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disasm-test: Overhaul treatment of LLVM version ranges #220

merged 8 commits into from
May 3, 2023
211 changes: 104 additions & 107 deletions disasm-test/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

Expand All @@ -10,13 +9,15 @@ import qualified Text.LLVM.AST as AST
import Text.LLVM.PP (ppLLVM,ppModule)

import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Control.Lens ((^.), (^?), _Right, to)
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import Control.Lens ( (^?), _Right )
import Control.Monad ( unless, when )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( liftIO )
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Char (ord,isLetter,isSpace,chr)
import Data.Functor ( (<&>) )
import Data.Generics (everywhere, mkT) -- SYB
import Data.List (isInfixOf, sort, stripPrefix)
import Data.List ( isInfixOf, sort )
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
Expand All @@ -25,16 +26,16 @@ import qualified GHC.IO.Exception as GE
import qualified Options.Applicative as OA
import System.Directory (getTemporaryDirectory, removeFile)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import System.FilePath ((<.>))
import System.FilePath ( (<.>) )
import System.IO (openBinaryTempFile,hClose,openTempFile,hPutStrLn)
import qualified System.IO as IO (stderr)
import System.IO
import qualified System.Process as Proc
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( assertFailure, testCase )
import qualified Test.Tasty.Options as TO
import qualified Test.Tasty.Runners as TR
import qualified Test.Tasty.Sugar as TS
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,22 +92,35 @@ disasmTestIngredients =
, TO.Option (Proxy @Roundtrip)
, TO.Option (Proxy @Keep)
] :
TS.sugarIngredients [cube]
<> defaultIngredients

parseCmdLine :: IO TO.OptionSet
parseCmdLine = do
let disasmOptDescrs = TO.uniqueOptionDescriptions $
TR.coreOptions ++
TS.sugarOptions ++
TR.ingredientsOptions disasmTestIngredients
(disasmOptWarns, disasmOptParser) = TR.optionParser disasmOptDescrs
mapM_ (hPutStrLn IO.stderr) disasmOptWarns
OA.execParser $ (OA.helper <*> disasmOptParser)
( OA.fullDesc <>
OA.header "llvm-pretty-bc-parser disassembly test suite"

-- Querying Tool Versions ------------------------------------------------------

-- lack of decipherable version is not fatal to running the tests
-- | Captures the name of the tool and either the error when attempting to get
-- the tool version or the actual parsed version self-reported by the tool. Lack
-- of a decipherable version is not fatal to running the tests.
data VersionCheck = VC String (Either T.Text Versioning)

showVC :: VersionCheck -> String
showVC (VC nm v) = nm <> " " <> (T.unpack $ either id prettyV v)

vcTag :: VersionCheck -> String
vcTag v@(VC nm _) = nm <> vcMajor v

vcMajor :: VersionCheck -> String
vcMajor (VC _ v) = either T.unpack (^. major . to show) v

vcVersioning :: VersionCheck -> Either T.Text Versioning
vcVersioning (VC _ v) = v

Expand All @@ -119,10 +133,9 @@ getLLVMAsVersion (LLVMAs llvmAsPath) = getLLVMToolVersion "llvm-as" llvmAsPath
getLLVMDisVersion :: LLVMDis -> IO VersionCheck
getLLVMDisVersion (LLVMDis llvmDisPath) = getLLVMToolVersion "llvm-dis" llvmDisPath

-- Determine which version of an LLVM tool will be used for these tests.
-- An exception (e.g. in readProcess if the tool is not found) will
-- result in termination (test failure). Uses partial 'head' but
-- this is just tests, and failure is captured.
-- Determine which version of an LLVM tool will be used for these tests (if
-- possible). Uses partial 'head' but this is just tests, and failure is
-- captured.
getLLVMToolVersion :: String -> FilePath -> IO VersionCheck
getLLVMToolVersion toolName toolPath = do
let isVerLine = isInfixOf "LLVM version"
Expand All @@ -133,6 +146,9 @@ getLLVMToolVersion toolName toolPath = do
getVer (Left full) = full
mkVC toolName . getVer <$> readProcessVersion toolPath

