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Releases: FluxorOrg/Fluxor

5.0.1 - Better equality for AnyCodable collections

10 Nov 23:15
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This release of Fluxor adds improvements when checking equality of instances of AnyCodable

Pull requests

  • Better equality for AnyCodable collections (#101)
  • Don't erase already erased values in collections (#102)

5.0.0 - Even better with SwiftUI

10 Nov 21:28
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This release of Fluxor contains a rewrite of the observable values in SwiftUI and adds some other improvements


  • The types previously in 'FluxorSwiftUI' is now in the main 'Fluxor' library
  • The observe function on the Store is now replaced with a StoreValue property wrapper

Other improvements

  • Effects not using the Effects protocol can now be unregistered
  • Selector1's can now be created with a KeyPath instead of a closure

Pull requests

  • Rearrange badges (#95)
  • Better integration with SwiftUI (#96)
  • Use macOS 11 and Xcode 13.1 (#97)
  • Create a Selector with another Selector and a KeyPath (#98)
  • Registering/unregistering Effects by id (#99)
  • Clean up (#100)

4.1.0 - Support for more platforms

08 Aug 19:08
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This release of Fluxor adds support for more platforms

  • Support for Linux with Swift 5.2 and newer
  • Support for watchOS with Swift 5.4 and newer

Pull requests

  • Fix code coverage upload (#88)
  • Update dependencies for docs workflow (#89)
  • Add support for watchOS (#90)
  • Add support for Linux (#91)
  • Use badges from Swift Package Index (#93)
  • Sort keys in PrintInterceptor (#94)

4.0.0 - SwiftUI additions and addressing some pain points

08 Mar 20:52
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This release of Fluxor contains some additions related to SwiftUI and addresses some pain points and CI issues

  • The Store able to subscribe to Action publishers
  • Makes SwiftUI bindings simpler and easier to create
  • Guides added to documentation
  • Internal tests are now less flaky on the CI
  • Documentation link fixes

Pull requests

  • Make the Store able to subscribe to Action publishers (#85)
  • Make tests less flaky (#86)
  • Make Action not conform to Encodable (#84)
  • Increase wait time in tests (#83)
  • Make environment public on the Store (#82)
  • Simpler bindings (#81)
  • Documentation coverage badge and CNAME (#80)
  • Fix broken link in README (#79) - Thanks @sgrgrsn
  • Docs badge link to (#78)
  • Add CNAME (#77)
  • FluxorExplorer App Store badge (#76)
  • Add guides (#75)

3.0.0 - Lots of improvements and additions

04 Jun 12:29
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This release of Fluxor contains a lot of improvements all around as well as a whole new package

  • Added a new package for using Fluxor with SwiftUI
  • Improved Effects with environment and easier test running
  • Support for registering Reducers by KeyPath
  • Support for unregistering Reducers, Effects and Interceptors
  • Easier Selector testing

Pull requests

  • SwiftUI helpers (#61)
  • FluxorSwiftUI improvements (#63)
  • Documenting new packages (#64)
  • Add HTML docs to Pages (#62)
  • Improve interface for running Effects (#65)
  • Make IdentifiableAction public (#66)
  • Environment in Effects (#68)
  • Reducers by KeyPath (#69)
  • Unregistering of Reducers, Effects and Interceptors (#70)
  • Specific Selector types (#71)
  • Move Selector overriding (#72)
  • Improved documentation (#73)
  • Don't require State to be Encodable (#74)

2.0.0 - API clean up and improvement

11 May 18:14
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  • Remove creator functions (#52)
  • Support callAsFunction on ActionTemplate (#53)
  • Multiple templates in ReduceOn (#54)
  • A little simpler Effects (#58)
  • Documentation (#57)
  • Effect dispatching multiple actions (#59)

1.0.0 - First release

02 Apr 21:24
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First release