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2020 Weekly Meeting

JC Franco edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 101 revisions




  • [Franco] CAC -> CC port status
    • Everything ready to go (need to double check styles), just need to decide when to start including CAC components in the CC dist
    • Katy will help us move issues/wikis over 🙇‍♂️
    • Can keep standup channel to sync-up on NMV changes
    • Discuss next week w/ CC team on shipping/v1.0.0!


  • [Alan] With the calcite-components move there is overlap in some components, so when do we have different components like Action v Button, PickList v ValueList?







  • [Alan] Action Bar slot for center-row
    • Maybe we update the shell-panel? It's complicated.
  • [Alan] Adding utility for managing focus between components as they appear (e.g., navigation between panels or popover content).

Action Items

  • Alan will enhance the center-row component and add appropriate slots
  • Alan will do research on existing utilities and use cases for managing focus.


  • [Alan] PickList. Should we rework/refactor it? See wiki.
    • I've added an appearance prop and a value of clear gets us part way there
    • Would also want to turn off the left icon and/or define an icon for what is now a radio or check
    • The radio or check icon is not currently in a slot...not sure that that matters
    • Also, the intended UX does not include a selected state
    • MAY ALSO ADDRESS: LayerList needs
  • [Katy] - value-list issue should we rework (Alan please chime in)
  • [Alan] Scrim theme=dark. I'm not worried about this rn.
  • [Franco] Quick auto @next deployment rundown

Action Items

  • Generic list component will be extracted from pick-list


  • [Alern] FlowItem
    • allow header-leading-content to be overloaded (currently FlowItem owns this slot for the back button)
    • or don't use header-leading-content for the back button
    • or...?
    • Driving force: MVB and LayerSwitcher. There will likely be other cases.
  • [Franco] Any new components coming down the pipeline?
  • [Matt] ActionPad layout breaking changes
  • [Matt] a11y tab in storybook
  • [Matt] Scrim waiting on release to be used.

Action Items

  • Alan will reuse header-leading-slot for leading content
  • Incoming breaking change release to remove deprecations
  • Will add a11y tab to make it easy to catch stuff missed in e2e tests


Updated 2020-04-28

  • [Matt] Shell slot for table #935
    • 😱 (alan)
  • [ALAN] pick-list-item add prop that would switch description font-family and size?
    • For an attributes list, monospace works nicely and conveys the thing
    • For something like a list of things where the description doesn't convey a reference in a data table, Avenir might be better.
    • I think maybes the property shouldn't say anything about font-family...?
  • [Franco] FYI: meeting is changing to once every two weeks
  • Scrim lewkin gewd!


  • Come up withe name for new bottom slot to replace tip manager.
  • Make a meeting for more discussion around design for the table (maybe include Mike)
    • Focus on table experience in new Map Viewer
  • Leave pick list as is for now








  • [Franco] Block + menu-actions, what does this mean for the control slot?
  • [Alan] Block. Remove toggle icon?


Action Items

  • Franco will follow-up on block header editing experience for design discussion.

2020-03-13 🔮💀🕸🌙





Action Items

  • Katy will find out where to host sample app.
  • Franco will help out w/ i18n prop PRs


