- Face Mask Detector Demo Video
- License
- System and version used
- Requirements
- How to build
- Multi-face mask detection proof
I used
- windows 10 OS
- Python 3.7 (because tensorflow is not currently available for Python 3.9)
- Architecture is 64-bit (Windows, Python, OpenCV)
- For versions of dependencies you can read requirements.txt
- Clone the repo or Download and extract
- Open project in any code editor (you can also open the cmd in the folder where you clone or extract code)
- Run "pip install -r requirements.txt" command without qoute (it will install all the dependencies)
- Open train_mask_detector.py file and change the path of dataset i.e. on my system its "D:\Web\FaceMaskDetector-PythonAndOpenCV\dataset"
- If everything goes normal you can proceed to step 7
- OpenCV may not be istalled properly if so, download and install OpenCv Here is a good documentation
- run "python train_mask_detector.py" to train your model. (It will take quite a long time.)
- run the "detect_mask_video.py" to open camera and see the app working. (It will take quite a long time.)
That's it 😄.