I have Android & Java Development as my major domain but have also worked in some other Languages and Frameworks i.e. Python, Django, C++, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap etc.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Some Python Projects and Some Android Apps that are in the ownership of my Employers (Currently I work for Two Employers 1. PDMA-Provincial Disaster Management Authority, 2. TMG-Tech Maven Geospatial).
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Advance Spring boot, Django, GeoDjango and Android Practices.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open sources libs...
- 💬 Ask me about Android, Java (J2SE - FX, Swing -- J2EE - SpringBoot, SpringSecurity, JSP, JPA, Rest API, Maven -- Python - Django) .
- 📫 How to reach me: Preferably I would like to be contacted through Youtube channel or Email but other options are also here.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love to solve problems via coding, Play physical games, Watch Movies.
- show processlist is listing a specific process again and again
- how to load self hosted tiles in mabbox in android
- No method from my Adapter is being called except the Constructor
- Answer by Inzimam Tariq IT for git: fatal: I don't handle protocol 'http'
- Answer by Inzimam Tariq IT for Androidx customize navigationItem selected action