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Maxwell Colen edited this page Jul 28, 2022 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Computer Science and Business Association Wiki Page!

This wiki provides you with information about the organization, the resources for CSB students, and more.

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Why GitHub?

GitHub is a useful programming resource used for code sharing, project management, and collaboration. It also acts as a social networking site for programmers at various companies and organizations. Github uses Git, a version control system that is used for tracking modifications in computer files and used to coordinate the workflow among project team members. Git also ensures that everyone is working on the file’s latest version and everyone can work simultaneously on the same project. For those who are incoming first-years, learning GitHub, Git, and Markdown early will help you in varying projects and assignments for future CS classes.

Learning GitHub

There are plenty of resources online that explain how to use GitHub and Git. To view some of these resources, please check our Technical Development page.

For a more in-depth overview of Github and using Git, please refer to this document made by the CS department.

Introduction to Markdown

Markdown is a markup language that anyone can easily use. The language is used for organizing plaintext documents by adding different formatting elements and objects. In fact, Markdown was used for the formatting of this page and others!

Here is a quick overview of Markdown and resources for learning Markdown.