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Torrent API (UNIT3D v8.3.4)

HDVinnie edited this page Nov 12, 2024 · 1 revision


UNIT3D is offering a new {JSON:API}. If you haven't already head over to your profile. Hover Settings nav and click API Key. From there you can generate or reset your API Key.


Torrent Auto Uploaders

API Authentication

There are several ways of passing the API token to UNIT3D. We'll discuss each of these approaches while using the Guzzle HTTP library to demonstrate their usage. You may choose any of these approaches based on your needs to communicate with our API.

  • Query String

    UNIT3D's API consumers may specify their token as an api_token query string value:

    $response = $client->request('GET', '/api/torrents?api_token=YOURTOKENHERE);
  • Request Payload

    UNIT3D's API consumers may include their API token in the request's form parameters as an api_token:

    $response = $client->request('POST', '/api/torrents', [
        'headers' => [
            'Accept' => 'application/json',
        'form_params' => [
            'api_token' => YOURTOKENHERE,
  • Bearer Token

    UNIT3D's API consumers may provide their API token as a Bearer token in the Authorization header of the request:

    $response = $client->request('POST', '/api/torrents', [
        'headers' => [
            'Authorization' => 'Bearer YOURTOKENHERE,
            'Accept' => 'application/json',

API Endpoints

Upload a Torrent

Endpoint: POST /api/torrents/upload


Parameter Type Description
torrent file .torrent file
nfo file .nfo file
name string Torrent name
description string Torrent description
mediainfo string MediaInfo text output
bdinfo string BDInfo quick summary output
category_id int Category ID
type_id int Type ID
resolution_id int Resolution ID
region_id int Region ID
distributor_id int Distributor ID
season_number int Season number (TV only)
episode_number int Episode number (TV only)
tmdb int TMDB ID
imdb int IMDB ID
tvdb int TVDB ID
mal int MAL ID
igdb int IGBD ID (Games only)
anonymous bool Should the uploader's username be hidden?
stream bool Is the torrent's content stream-optimised?
sd bool Is the torrent's content standard definition?
personal_release bool Is the torrent's content created by the uploader?
internal* bool Is the torrent an internal release?
refundable* bool Is the torrent refundable?
featured* bool Should the torrent be featured on the front page?
free* int Percentage (0-100) of the torrent's size that is free to leech
fl_until* int Number of days the torrent should offer freeleech
doubleup* bool Should the torrent offer double upload?
du_until* int Number of days the torrent should offer double upload
sticky* bool Should the torrent be stickied on the torrent index?

*Only available to staff and internal users.

Fetch a Torrent

Endpoint: GET /api/torrents/:id


Fetch Torrents Index (Latest 25 Torrents)

Endpoint: GET /api/torrents


Filter Torrents

Endpoint: GET /api/torrents/filter

Optional Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
perPage int Amount of results to return per page (default: 25)
sortField string Field to sort by
sortDirection string Direction to sort the results. One of: asc (Ascending), desc (Descending) (default: asc)
name string Filter by the torrent's name
description string Filter by the torrent's description
mediainfo string Filter by the torrent's MediaInfo
bdinfo string Filter by the torrent's BDInfo
uploader string Filter by the torrent uploader's username
keywords string Filter by any of the torrent's keywords (Multiple keywords can be comma-separated)
startYear int Return only torrents whose content was released after or in the given year
endYear int Return only torrents whose content was released before or in the given year
categories int[] Filter by the torrent's category
types int[] Filter by the torrent's type
resolutions int[] Filter by the torrent's resolution
genres int[] Filter by the torrent's genre
tmdbId int Filter by the torrent's TMDB ID
imdbId int Filter by the torrent's IMDB ID
tvdbId int Filter by the torrent's TVDB ID
malId int Filter by the torrent's MAL ID
playlistId int Return only torrents within the playlist of the given ID
collectionId int Return only torrents within the collection of the given ID
free int Filter by the torrent's freeleech discount (0-100)
doubleup bool Filter by if the torrent offers double upload
featured bool Filter by if the torrent is featured on the front page
refundable bool Filter by if the torrent is refundable
stream bool Filter by if the torrent's content is stream-optimised
sd bool Filter by if the torrent's content is standard definition
highspeed bool Filter by if the torrent has seeders whose IP address has been registered as a seedbox
internal bool Filter by if the torrent is an internal release
personalRelease bool Filter by if the torrent's content is created by the uploader
alive bool Filter by if the torrent has 1 or more seeders
dying bool Filter by if the torrent has 1 seeder and has been downloaded more than 3 times
dead bool Filter by if the torrent has 0 seeders
file_name string Filter by the name of a file within a torrent
seasonNumber int Filter by the torrent's season number
episodeNumber int Filter by the torrent's episode number


Personal Account Info

Endpoint: GET /api/user


{"username":"UNIT3D","group":"Owner","uploaded":"50 GiB","downloaded":"1 GiB","ratio":"50","buffer":"124 GiB","seeding":0,"leeching":0,"seedbonus":"0.00","hit_and_runs":0}
