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Releases: Farama-Foundation/ViZDoom

ViZDoom 1.2.3: Support for Python 3.12, fix for the Gymnasium wrapper

16 Dec 00:56
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ViZDoom 1.2.3 Release Notes

The aim of this release is mainly to add support for Python 3.12 and fix a serious bug in the Gymnasium wrapper (thanks @caozhenxiang-kouji for reporting).

What's Changed

  • Add support for Python 3.12 by @mwydmuch in #570
  • Fix the bug in the Gymnasium wrapper that was constructing correct actions only for int type but not for types, when action_space = Discrete (reported in #574) by @mwydmuch in #575
  • Add Farama notifications to the Python package by @mwydmuch in #568
  • Add workflows to build docs version by @mgoulao in #567
  • Add set/getGameArgs/set/get_game_args methods by @mwydmuch in #569
  • Add support for +win_x/y CVARs on Linux and MacOS by @mwydmuch in #569
  • and tests updates by @mwydmuch in #573
  • Add support for viz_noxserver option on macos by @mwydmuch in #577
  • Documentation updates by @mwydmuch in #576 and #578

Full Changelog: 1.2.2...1.2.3

ViZDoom 1.2.2: Fix for Python source distribution missing pybind11, fix manual building

27 Sep 19:01
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ViZDoom 1.2.2 Release Notes

The aim of this release is mainly to fix some issues with installing ViZDoom on configurations that cannot use binary wheels.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.2.1...1.2.2

ViZDoom 1.2.1: Manylinux wheels, docstrings and argument names in the Python module, and a new documentation website

11 Sep 18:51
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ViZDoom 1.2.1 Release Notes

This release focuses on improving the user experience by adding support for docstrings and argument names in the Python module, a new documentation website, and, finally, improvements to the building process that allows for prebuilding manylinux wheels. This release does not introduce any changes to the API and is 100% compatible with the previous version.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.2.1

ViZDoom 1.2.0: add Gymnasium wrapper, Pickle support, and ARM compatibility

12 May 10:16
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ViZDoom 1.2.0 Release Notes

This release adds official Gymnasium support, support for serialization using Pickle, and ARM compatibility. Besides that, it improves and modernizes the codebase to simply further maintenance of the library.

ViZDoom core API and Gym wrapper remain unchanged in this release. The code using the 1.1.X version should be fully compatible with this release.

New Features and Improvements:

  • Added Gymnasium support. The wrapper for Gymnasium 0.28 was added, and from now on it will be an integral part of the library. The old Gym 0.26 wrapper remains as an optional extra. Because of that, we mark this release as the next minor release for the first time in 4 years.
  • Added Pickle support.
    • The Gymnasium/Gym wrappers now support the serialization of environments via pickle. Now both the environments and their states can be serialized.
    • The GameState object and its subobjects, which are returned from C++ by DoomGame.get_state() method in core Python API, now also support serialization. However, DoomGame object that wraps the game engine cannot be serialized.
  • Compatibility with ARM. The library can now be easily compiled and installed on ARM Linux as well as on Apple Silicon.
  • Python 3.11 support. The ViZDoom library can now be installed with Python 3.11.


The default configurations for all build-in scenarios/environments were unified to use 320x240 resolution (original DOS Doom resolution) as default.

Bug Fixes and Documentation Updates:

This release introduces numerous improvements to the codebase that will simplify further maintenance:

  • Pre-commit-hooks with code formatting and checks were added.
  • All assembler code was removed. Instead, the C/C++ code that was present in the engine as a fallback is now used instead. Currently, these assembler parts are not bringing significant performance improvements and thus were not worth keeping in our opinion. Because of that, the assembler compiler was removed from the list of dependencies as it's no longer needed.
  • Lemon and Zipdir libraries were updated to the newer versions to fix issues with a building project on ARM machines and some Windows configurations.
  • Fixed some deprecation warnings in the C/C++ codebase.
  • Updated and cleaned-up documentation related to the project building.
  • Added a long description for the PyPI package page.
  • Added many tests for both core API and the Gymnasium wrapper.
  • Cleaned up the codebase and removed unused files, scripts, commented code blocks, and Visual Studio project files.

Full Changelog: 1.1.14...1.2.0


07 Jan 20:42
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Changes in ViZDoom 1.1.14

Support for Apple Silicon

  • Fixed building on Apple Silicon Macbooks.


  • OpenAI Gym environment wrappers were updated to the Gym v0.26 API version.


18 Apr 01:40
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Changes in ViZDoom 1.1.13


  • The pybind11 library and freedoom2.wad are now part of the source release instead of being downloaded during building.




01 Apr 18:02
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Changes in ViZDoom 1.1.12

New OpenAI Gym wrapper

  • Added a new wrapper for OpenAI Gym.


22 Nov 11:15
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Changes in ViZDoom 1.1.11


  • Fixed issues with installing/building Python package.


10 Nov 01:09
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Changes in ViZDoom 1.1.10

Python Bindings

  • Fixed support for Python 3.10
  • Removed dependency on Numpy and simplified the process of building Windows wheels.


  • Added support for tuples and ndarrays as arguments in many functions, where previously only lists were accepted.


30 Sep 22:35
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Changes in ViZDoom 1.1.9

Audio buffer

  • Added audio_buffer to State and related methods is/setAudioBufferEnabled, get/setAudioSamplingRate, get/setAudioBufferSize.

Save/load methods

  • Added save and load methods that allow saving/loading game to/from a file.


  • Added viz_bots_path CVAR that allows specifying path to custom bots configuration.