined.
Gold Less When gold is mined, it will disappear and is not obtainable.
FlowerPower Break flowers to receive items.
Switcheroo When you shoot someone, you trade places with them.
Vein Miner Mining a block while crouched breaks blocks of the same type in a chain reaction Only works when using the correct tool for the block type.
DragonRush In dragon rush the goal is to kill the dragon. The first team to kill the dragon wins! There is a end portal at X 0, Z 0.
Love At First Sight In this scenario you are not able to choose your teammates through the team selection inventory. Teams are created by clicking on someone in game.
Fast Leaves Decay In this scenario after breaking all logs of a tree the leaves will be gone within seconds. You could change the speed of leaves decay in scenarios.yml.
Sky High In this scenario after 30 minutes you will start taking damage every 30 seconds while not above Y 120.
Fast Smelting In this scenario item smelting is sped up 5 times.
Super Heroes Each player will gain a special ability. The powers are speed 1, strength 1, resistance 2, invisibility, 6 extra hearts, and jump boost 4.
Anonymous All player names are distorted.
Gone Fishing At the beginning of the game, everyone gets a lure 3 luck of the sea 3 rod.
Infinite Enchants At the beginning of the game everyone gets 64 enchantment tables, anvils, lapis blocks and a lot of XP.
Children Left Unattended When a teammate dies you receive a speed potion and a tamed wolf.
Silent Night At night death messages, name tags, and chat are disabled.
PermaKill When a player dies, it toggles perma day/night.
Weakest Link Every 10 minutes the person with the least health will perish. If everyone is at the same health no one will die.
Eggs When you throw an egg, a random mob will spawn where it lands. This includes ender dragons and withers. When you kill a chicken, there is a 5% chance of it dropping an egg.
No Going Back Once you go through a nether portal in the overworld, you can't go back to the overworld.
Double Dates Players join with a chosen team and are combined randomly with another team.
Fly High Players spawn with an elytra.
Randomized Drops Every block broken will drop random items.
Upside Down Crafting This scenario flips all crafts upside down.
Randomized Crafts This scenario randomizes the results of all crafts.
Monsters Inc. In this scenario all doors are linked as portals.
Achievement Hunter Players start with 5 hearts. For every achievement, players get a half heart of health.
Nine Slots You can only use your hotbar to hold items.
Nether Start Start the game with all the players spawning in the nether.
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