  • [Alan] Tooltip "utility"
    • Alan will make issue.
  • [Alan] PickList compact mode. Do we still need this? 781
    • The request assumes a tiny pick-list in a very small window, e.g. the Filter component as shown in the related issue.
      • I discussed this design with Mitchel, and the design was created before we had the pick-list design or component.
      • Mitchel will be suggesting an update to the Filter design that falls in line with our "list builder" pattern of using the value-list to show selected items and invoking a floating pick-list to pick items.
    • pick-list-items have a compact mode but we're mostly using that internally for value-list-item and it should probz be renamed
    • A tighter pick-list-item can be made by not entering a value for summary and by using scale="s" on any action(s) added to the secondary-action slot.
      • lets have a prop to disable ui things instead of 'compact'- this isn't sufficient. let's make an issue to get rid of it. Matt make issue. [Still want to have compact abilities but take away prop]
  • [Matt] I have PRs needing review
  • [Matt] I will be handed off Combobox/chips PRs from Harry & valueList removable
  • [Matt] Close old milestone?
  • [Matt] Status update on Scrim & card? -card dun! scrim in development
  • [Matt] Update areas of responsibility
    • Katy will fix - DUN!
  • [Katy] We're not going to focus on mobile styling for Conf. Apps until maybe after UC.
    • Would CA be able to use our components partially? Like see if they work for mobile, if so, use, if not, they build their own thing? (let's have a convo with Kelly)
      • they can handle this on their app and we can talk about this later.
  • Katy - Sample app almost in
  • Alan - svg issue- Matt fixed to take svg and calcite-icon.
  • Matt has PR open for adding an icon property to action. this will not accept svg path.
  • Alan add issue to add styles in for panel. we only have styling in for start and end we didn't retain leading and trailing. keep those until theyre gone. issue has been maid! 🧹

2020-02-14 ❤️💜💙💗💕💖💘💞💛💚💓

  • [Alan] FABulous. #815

    • see Slack thread
  • [Harry] John Grayson was looking for a way to get a list of values that were filtered. This was possible by listening to the dependent component calcite-filter event. There anything we can do to improve our docs to show relationships such as this?

Action Items

  • Add page to overview section for resources/stuff to know regarding web components
  • Automatically parse notes for dependency components (fix broken relative URLs - separate issue)
  • Adding knobs for any missing dependency components


  • [Harry] - How long do we plan on continuing support for old Edge (non-Chromium)?

    Not changing for the time being 😭

  • [Matt] For nested components, should we pass dir attribute to them or try to enhance getElementdir() to go up the shadow root? issue | example

    dir will be passed down

  • [Matt] When should we start designing the mobile experiences for components? issue

    need to determine priority before proceeding

  • [Alan] value-list-item: removable prop + removed key or something to the changed event?

    Add option to auto-add closing action (off by default)

  • [Alan] value-list-item, pick-list-item: When an action is in the secondary-action slot should we default scale to be "s"?

    • Generally, this lets item heights be dictated more by their strings and less so by the Action
    • see issue #795

    Add doc about setting scale when passing components

  • [Matt] rename layout props to position and use start/end instead of leading/trailing? link

    We'll add position=start|end and deprecate layout=leading|trailing; keep until next breaking change

  • [Harry] Follow up on discussion surrounding text prefix.

    Use ui-<name> for bundled strings formalize and sync w/ calcite-components

Action Items

  • Katy will reach out to Jeremy to prioritize mobilization
  • Alan will reach out to Julio about ui-<name> pattern for calcite-components
    • ☝️ should be added to guidelines






  • [Matt] Pick list consistency questions. Derived from docs issue

    • should we rename props text-label and text-description to just label and description? Seems like the text part is unnecessary. We usually have the text- prefix for props that are used for UI strings that apply to every item but not for unique values.

    label and description are content; text-attr is meant for UI-customization

  • Add a breaking changes label? Could be helpful for release notes and keeping everything organized.

  • [Franco] Breaking changes doc

    • 🆗 to keep in changelog? - 👍
    • when to manually edit changelog if generated doc is vague? post-publish commits are 🆗
    • need to add script to make it easier to generate changelog preview.

Action Items

  • Harry will review decisions behind text-attr usage.

  • Franco will add a breaking label

  • Franco will update the scripts to generate a changelog preview


  • [Kumar] Value-list requirement.

    • UX for series editing in charts requires to place secondary action before the label and after the drag and drop image.
    • is this allowed as per value list design?
  • [Matt] Have PR open to fix up our global styles. Remove host usage and any unscoped classes PR #741 (merged)

  • [Harry] Sample app using components. Let's brainstorm some use cases for integrating our app components onto a demo app.

Action Items

  • Alan will sync w/ Mic on value-list design/requirements changes and follow up.
  • Kumar will talk w/ Harry about out-of-sync value-list item scenario
  • Harry will work on basic example app showcasing JS API + calcite[-app]-components
    • Using calcite-shell + LayerList as a starting point