-- Runs the tool with a --version argument to have it self-report its version.
-- The tool may not even be installed. Returns either an error string or the
-- output string from the tool.
readProcessVersion :: String -> IO (Either String String)
readProcessVersion forTool =
X.catches (Right <$> Proc.readProcess forTool [ "--version" ] "")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,17 +176,7 @@ main = do
-- `defaultMainWithIngredients` invocation doesn't allow you to
-- generate a dynamic number of tests in IO based on argument values. As a
-- result, we have to resort to using more of tasty's internals here.
let disasmOptDescrs = TO.uniqueOptionDescriptions $
TR.coreOptions ++
TR.ingredientsOptions disasmTestIngredients
(disasmOptWarns, disasmOptParser) = TR.optionParser disasmOptDescrs
mapM_ (hPutStrLn IO.stderr) disasmOptWarns
disasmOpts <- OA.execParser $ (OA.helper <*> disasmOptParser)
( OA.fullDesc <>
OA.header "llvm-pretty-bc-parser disassembly test suite"
disasmOpts <- parseCmdLine

let llvmAs = TO.lookupOption disasmOpts
llvmDis = TO.lookupOption disasmOpts
Expand All @@ -185,7 +191,7 @@ main = do

sweets <- TS.findSugar cube
tests <- TS.withSugarGroups sweets testGroup $ \s _ e -> runTest llvmAsVC s e
tests <- TS.withSugarGroups sweets testGroup $ \s _ e -> runTest s e
case TR.tryIngredients
Expand All @@ -205,10 +211,10 @@ cube = TS.mkCUBE
{ TS.inputDirs = ["disasm-test/tests"]
, TS.rootName = "*.ll"
, TS.separators = "."
, TS.validParams = [ ("llvm-range", Just [ "pre-llvm11"
, "at-least-llvm12"
, "at-least-llvm13"
, "at-least-llvm14"
, TS.validParams = [ ("llvm-range", Just [ "recent-llvm"
, "pre-llvm12"
, "pre-llvm13"
, "pre-llvm14"
-- Somewhat unusually for tasty-sugar, we make the expectedSuffix the same
Expand All @@ -217,6 +223,24 @@ cube = TS.mkCUBE
-- llvm-pretty-bc-parser, pretty-printing it with llvm-pretty, and
-- then normalizing it. As such, each .ll file acts as its own golden file.
, TS.expectedSuffix = "ll"
, TS.sweetAdjuster = \cb swts -> do
-- Performed ranged-matching of the llvm-range parameter against the
-- version of llvm (reported by llvm-as) to filter the tasty-sugar
-- expectations.
disasmOpts <- liftIO parseCmdLine
llvmver <- liftIO $ getLLVMAsVersion $ TO.lookupOption disasmOpts
ss <- TS.rangedParamAdjuster "llvm-range"
(readMaybe . drop (length ("pre-llvm" :: String)))
(vcVersioning llvmver ^? (_Right . major))
cb swts
-- In addition, this is a round-trip test (assemble + disassemble) where
-- the rootname is the same as the expected name. Filter out any
-- expectations that don't match the root name.
-- (e.g. remove: root=poison.ll with exp=poison.pre-llvm12.ll).
let rootExpSame s e = TS.rootFile s == TS.expectedFile e
return $ ss
<&> \s -> s { TS.expected = filter (rootExpSame s) $ TS.expected s }

-- | A test failure.
Expand All @@ -227,46 +251,50 @@ data TestFailure
instance X.Exception TestFailure

