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muhammad3mar committed Dec 24, 2024
1 parent 7081f51 commit 4335684
Showing 1 changed file with 204 additions and 117 deletions.
321 changes: 204 additions & 117 deletions source/ifu/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,124 +1,211 @@
`timescale 1ns/1ps

module PLRU_tb;

// Parameters
parameter NUM_TAGS = 16; // Number of tags (cache lines)
parameter NUM_LINES = 16; // Number of lines
parameter TAG_WIDTH = 30; // Width of each tag
parameter LINE_WIDTH = 128; // Width of each cache line
parameter OFFSET_WIDTH = 4; // Offset bits in PC
parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 32; // Address width

// Inputs
logic Clock;
logic Rst;
logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] cpu_reqAddrIn;
logic [LINE_WIDTH-1:0] mem_rspInsLineIn;
logic [TAG_WIDTH-1:0] mem_rspTagIn;
logic mem_rspInsLineValidIn;

// Outputs
logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] cpu_rspAddrOut;
logic [LINE_WIDTH-1:0] cpu_rspInsLineOut;
logic cpu_rspInsLineValidOut;
logic [TAG_WIDTH-1:0] mem_reqTagOut;
logic mem_reqTagValidOut;

// Instantiate the DUT (Device Under Test)
ifu_cache #(
) dut (

// Clock generation
always #5 Clock = ~Clock; // 10 ns clock period

// Testbench Variables
int test_counter = 0;

// Test Procedure
initial begin
// Initialize signals
Clock = 0;
Rst = 0;
cpu_reqAddrIn = 0;
mem_rspTagIn = 0;
mem_rspInsLineIn = 128'h0;
mem_rspInsLineValidIn = 0;

// 1. Reset Behavior
$display("Test %0d: Reset Behavior", ++test_counter);
Rst = 1;
#20; // Hold reset for 20 ns
Rst = 0;

// Verify reset behavior
assert(!cpu_rspInsLineValidOut) else $fatal("Reset failed: CPU response valid should be 0.");
assert(!mem_reqTagValidOut) else $fatal("Reset failed: Memory request valid should be 0.");

// 2. Basic Cache Miss
$display("Test %0d: Basic Cache Miss", ++test_counter);
cpu_reqAddrIn = 32'h1000; // Set requested address
mem_rspInsLineIn = 128'hDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEF; // Simulate memory line data
mem_rspTagIn = 30'h1000; // Simulate tag from memory
mem_rspInsLineValidIn = 1;
#10; // Wait for one clock cycle
mem_rspInsLineValidIn = 0;

assert(mem_reqTagValidOut) else $fatal("Cache miss handling failed: Memory request not valid.");
assert(cpu_rspInsLineValidOut) else $fatal("Cache miss handling failed: CPU response valid not set.");
assert(cpu_rspInsLineOut == 128'hDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEF) else $fatal("Cache miss handling failed: Incorrect data inserted.");

// 3. Basic Cache Hit
$display("Test %0d: Basic Cache Hit", ++test_counter);
cpu_reqAddrIn = 32'h1000; // Access the same address

assert(cpu_rspInsLineValidOut) else $fatal("Cache hit failed: CPU response valid not set.");
assert(cpu_rspInsLineOut == 128'hDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEF) else $fatal("Cache hit failed: Incorrect data retrieved.");

// 4. PLRU Replacement
$display("Test %0d: PLRU Replacement", ++test_counter);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LINES; i++) begin
cpu_reqAddrIn = i * 4; // Unique addresses
mem_rspInsLineIn = 128'hA5A5A5A5 + i; // Unique data
mem_rspTagIn = i; // Unique tags
mem_rspInsLineValidIn = 1;
mem_rspInsLineValidIn = 0;

`include "macros.vh"

module ifu_cache
import ifu_pkg::*;

parameter NUM_TAGS, // Number of tags
parameter NUM_LINES, // Number of lines: should be equal to number of tags
parameter TAG_WIDTH, // Width of each tag
parameter LINE_WIDTH, // Width of each cache line
parameter ADDR_WIDTH, // Width of each address
parameter OFFSET_WIDTH // Width of offset bits in address
// Chip Signals
input logic Clock,
input logic Rst,

// CPU Interface
input logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] cpu_reqAddrIn, // requested addr by cpu
output logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] cpu_rspAddrOut, // address of the line in the response to cpu
output logic [LINE_WIDTH-1:0] cpu_rspInsLineOut, // the line in the response to cpu
output logic cpu_rspInsLineValidOut, // valid, meaning the cpu can read the line

// Memory Interface
input logic [TAG_WIDTH-1:0] mem_rspTagIn, // tag of the line provide by response of the memory
input logic [LINE_WIDTH-1:0] mem_rspInsLineIn, // the line provided in the response of the memory
input logic mem_rspInsLineValidIn, // the line is ready in the response and can be read by the cache
output logic [TAG_WIDTH-1:0] mem_reqTagOut, // tag requested by the cache from the memory
output logic mem_reqTagValidOut, // there is a request for the tag to be brought from the memory

