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clockfort edited this page Jan 24, 2013 · 3 revisions

Stuck on Sokoban? Already read the NetHack Wiki and you're still lost?

A lot of our Sokoban levels are extra-crafty. Things you may not realize you can do:

  • When you step in a hole and you're above Sokoban Level 1, you fall down a level and can use the stairs to get back up to your current Sokoban level. In this fashion, you can place yourself at the downstairs of the level you were just on, perhaps getting behind boulders you previously pushed into otherwise unpushable positions. This does NOT incur a luck penalty, and is in fact required for some of our levels.
  • There are sometimes less boulders than holes. Choose the holes you fill wisely.
  • Pushing boulders into lava has only a 10% chance of plugging them (presumably, they melt most of the time), so this solution method is not recommended.
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