-- | Attempt to compare the assembly generated by llvm-pretty and llvm-dis.
runTest :: VersionCheck -> TS.Sweets -> TS.Expectation -> IO [TestTree]
runTest llvmVer sweet expct
| not llvmMatch
= pure []
| otherwise
= pure $ (:[]) $
askOption $ \llvmAs ->
askOption $ \llvmDis ->
askOption $ \roundtrip ->
askOption $ \k@(Keep keep) ->
testCase pfx $ do

let -- Assemble and disassemble some LLVM asm
processLL :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, Maybe FilePath)
processLL f = do
putStrLn (showString f ": ")
X.handle logError $
withFile (generateBitCode llvmAs pfx f) $ \ bc ->
withFile (normalizeBitCode k llvmDis pfx bc) $ \ norm -> do
(parsed, ast) <- processBitCode k roundtrip pfx bc
ignore (Proc.callProcess "diff" ["-u", norm, parsed])
putStrLn ("successfully parsed " ++ show f)
return (parsed, ast)

withFile :: IO FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO r) -> IO r
withFile iofile f =
X.bracket iofile (if keep then const (pure ()) else removeFile) f

(parsed1, ast) <- processLL file
case ast of -- this Maybe also encodes the data of optRoundtrip
Nothing -> return ()
Just ast1 -> do
(_, Just ast2) <- processLL parsed1 -- Re-assemble and re-disassemble
diff ast1 ast2 -- Ensure that the ASTs match
-- Ensure that the disassembled files match.
-- This is usually too strict (and doesn't really provide more info).
-- We normalize the AST (see below) to ensure that the ASTs match modulo
-- metadata numbering, but the equivalent isn't possible for the
-- assembly: we need llvm-as to be able to re-assemble it.
-- diff parsed1 parsed2
runTest :: TS.Sweets -> TS.Expectation -> IO [TestTree]
runTest sweet expct
= do -- If an .ll file begins with SKIP_TEST, skip that test entirely. For
-- test cases that require a minimum LLVM version, this technique is
-- used to prevent running the test on older LLVM versions.
skipTest <- ("SKIP_TEST" `L.isPrefixOf`) <$> L.readFile (TS.expectedFile expct)

if skipTest
then pure []
else pure $ (:[]) $
askOption $ \llvmAs ->
askOption $ \llvmDis ->
askOption $ \roundtrip ->
askOption $ \k@(Keep keep) ->
testCase pfx $ do

let -- Assemble and disassemble some LLVM asm
processLL :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, Maybe FilePath)
processLL f = do
putStrLn (showString f ": ")
X.handle logError $
withFile (generateBitCode llvmAs pfx f) $ \ bc ->
withFile (normalizeBitCode k llvmDis pfx bc) $ \ norm -> do
(parsed, ast) <- processBitCode k roundtrip pfx bc
ignore (Proc.callProcess "diff" ["-u", norm, parsed])
putStrLn ("successfully parsed " ++ show f)
return (parsed, ast)

withFile :: IO FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO r) -> IO r
withFile iofile f =
X.bracket iofile (if keep then const (pure ()) else removeFile) f

(parsed1, ast) <- processLL file
case ast of -- this Maybe also encodes the data of optRoundtrip
Nothing -> return ()
Just ast1 -> do
(_, Just ast2) <- processLL parsed1 -- Re-assemble and re-disassemble
diff ast1 ast2 -- Ensure that the ASTs match
-- Ensure that the disassembled files match.
-- This is usually too strict (and doesn't really provide more info).
-- We normalize the AST (see below) to ensure that the ASTs match modulo
-- metadata numbering, but the equivalent isn't possible for the
-- assembly: we need llvm-as to be able to re-assemble it.
-- diff parsed1 parsed2
where file = TS.rootFile sweet
pfx = TS.rootBaseName sweet
assertF ls = assertFailure $ unlines ls
Expand All @@ -283,37 +311,6 @@ runTest llvmVer sweet expct
then assertF ["non-empty diff", stdout, stderr]
else mapM_ putStrLn ["success: empty diff: ", file1, file2]