// Prefetcher Interface
// to be added
output logic dataInsertion


// Logic Defines //
// tag array
tag_arr_t tagArray [NUM_TAGS];
logic [ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : OFFSET_WIDTH-1 ] cpu_reqTagIn;

// data array
data_arr_t dataArray [NUM_LINES];
// logic dataInsertion;

// hit status
logic [$clog2(NUM_TAGS)-1:0] hitPosition; // synthesizable calculated in compilation time
logic [NUM_TAGS-1:0] hitArray;
logic hitStatus;

// plru
logic [$clog2(NUM_LINES) - 1 : 0] lineForPLRU;
logic [$clog2(NUM_LINES)-1 : 0] freeLine;
logic freeLineValid;
logic [NUM_LINES - 2 : 0 ] plruTree;
logic [NUM_LINES - 2 : 0] updatedTree; // Holds the updated PLRU tree
logic [$clog2(NUM_LINES) - 1 : 0] plruIndex; // Holds the LRU index

// Assigns //
assign cpu_reqTagIn = cpu_reqAddrIn[ADDR_WIDTH-1:OFFSET_WIDTH-1];
assign hitStatus = |hitArray;
assign mem_reqTagValidOut = !hitStatus;
assign dataInsertion = (mem_reqTagValidOut == VALID) && (mem_rspInsLineValidIn == VALID) && (mem_reqTagOut == mem_rspTagIn);

// Always ff Statement //

always_ff @(posedge Clock or posedge Rst) begin

// Cache Reset //

if (Rst) begin
for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM_TAGS ; i++) begin
tagArray[i] <= 0;
dataArray[i] <= 0;
hitArray[i] <= 0;
plruTree <= 0; // Reset PLRU tree

// Insert one more line to trigger replacement
cpu_reqAddrIn = 32'hFFFF;
mem_rspInsLineIn = 128'h123456789ABCDEF;
mem_rspTagIn = 30'hFFFF;
mem_rspInsLineValidIn = 1;
mem_rspInsLineValidIn = 0;

assert(cpu_rspInsLineValidOut) else $fatal("PLRU replacement failed: CPU response valid not set.");
assert(cpu_rspInsLineOut == 128'h123456789ABCDEF) else $fatal("PLRU replacement failed: Incorrect data after replacement.");

$display("All tests passed!");
// Always Comb Statement //

always_comb begin
// Hit Status //
for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM_TAGS; i++) begin
if (cpu_reqTagIn == tagArray[i].tag && tagArray[i].valid == VALID) begin
hitArray[i] = 1;
hitPosition = i;
cpu_rspAddrOut = cpu_reqAddrIn;
end else begin
hitArray[i] = 0;

// Cache Action //
if(hitStatus == HIT) begin // hit handling
cpu_rspInsLineOut = dataArray[hitPosition];
cpu_rspInsLineValidOut = VALID; // we have the line in cache
lineForPLRU = hitPosition; // Use hitPosition for a cache hit
plruTree = updatedTree; //updates the plru tree when there is a hit

end else begin // miss handling
cpu_rspInsLineValidOut = !VALID; // we do not have the line in cache
mem_reqTagOut = cpu_reqTagIn;
lineForPLRU = freeLine; // Use freeLine for a cache miss

// Line Insertion //
if (dataInsertion) begin

freeLineValid = 0;
//checks if there any empty cache lines before using the PLRU
for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM_TAGS ; i++)begin
if (!tagArray[i].valid)begin
freeLine = i;
freeLineValid = 1;
//in case all the lines in the cache are full
if (freeLineValid == 0)begin
freeLine = plruIndex;
dataArray[freeLine] = mem_rspInsLineIn;
tagArray[freeLine].valid = VALID;
tagArray[freeLine].tag = mem_rspTagIn;

plruTree = updatedTree;
end // always_comb end

// Utilities //

//Updates the PLRU tree after a hit or replacement.
module updatePLruTree #(parameter NUM_LINES = 16)(
input logic [NUM_LINES - 2 : 0] currentTree,
input logic [$clog2(NUM_LINES) - 1 : 0] line,
output logic [NUM_LINES - 2 : 0] updatedTree
logic [$clog2(NUM_LINES) - 1 : 0] index;
always_comb begin
index = 0;
updatedTree = currentTree;
for (int level = $clog2(NUM_LINES) - 1 ; level >= 0; level--) begin
updatedTree[index] = (line >> level) & 1;
index = (index << 1) | ((line >> level) & 1);

//Computes the least recently used (LRU) index.
module getPLRUIndex #(parameter NUM_LINES)(
input logic [NUM_LINES - 2 : 0] tree,
output logic [$clog2(NUM_LINES) - 1 : 0] index
always_comb begin
index = 0;
while(index < NUM_LINES - 1) begin
// Updates the index to search in the next layer in the tree, tree[index] chooses the left or right node
index = (index << 1 ) | tree[index];

// Module Instantiations
getPLRUIndex #(.NUM_LINES(NUM_LINES)) plru_index_inst (

updatePLruTree #(.NUM_LINES(NUM_LINES)) update_plru_inst (


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