-- Match any LLVM version range specification in the .ll
-- expected file against the current version of the LLVM tools. If the
-- current LLVM version doesn't match, no test should be
-- generated (i.e. only run tests for the version of LLVM tools
-- available).
llvmMatch =
let specMatchesInstalled v =
or [ v == vcTag llvmVer
, and [ v == "pre-llvm11"
, vcMajor llvmVer `elem` (show <$> [3..10 :: Int])
, case stripPrefix "at-least-llvm" v of
Nothing -> False
Just verStr ->
(vcVersioning llvmVer ^? (_Right . major)) >= Just (read verStr)
-- as a fallback, if the testing code here is
-- unable to determine the version, run all
-- tests. This is likely to cause a failure, but
-- is preferable to running no tests, which
-- results in a success report without having
-- done anything.
, vcMajor llvmVer == "[missing]"
in case lookup "llvm-range" (TS.expParamsMatch expct) of
Just (TS.Explicit v) -> specMatchesInstalled v
Just (TS.Assumed v)
| v == "pre-llvm11" || v == "at-least-llvm12"
-> specMatchesInstalled v
| otherwise
-> False
_ -> error "llvm-range unknown"

-- | Assemble some llvm assembly, producing a bitcode file in /tmp.
generateBitCode :: LLVMAs -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
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45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions disasm-test/
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# `disasm-test`

This test suite ensures that for each `.ll` file under the `tests` directory:

1. After using `llvm-as` to produce a `.bc` file, the `.bc` file can be parsed
using `llvm-pretty-bc-parser`.
2. The resulting `llvm-pretty` AST can be pretty-printed back out to an `.ll`
file using `llvm-pretty`'s pretty-printer.
3. The new `.ll` file is mostly equivalent to the original `.ll` file.

Here, "mostly equivalent" means that the two files are syntactically
equivalent, ignoring minor differences in whitespace and the order of metadata
in the metadata list.

## Conditional tests

Some of the test cases have slightly different bitcode depending on which LLVM
version is used. These test cases will have accompanying
`<test-case>.pre-llvm<version>.ll` files, where `pre-llvm<version>` indicates
that this test output is used for all LLVM versions up to (but not including)
`<version>`. Note that if a test case has multiple `pre-llvm<version>.ll`
files, then the `<version>` that is closest to the current LLVM version
(without going over) is picked.

To illustrate this with a concrete example, consider suppose we have a test
case `foo` with the following `.ll` files

* `foo.pre-llvm11.ll`
* `foo.pre-llvm13.ll`
* `foo.ll`

The following `.ll` files would be used for the following LLVM versions:

* LLVM 10: `foo.pre-llvm11.ll`
* LLVM 11: `foo.pre-llvm13.ll`
* LLVM 12: `foo.pre-llvm13.ll`
* LLVM 13 or later: `foo.ll`

There are some test cases that require a sufficiently recent LLVM version to
run. To indicate that a test should not be run on LLVMs older than `<version>`,
create a `pre-llvm<version>.ll` file with `SKIP_TEST` as the first line. The
use of `SKIP_TEST` signals that this test should be skipped when using LLVMs
older than `<version>`. Note that the test suite will not read anything past
`SKIP_TEST`, so the rest of the file can be used to document why the test is
skipped on that particular configuration.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions disasm-test/tests/btf-tag-dicompositetype.pre-llvm14.ll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions disasm-test/tests/btf-tag-diderivedtype.pre-llvm14.ll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions disasm-test/tests/btf-tag-diglobalvariable.pre-llvm14.ll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions disasm-test/tests/btf-tag-dilocalvariable.pre-llvm14.ll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions disasm-test/tests/btf-tag-disubprogram.pre-llvm14.ll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions disasm-test/tests/di-arg-list.pre-llvm13.ll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions disasm-test/tests/dilocalvariable.pre-llvm14.ll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions disasm-test/tests/poison.pre-llvm12.ll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions llvm-pretty-bc-parser.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ Test-suite disasm-test
hs-source-dirs: disasm-test
Ghc-options: -Wall
build-depends: base,
Expand All @@ -132,9 +133,9 @@ Test-suite disasm-test
syb >= 0.7,
tasty >= 1.3,
tasty-sugar >= 2.1 && < 2.2,
tasty-sugar >= 2.2 && < 2.3,
versions < 6,
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Feel free to undo this, as I've just released 6.0.1.

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Thanks, @fosskers!


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